Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 264: Medical Trouble and Pitfalls

The little nurse used her last bit of patience and said to the rich woman,

How many times do you want us to say that the puppet cat is different from other cats. Its stomach is very delicate, even more delicate than Garfield! Especially for purebred cats, there are inherent problems with the stomach, and you need to pay special attention to diet. What do you feed it? Its intestines and stomach can’t stand the miscellaneous things at all, and it’s normal to have a stress reaction. What you have to do now is to stop food for two days, and temporarily only feed water and probiotics to regulate the stomach. Wait until the stomach is better, and then feed cat food , but only one kind of cat food can be fed, and no more snacks and other things can be fed to it.”

The little nurse was doing her best for the good of the cat, but the rich woman still had an expression of not listening to me and said, What is miscellaneous food? The cat food, canned cat food, and snacks I bought are all imported from the United States. Expensive ones with high nutritional content, I only give it the best food for the sake of the baby.”

The rich woman's chattering voice made Tao Zhiyao even more upset. She interjected, Good cat food doesn't mean it's suitable for your cat. Every cat has different tastes. Some like chicken, some like fish, Maybe your Ragdoll prefers to eat cheaper cat food.

Tao Zhiyao used to raise cats on the Internet. He was a complete cat fanatic. He looked around on the Internet and knew a lot about cat care. He wished he could be more professional than a nurse.

She was kind enough to persuade the rich woman, hoping that the rich woman would calm down and let her ears be cleared up, but the rich woman thought she looked down on her, so what did she say, implying that she was poor?

She looked at Tao Zhiyao with disdain, You have the cheapest blue cat, do you know about Ragdoll cats? Do you know how much a Ragdoll cat costs? The worst ones cost tens of thousands!

Tao Zhiyao: ...

Ye Ziliang and the little nurse were also speechless, the brain circuits of the rich woman were not on the same frequency as them.

Compared with other breeds of cats, the price of blue cats is relatively low, and those of poor quality can be bought for one or two thousand, while those of good character will not exceed five thousand at most.

The little plum was bought by Tao Zhiwei, Tao Zhiyao didn't know how much it cost, and she didn't care about it, she only knew that it was her brother's wish, something money couldn't buy.

She went out in a hurry today and didn't bring a bag. If her blingbling brand-name bags showed off, the rich woman wouldn't think she was poor.

Tao Zhiyao and Ye Ziliang looked at each other. When they were filming Cute Pet Hospital here, they met all kinds of strange people, but those people were not as disgusting as this rich woman.

No matter how loud or noisy people are talking, the puppet cat in the arms of the rich woman is like a well-behaved little princess from beginning to end, beautiful and docile, completely different from her noisy master.

Tao Zhiyao was really worried that this strange thing would spoil the puppet cat.

But when the rich woman mentioned the price of the blue cat, she also reminded Tao Zhiyao that she hired her own driver, Do you know where my brother bought the little plum?

The driver shook his head.

Hey, forget it, I'll call him and ask him, Tao Zhiyao seldom took the initiative to call Tao Zhiwei, and she would not interfere with his work by making calls during Tao Zhiwei's working hours.

But for cats, all rules, all conventions, can be broken.

Tao Zhiyao's phone call was really not at the right time. Tao Zhiwei was receiving the boss of the cooperative company. In the meeting room, there were nearly 10 people from both companies attending the meeting together.

His phone is on silent, but he has set special reminders for his three most important family members, his parents and sister,

Seeing the caller ID, Tao Zhiwei was very surprised. He didn't care about the occasion, so he answered the phone. He knew that Tao Zhiyao would not look for him if he had nothing to do. Finding him must be a big deal, but her big deal is different from what he imagined. a little different,

Everyone saw that after Tao Zhiwei answered the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned, and said, I didn't buy the cat myself, I'll ask him for you.

cat? what cat

Business elites are at a loss.

Tao Zhi only had one look, the assistant who helped him buy the cat stepped forward tremblingly,

Where did you get that cat?

It's a cattery I found on Baidu. The name seems to be 'Famous Pet Cattery'.

The assistant had already guessed that there might be something wrong with the cat, and he was also very wronged. He suddenly received a call from the boss at night, asking him to buy a cat? !

He is usually very busy with work, so he doesn't have the time to deal with pets. He doesn't know anything about cats and dogs, let alone how to buy these small animals.

But he didn't dare to disobey Tao Zhiwei's order, so he could only bite the bullet and agree.

He first searched Dianping. The cattery selling cats on it was closed around 7 o'clock in the evening, so he had to search on Baidu, found a cattery that was not closed, and called the cattery left on the website. The phone number, the other party was very enthusiastic and expressed his willingness to wait for him to come and see the cat.

The address of the cattery was in a community. When the assistant arrived at the gate of the community, the person who claimed to be the owner of the cattery came to pick him up in person.

The owner of the cattery has been talking with him all the way, introducing his cattery as the most formal breeding cattery in the whole capital, with a very good service attitude, asking him enthusiastically, what kind of cat he wants to buy, and what is the psychological price .

After all, the assistant is an elite around Tao Zhiwei. He kept an eye out for it, knowing that the other party could see that he didn't understand cats, so he deliberately used his stereotypes. He didn't mention that he was buying cats for the leader, and the price was conservatively quoted at 3,000 yuan. .

The cattery is actually quite clean, with air conditioning, the temperature is suitable, and there is no peculiar smell in the air. Every big cat lives in a separate wooden cage. Seeing that the environment is good, the assistant let go of his guard.

There are many kittens for sale in the cattery, litter by litter, in various colors, in various appearances, everything that one expects to find, the assistant, a big man, thinks it is cute.

Every kitten is so cute, and it was difficult for the assistant to choose, so he took a photo of each litter and sent it to Tao Zhiwei, who let the boss decide for himself. Tao Zhiwei finally chose a litter of blue cats and circled them with colored lines. The one he took a fancy to was Xiao Lizi.

The owner of the cattery told his assistant that the price of blue cats was relatively high, and the one they were looking for was the best, and it cost 5,000 yuan, but seeing him drive all the way to buy a cat at night, he was very sincere, and it could be 1,000 yuan cheaper Yuan.

So, in the end, the assistant bought Xiao Lizi with 4000 yuan.

Two laymen, with no experience in buying cats, and did not do their homework in advance, were tricked by others. It is a trivial matter to spend too much money, but they bought a sick cat, which really killed their lives!

The assistant saw that Tao Zhiwei's expression was not right, and he didn't know what to do.

Tao Zhiwei felt very tired. He originally gave his sister the cat to make her happy, but just now when he heard his sister's voice on the phone, he felt that she was going to cry again.

Why did things get worse?

first update~~

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