Ye Ziliang and the others continued their filming, and Liu Man went to the warehouse next door.

today is monday

According to experience, the cat food shipment volume is the largest on Monday, because customers like to place orders on weekends. Liu Man thought that Liu Chengyu would come to help Zhang Pei, and entered the warehouse, but still only saw Zhang Pei and a few workers.

Man, you came just in time, help me to calculate this account, I have calculated it several times, but it still doesn't match, and I don't know what went wrong.

Won't Dad come and help you?

Oh, I forgot to tell you that he has a new job, Zhang Pei's tone was not salty when he mentioned Liu Chengyu.

What job?

Do odd jobs in a public institution, Zhang Pei said with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Liu Chengyu has officially been on duty for a week, and his new job is really leisurely. Going to work at 9:30 in the morning is not considered late, and leaving get off work at 4 in the afternoon is not regarded as leaving early.

Zhang Pei used to think this kind of job was good, so she hoped that Liu Man could find the same type of job, with no pressure, free time, and stability, but with a lower salary.

But when her husband got her dream job, she didn't like him anyway.

Liu Chengyu has just arrived, and he is busy every day with the personnel relations in his new unit, pleasing other people, for fear that others will know what he committed before.

Knowing that Zhang Pei left earlier and returned later than himself, he never thought of coming to the warehouse to help Zhang Pei.

Zhang Pei told him about her and Liu Man's careers. He knew that Zhang Pei's job was to manage a few migrant workers and pack cat food with them for delivery.

Does this kind of low-level labor with no technical content still need him to do it? Liu Chengyu was a graduate of a prestigious university in his early years. Before the accident, he was a small cadre. He still puts on the airs of a cadre and disdains working with migrant workers.

Moreover, seeing Zhang Pei's energetic and radiant appearance every day, he felt that her work must not be hard, because when she was a full-time wife before, she was not in such a good state as she is now.

His top priority is to gain a firm foothold in his new unit and find a way to get promoted and raise his salary! Instead of running to do the work of migrant workers.

When Zhang Pei thought that Liu Chengyu would not go to work on weekends and would rather sleep at home than come to help, Zhang Pei became very angry, but she did not show her dissatisfaction with her husband in front of Liu Man.

After all, at the beginning, it was she who spent all she had, borrowed money everywhere, and made Liu Man endure hardships with her, so she managed to bail this man out.

Liu Man didn't know the complicated thoughts in Zhang Pei's mind. She had already helped Zhang Pei check the accounts clearly, and also carefully checked the general bills during this period. It was only halfway through July, and their profit was already 70,000 yuan.

At this time, Zhang Pei also mentioned the idea of ​​expanding the warehouse, Our warehouse area is too small, and the goods that arrive in Hong Kong every Friday, we basically sell them out on Monday, and there is no goods to send from Tuesday to Thursday. status.

Looking around, there are indeed only cardboard boxes and a few packages of loose cat food left in the warehouse.

But we don't have enough money now, Liu Man said. At the end of the month we have to pay lawyer Li 150,000 yuan in legal fees.

She did not forget the agreement with Li Shuhua, that after Liu Chengyu came out, she would pay the legal fees by the end of the month at the latest, 70,000 plus the 20,000 she paid for recording the theme song, it was only 90,000, still 60,000 short.

If there is no problem with the business, then the remaining 60,000 yuan will definitely be earned by the end of the month.

Hearing the word lawyer's fee, Zhang Pei sneered,

We don't need to help your father pay the money. He is capable and tough. He can go on his own.

Liu Man frowned, she felt that what Zhang Pei said was angry, she seemed to have quarreled with Liu Chengyu.

She didn't take Zhang Pei's words seriously, because she felt that Liu Chengyu couldn't afford the 150,000 lawyer's fee.

But Zhang Pei said very solemnly and forcefully, You really don't need to worry about him. Use the money in your hand to rent a bigger warehouse. Only with a big warehouse can we make more money. Our business to expand.

After five consecutive days of shooting, Ye Ziliang gave everyone a day off to rest. He also has to go back to the TV station to report to the leader on the progress of his work.

In fact, the leaders were not satisfied with Ye Ziliang’s topic selection from the beginning to the end. The themes of the documentaries of Ye Ziliang’s three competitors were Daily News Live Room, Six Hundred Years of the Forbidden City and City Light. The themes are very high-end. Compared with them, Ye Ziliang's Cute Pet Hospital seems to have a lack of structure. It is too petty to shoot any kind of pets. This is the leader's original words.

But Ye Ziliang still insisted on his own opinion.

When he came out of the leadership office, he met Guo Nan, the producer of Six Hundred Years of the Forbidden City. Guo Nan said, You are the latest among us to start filming. Why did you choose such a non-mainstream theme after careful consideration?

Guo Nan's tone sounded a bit sarcastic.

Ye Ziliang followed his intentions and laughed at himself, I can't help it. I don't have as many contacts as you. I can directly go to the Palace Museum to shoot. You are really amazing!

Guo Nan thought Ye Ziliang was sincerely complimenting him, so he smiled, It's not difficult to enter the Forbidden City, thanks to my uncle, just say hello to the dean.

Among the four of them, Ye Ziliang's background is the weakest. Although Ye Zi'an is a well-known director, he has come to this day alone by himself. Ye Zi'an is actually using his own struggle and hard work to protect him. The younger brother, his pressure is the greatest.

Ye Ziliang doesn't want to film the live news room? Don't want to take pictures of the Forbidden City?

But will people let you shoot?

Those few well-known news anchors looked up to the sky when they saw the low-level TV station personnel like Ye Ziliang, but they could follow the daily life of the news anchors with their cameras.

Not to mention the on-site shooting in the Forbidden City, which even many great directors can't handle.

Guo Nan's background is indeed strong enough!

People are more popular than people.

I think you shouldn't waste your time. You might as well spend the month of filming the documentary to find other relationships and stabilize your position first, or you can change departments.

Guo Nan said this out of good intentions. He thought that Ye Ziliang’s documentary would be useless if he wanted to win against them. Since Ye Ziliang had absolutely no chance of being a producer assistant in the documentary department, he should hurry up and find his brother or someone else. People, plan other ways out for him.

But this suggestion was more embarrassing than real humiliation, Ye Ziliang said coldly, Thank you for your concern, I have to leave beforehand.

He turned and left without giving Guo Nan a chance to say a second sentence.

Guo Nan looked at his back and raised his eyebrows, hehe, he even dragged him, kindly treating him like a donkey. When the documentary is officially broadcast on the Internet and his grades are at the bottom, let's see how he is still dragged.

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