The door of the living room was suddenly opened, and everyone's talking and laughing stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at the man who walked in directly. This man walked with style, with a domineering demeanor and full of aura. He was a man who could be seen as a big boss...

Jiang Chengfeng, Sun Weiwei, and Miao Xiaomei who were sitting on the sofa stood up immediately, and Li Xiaoru also hurriedly left the piano chair and hid behind Jiang Chengfeng awkwardly.

Only Liu Man, who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, reacted a little slower, or maybe she was not intimidated by this man, she put the guqin on the ground unhurriedly, and then got up calmly, seeing that this man was looking at her , then nodded and smiled at him with utmost courtesy.

Tao Zhiwei is not a lustful person, but when facing a group of strangers, people always subconsciously pay attention to the most eye-catching one, the girl in a pink ancient dress, sitting on the floor like an ancient person, with a guqin on her lap, she is really attractive eyeball.

Reciprocating courtesy, Tao Zhiwei also smiled at Liu Man. His smile softened the sharp look on his face, and made the others a little relieved.

Tao Zhiyao frowned, Brother, why are you back?

elder brother? ? ? ! ! !

This man turned out to be Tao Zi's brother!

Don't mention how surprised everyone is, because Tao Zhiyao and her brother's temperament are completely different, and the two don't look alike.

I'm just on a business trip for a week, can't I even go home? Tao Zhiwei glanced at Tao Zhiyao, and Tao Zhiyao fell silent.

She looked like a little daughter-in-law who swallowed her anger. In the Tao family, this is called respecting the elder brother and obeying the authority of the elder brother!

The image of the big sister before, even the shadow is gone. Tao Zhiyao changed back to Liu Man's appearance when he met Ji for the first time, dignified and ladylike.

Are they your friends? Don't you want to introduce them? Tao Zhiwei glanced at several people. He had been in the top position for a long time, and his eyes were very oppressive. Li Xiaoru tightened Jiang Chengfeng's sleeves. The younger sister is so cowardly that she can't wait to find a hole to bury herself in, Sun Weiwei really wants to leave now...

Tao Zhiyao's elder brother seemed too difficult to get along with.

Tao Zhiwei only took a few glances, and he could tell that except for the girl in the peach red dress, the other young people were not from their circle.

They are friends I met on the Internet, Tao Zhiyao truthfully introduced.

As she expected, her brother frowned.

Before Tao Zhiwei could say something ugly, Tao Zhiyao apologized to Liu Man and the others, I'm sorry, let's get together another day, and I'll ask the driver to take you home.

Everyone wishes for it!

They are all smart people, Tao Zhiwei obviously doesn't like him, why are they still hanging around here.

Li Xiaoru and Liu Man were still wearing Tao Zhiyao's clothes, but seeing the current situation, there was no time to change them, so they left with their clothes on, thinking that they would return the clothes to Tao Zhiyao next time.

The five people left quickly, and the living room, which had been laughing and laughing, became silent again.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Tao Zhiyao's eyes, she didn't have anything to say to her brother, and turned around to go upstairs to her bedroom.

Tao Zhiwei called her to stop,

Yaoyao, stop.

Tao Zhiyao immediately stopped moving.

You don't look for a job after graduating from university, and you don't want to work in 'Jintao'. You stay at home every day, play mobile phones and games all day long, and don't do business. You even bring your friends from the Internet to your house...

They're not cronies.

Tao Zhiwei stared at his younger sister with an unhappy expression on his face. His parents taught him and his sister not to interrupt others when they were young, and if they had any dissatisfaction, they had to wait until the other party had finished speaking.

All along, they have followed their parents' teachings, and they have always done so. His sister is even more cautious in words and deeds. This is the first time she interrupted him, and her eyes look full of anger.

My friends are all very good people, I don't allow you to slander them at will, Tao Zhiyao's voice was not loud, still within the range of a lady, but sonorous and forceful, never giving in.

Tao Zhiwei didn't expect her to value that group of people so much, I didn't mean to slander anyone. You are the daughter of the Tao family, and you should meet people of your own status. For people like us, we must be of the right family when we make friends.

People like us? What kind of people are we? Tao Zhiyao asked him back, They have the same knowledge as me, and their talents are superior to mine. What I am better than them is only a few coins in my pocket. .”

Tao Zhiwei thought of the Jasmine Flower played by the piano and guqin he had just heard, and the generosity and elegance of the girl in the peach red dress. He finally realized that he might have misunderstood the so-called netizens.

But he has completely offended Tao Zhiyao by saying fellow friends, Tao Zhiyao continued indifferently,

You and my parents never know what I want or what I want to do. I have said countless times in the college entrance examination that I want to learn to be a choreographer. You don't allow it, saying that it is not a proper job;

I hate those hypocritical social banquets, you always force me to attend, force me to make friends with those boring socialites, haha, don't think I don't know that you are saying that I am withdrawn behind my back;

I want to raise a cat, just because you don't like cats, so the creature cat has nothing to do with our family;

You asked me why I didn't look for a job, and I'll tell you right now, I'm not interested in finance or business, let me do things I don't like, I'd rather sleep in bed, play games, watch videos!

Tao Zhiyao kept these words in her heart for a long time, and she revealed them all. She couldn't hide her rebelliousness and uninhibitedness at all. These were the other side that her brother and parents had never seen before. It was the side of her on the Internet. The most authentic side.

Like other Tao family members, she raised her head proudly, but only to cover up the invisible tears in the corners of her eyes, so she would not cry in front of her brother, never!

But her expression was uglier than crying.

She looked at Tao Zhiwei coldly, and ran upstairs without looking back, only to hear a bang, she closed the door of her bedroom and living room.

Tao Zhiwei was completely stunned. A president who had strategized and led a large group of ten thousand people was at a loss as to what to do.

The butler stood in a hidden place, not daring to intervene in the dispute between the siblings, and just sighed lightly.

When it was time for dinner, Tao Zhiyao still didn't go downstairs.

The chef carefully cooked delicious dishes and filled the rectangular table in Tao's dining room. Tao Zhi was the only one sitting in front of the table. He invited the housekeeper to ask, Why are you cooking so many dishes today?

The housekeeper replied truthfully, Miss originally planned to entertain her friends for dinner, she told me one day in advance, and the ingredients were also purchased in advance, the chef said that these ingredients can only be eaten fresh, not today, tomorrow only can be thrown away.

The third update today~~ I left two cats at a friend's house last month, and I went to get them back at noon, so the update at 12 o'clock at noon may be a little later.

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