After a while of silence, the young man rubbed his eyes, trying to wipe away his tears, and said in a low voice, I don't think it can survive. It is a stray dog ​​in the community where I rented. I fetched it for it. One’s name is Rhubarb, and every time I call him Rhubarb, he will run over wagging his tail, I bought dog food, fed it every day, and made a small nest for him in the corridor with cardboard boxes and old clothes.”

Every morning when I go to work, it will send me off, and when I get off work at night, it will pick me up. I didn't see it when I went out today, and I felt an ominous premonition in my heart. I searched everywhere and found it at the gate of the community. In the green belt, the hind legs were already like this at that time.

Little brother, you have done your best to treat Rhubarb well, don't blame yourself, Paul's voice comforted him.

Many netizens felt that their noses were sour and they were very moved.

I don't want rhubarb to die. It is my little brother's partner. Without him, what will my little brother do?

It's so serious, can you live?

Even if he survives, he is still a disabled dog. He is homeless and disabled. What will he do in the future?

A dog has no hind legs, and he doesn't even have the freedom of movement. It's better to die than to live in pain.

Can you stop being so negative? Haven't you heard that it's better to live than to die? People don't have legs and can be used as prosthetics, but dogs can.

Hehe, do you know how expensive pet disability supplies are?

While everyone was discussing, the screen went black again, and a line of words appeared: After more than an hour of surgery, Rhubarb's life was finally saved.

Great, great.

It's good to be alive.

Little brother can breathe a sigh of relief.

I really don't agree with saving it...

In the picture, Rhubarb is lying in an incubator with his eyes closed, his two hind legs are gone, and his incomplete parts are wrapped with gauze.

At the same time, a dialogue sounded from the narration: You call Manager Wu and order a wheelchair for disabled dogs.


How much is the wheelchair?

About four thousand.

Who pays for this money?


The boss is very kind. He has great love for small animals. Didn't you notice that the stray dogs and cats on our street are all better. Since the moonlight incident, the boss has paid for pet food out of his own pocket. Feed the nearby cats and dogs on time every day, and they will grow fatter.

Besides, there is no wheelchair. Even if the dog is cured, it will not be able to live normally. We have already expended so much energy to save it, and it is impossible to lose on the 4,000 yuan in the end.

This dialogue has no beginning and no end, no characters appear, and several different voices are intertwined, but it has answered the doubts of some viewers just now - the follow-up life of the dog, the veterinarian wearing a mask, has already thought about it up.

The person who just said why the doctor is not free, come out and slap him in the face!

Those who just said that it is meaningless for a dog to live come out and slap them in the face!

Practices of medicine have boundless love and save all living beings. I admire this veterinarian.

I watched the four recent documentaries, and this one impressed me the most. The young ladies and brothers are all very good. I hope all furry children can be treated well.

Yes, I, a person who didn't like small animals before, was touched.

I just want to know what the 'moonlight thing' is.

The audience watching the documentary and the fans of Princess Qieman are two groups, so far, they have not overlapped each other.

The screen went black again, and a line of words appeared: Dahuang is still recuperating in the hospital, recovering well, and a dog wheelchair tailored for him is under production.

To prove this sentence, in the next picture, Rhubarb is lying on a special pet hospital bed, wearing an Elizabethan circle on his head, and his hind legs are still wrapped. A pair of eyes are round and round, looking very energetic. A beautiful piano sound sounded at this moment, as if praying for the day when Rhubarb can fully heal.

The screen switched, and four cats and dogs appeared. Paul also appeared again. He introduced his little friends to everyone, Now I will introduce my friends to you. The one with golden hair and green eyes is called Sunlight, and the one with white gray hair and green eyes is called Moonlight, the white-haired mandarin duck-eyed dog is called Melon, and as for this dog who always dislikes me, you can call it whatever you want, even Fried-haired Gouzi.

After the narration Paul finished speaking, the little Pomeranian with fried hair grinned at it.

Little Pomeranian, it's fun.

Three cats are cuter, my heart is going to be cute.

They are all breed cats. According to Paul's introduction, they should be gold gradient, silver gradient and Persian cat in order.

These three cats are more expensive than two dogs.

Hey, hey, your focus is wrong, okay? For me, no matter the price or breed, all fur babies are cute.

Paul’s narration will unravel the mystery of “The Moonlight Thing”: “My little friend Moonlight, like Rhubarb, used to be a wandering animal on the street. One day, a young lady sent him here and asked for a metaphor. Rescue it, it was dying at the time, but fortunately Yu Yu's superb medical skills rescued it from the hands of the god of death, later the young lady adopted her and gave it a nice name called 'Moonlight', which happened to be the same as the sun right.

So that's what happened. That silver gradient was once a stray cat. Looking at its thick hair and fat appearance, I never imagined that it was so pitiful before.

I always feel that the names of Moonlight and Sunlight are a little familiar, as if I have heard them somewhere.

I feel the same, I also feel familiar.

When several viewers were puzzled, a profile of a young lady appeared in the video. She hugged Moonlight on her lap, lowered her head and stroked the cat's chin, her long straight hair fell on her shoulders, and her eyes were gentle.

This shot lasted only ten seconds, and the young lady only showed her profile. Everyone didn't react for a while, and the scene flashed past.

I'm not dazzled, am I? That young lady just now is the goddess of Hanfu??

I went back and read it again. It was the goddess of Hanfu herself.

Well, I took a screenshot, it is the goddess of Hanfu.

No wonder I said that the two cats look familiar and familiar. They are the favorite pets of the goddess of Hanfu. These two cats are often posted on her Weibo.

It's amazing, who is the author of this documentary? He even invited the goddess of Hanfu and her cat to make cameo appearances.

Compared to the goddess of Hanfu, I think Dr. Yu is more attractive.

At this time, the video is playing the scene of Yu Zhan hugging the moonlight and holding the moonlight high. He is still wearing a mask, and his big hands are holding the cat’s buttocks and chin. He is looking at the cat’s green eyes, as if coaxing it , audiences off-screen can feel his love for small animals.

It's so warm. Doctor Yu is a super warm man.

I was guessed by the readers' comments in the previous chapter Rice Wine Round, and I really didn't wake up. I just sat on a plane for more than ten hours, and I was dizzy. I found the mistake after posting the new chapter, and it has been corrected. If there are any typos or incoherent words, please leave a message to tell me. Now I simply posted all the three updates on the 29th at once, and these three updates were also saved a month ago. I don’t know if you have noticed this period of time. I basically didn’t leave a message in this chapter, because I put all the chapters in the draft box a month ago, edited them in advance, and published them regularly. The saved manuscripts are about to run out. Tomorrow Start codeword saving.

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