On the second day Ye Ziliang was unemployed, Liu Man got good news about herself from Professor Su. The regular script she wrote passed the initial evaluation organized by the Chinese Calligraphers Association and was successfully shortlisted for the National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Works Exhibition. Professor Su said that this time, more than 80,000 works participated in the review, and only about 800 works were finally included in the exhibition.

As a beginner of regular script, Liu Man is of course very happy that his work can be affirmed by the judges.

Su Yi was also very happy, but he didn't want his lover to get carried away, so he deliberately poured cold water on it, Sometimes the initial evaluation depends on luck. Tens of thousands of works are spread on the floor, just like those in the vegetable market. The judges must finish the evaluation within a second or two , Judging whether to be out or to be shortlisted, there are always judges who lose their patience and look away.

Liu Man was surprised, Could it be that they misread my work?

Su Yi coughed lightly and smiled awkwardly, Most of the judges have a strong sense of responsibility, which is relatively rare. There are about ten judges in the initial evaluation, and the works that can be shortlisted for the calligraphy exhibition must be excellent.

Liu Man immediately understood that Professor Su was fooling himself just now.

However, the initial evaluation is only the first level, followed by the re-evaluation, and the most important face-to-face evaluation. The judges of the re-evaluation and face-to-face evaluation are not the same group of judges as the judges of the initial evaluation. The former are senior experts from the Calligraphy Association. I once Served as a face-to-face judge, Professor Su said here, with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

Liu Man decisively and timely showed his admiration for the teacher on his face.

Su Yi was very satisfied with his lover's reaction, and continued, The difficulty for a contestant to win a prize or for his work to be permanently collected in the exhibition is no less than that of thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge, so since the summer vacation, I will give you a 'crash course', that is, I hope you can make sufficient and solid preparations before the National Exhibition, so that you won’t show your timidity on the spot and perform abnormally. From the perspective of the judges, to be honest, it is unlikely that your current level of regular script and official script will compete for awards...

Liu Man doesn't feel disappointed. First, she is self-aware. She is very clear about her level. She has only studied regular script and clerical script for half a year, no matter how talented she is, it is impossible to compare with those who have learned from famous teachers for decades. She was really satisfied that her regular script work could pass the preliminary review.

The second is that she knows that Professor Su likes to dig holes for her. If he says something like this, there must be a turning point later.

Sure enough, Su Yi said again, The judges of the re-evaluation usually refer to who the teacher of the contestants is when they select works. Disciples of famous teachers will definitely be shortlisted. Unless the qualifications are too poor, you are my apprentice, and the judges will never give me face.

In calligraphy circles, the status of a master is very important. This is a customary rule, and it has been like this for thousands of years. So when Su Yi first met Liu Man, he asked her who she studied under.

Calligraphy masters allow apprentices to learn vision and details that they will never be able to learn by themselves, and experience different thinking and realms. What's more, being accepted as an apprentice by a calligrapher-level person means that she has been affirmed by the big boss. This is a round of evaluation in itself. If a big boss endorses her, other people will think highly of her.

After the re-evaluation, only 300 of the 800 works will be left.

The face-to-face evaluation is very difficult, and the author of the work needs to participate in person. There are 5 judges who are at the same level as me. Generally, a group of 10 authors will enter the face-to-face evaluation process. During the face-to-face evaluation, the judges will re-write the question on the spot. 10 people Only 2 people can pass the face-to-face evaluation. If you can pass the face-to-face evaluation, your work can be permanently collected by the exhibition. If you want to pass the face-to-face evaluation, you must and must only use the seal script you are good at, remember?

Professor Su was teaching her how to pass the examination, with good intentions, Liu Man nodded hurriedly.

At the end, there is a free play session. Every exhibition is different. Usually, it is a temporary discussion between several main judges. No one knows or guesses in advance. Even they themselves can't predict what topics will come up. This link determines the final top ten, and only the top ten will have bonuses.

Su Yi knew that Liu Man liked money, so he emphasized it.

The strength of the authors in the face-to-face evaluation should not be underestimated. Their teacher may even be one of the judges, but you don't have to worry. There are 5 judges. They come from different places and are good at different fonts. It is impossible for them to favor the same A contestant.

Therefore, in this kind of occasion, the mentality is very important. Don't be nervous to compare. You are a newcomer and your competitiveness is not strong. Even if you fail this time, you will still have opportunities in the future. I hope you can look at other people with a calm and open attitude. Excellent works, you can go to watch them, chat with other authors and learn from them.”

Okay, if there is something I don't understand, I will ask other people for advice.

Although Liu Man wanted to make money, he didn't expect to win the first place in such an elite gathering place. Moreover, Professor Su said before that the first place in the exhibition can only get a bonus of 30,000 yuan.

The National Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Works Exhibition is only held every four years. It is the largest exhibition in the calligraphy circle. It is said to be an exhibition, but it is actually a competition in another sense.

Countless calligraphy lovers have devoted themselves to preparing for four years, just to participate in this national exhibition, they don't value prize money, but pay more attention to reputation and belief. Calligraphy lovers regard it as a kind of affirmation of their own calligraphy level. If they can enter the top 60, they can be included in the book collection. In the field, with the official recognition of the exhibition, do you still worry about your own words being worthless in the future?

Everything is possible!

For example, Su Yi's work requires a minimum of 500,000 yuan.

Liu Man is just a rookie, if it wasn't for Su Yi's guidance, she wouldn't even know where the registration gate for the National Exhibition is, let alone the twists and turns.

Therefore, she didn't have those utilitarianism, and she was very calm from the beginning to the end, taking this matter as an opportunity to see the world.

The exhibition is divided into two parts, calligraphy (paper) and lettering, and lettering is subdivided into: seal carving (stone carving) and lettering (wood carving). in the ancient capital.

The re-evaluation will be carried out in one week. After the re-evaluation is over, there will be a face-to-face evaluation.

At that time, I will go to the ancient capital with you, Su Yi said.

Liu Man couldn't bear the heart of Professor Su traveling long distances for her at such an age.

Thank you, I will have no problem going by myself.

Su Yi glared at her, Don't look at me like a sick child, my health is very good! I was a judge in the past, and I still fly around in the sky. I am a little older now, but I am proud of you outside the arena. There is still energy to come on!”

Besides, without him watching, he was worried that his little apprentice would be bullied at the exhibition site!

Adding the fourth update today, I don't like today's chapter number 250, so there will be a fifth update later.

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