Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 240: The Documentary Begins

How ugly the drama during the summer vacation is, I actually watched the documentary in front of the computer.

But this documentary is indeed better than those brain-dead dramas. I didn't know that there were so many gossip stories in the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially the real life of those concubines was much more pitiful than those shown in TV dramas.

Not much to say, just give these six cultural relics treasures a five-star praise.

I think the idea of ​​this documentary is very good. It uses cultural relics as the carrier to record the change of dynasties, witness the baptism of war and displacement, and I also give it five stars.

I have been to the Forbidden City twice, and I feel that I have gained nothing except taking pictures every time. I don't understand the stories behind these cultural relics at all. I plan to go to the Forbidden City again.

I just like watching historical documentaries, cultural relics, history, and China!


Guo Nan still has two brushes. His documentary has a high intention, going back 600 years from the future, allowing the audience to understand the history carried on these old objects, and introducing and promoting traditional Chinese culture.

By the evening of August 2, before the second documentary was broadcast, Six Hundred Years of the Forbidden City had already had 50,000+ views. But there are still people who give a bad review of one star.

The plots of the six stories are illogical and coherent. I feel that the author first randomly found the stories on the Internet, and then went to the Forbidden City to find the corresponding cultural relics. Therefore, some details cannot be deliberated, and I feel very rigid.

The acting skills of the extras who performed the story were so embarrassing. There were a few scenes where I felt like they were going to laugh. Can you have some refreshments? It's a national TV documentary. Can it be so shoddy?

I think the author should be a novice. The transitions of several shots are very strange. The previous story stopped abruptly before it was finished. He hurriedly entered the next story, which really affects the senses. Sorry, I just want to Can give one star.

It's the same upstairs. I guess the script wasn't written well. I didn't know how to make it, so I just shot the second story.


Because Six Hundred Years of the Forbidden City was unexpectedly popular among young people, Daily Life in the News Broadcasting Room was turned over as soon as it was broadcast on the official website of China National Television.

As the name suggests, Daily Life in the News Broadcast Room tells the stories behind the news anchors. The author followed two third-tier news anchors from the national TV station for ten days and edited their daily life into a documentary .

I like this theme! Give five stars first after looking at the title.

My mother likes to watch the news hosted by these two people, okay? She is watching the documentary with me now.

The female anchor is so beautiful, hehehe, I give it five stars.

News anchors look super serious on TV, but I didn't expect that they are no different from us ordinary people when they speak in private.

It's okay, I don't think it's as good as yesterday's Forbidden City.

It feels like a reality show for a variety show star. There is nothing special about it. Give it three stars.

And the sentences these people speak are so written that they seem to be reciting lines. They are not recorded at all. I only give one star.

I watched it fast-forward. There was nothing explosive, and it wasn't funny. It was really 'everyday'. To be honest, it was kind of boring. I'll give it two stars.

Daily Life in the Live News Room is obviously not as popular as Six Hundred Years of the Forbidden City. After a day, the number of views is only 10,000+.

On August 3, City Lights was broadcast, and the reprinter also quickly reprinted it.

City Lights is closer to reality. It tells about five silently dedicated professions in the city, including cleaners, traffic police, nurses, kindergarten teachers and construction workers, which means that ordinary people are the lights of the city.

To be honest, the plot is a bit old-fashioned, and one star is the most.

Well, and the whole process was forcibly sensational, but I didn't feel any tears, the same star.

I admit that these occupations are very tiring and hard, but the work of ordinary people is not easy. Don't we earn hard money? Samsung.

I want to say that my cousin is a preschool teacher. She is not as great as described in the video. Every time I see her, she complains to us about those annoying children. 'Hateful' is her original words. She said that sometimes it is true. Want to strangle those little kids to death.

The cousin upstairs is scary, please ask which kindergarten she works in, let's pay attention.

People are just complaining verbally. People with really bad intentions may not say it casually.

There are model workers and scum in all walks of life. I don't like the feeling of being represented. One star.


City Lights had a worse response than Daily Live News, with only 7,000+ views, and it sank quickly.

So far, Six Hundred Years of the Forbidden City has a score of 4.6, Daily News Live has a score of 3.9, and City Lights has a score of 3.2.

On August 4th, Ye Ziliang's Cute Pet Hospital was finally broadcast online.

As the word-of-mouth of the previous three documentaries is getting worse and worse, according to this trend, the fourth documentary should be even worse, so the reprinter did not transfer the video as quickly as before, but first watched it on the official website of the national channel again.

After he finished watching it, he couldn't help but read it a second time!

After watching it for the second time, he belatedly transferred the documentary to the video website.

For the first three retweets, he was lazy and didn’t write a note for the reposted documentary. This time he couldn’t restrain his inner excitement, and wrote in the note column: “Treasure-level documentary! It’s definitely worth spending 30 minutes of your life to go to Look.

His remarks were so exaggerated that everyone who was not interested in it became interested.

Viewers first look at the title - Cute Pet Hospital, is it about a pet hospital? The theme is quite new,

Click on the video, first there is a cheerful and lively piano sound, and then accompanied by the music, a dog’s head suddenly appears on the screen. Viewers who know dogs know that this is an Alaska. With a smirk.

What a cute dog! It really is a cute pet!

I like sledding the most, and the three are stupid, one is more stupid than the other.

The sound of the piano gradually diminished, and with the accompaniment of the sound, the dog actually opened his mouth to speak: Hi everyone, my name is Paul, I am an Alaskan sled dog born in the United States, and this is my excrement shovel officer Work place, as the dog narrated, the screen switched to the main entrance of the pet hospital, the signboard was mosaiced, and the audience could only see Pet medical service: Monday to Sunday: 9:00-10:00, closed on Tuesdays in blue letters.

I occasionally take a nap and play here. Come on, let me introduce to you, my favorite shit shoveler...

A man wearing a mask and a blue sterile suit appeared in the camera. He was holding an inspection report in his hand and was talking to a guest. His eyes were as serious and focused as the dog introduced.

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