Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 230 The dog is the protagonist

Seeing Yu Zhan's behavior as a gentleman, and thinking of He Qisi's pretence to her in the past, Sun Weiwei felt particularly ironic.

With Yu Zhan's encouragement, Sun Weiwei reached out and touched Paul's chin, as well as his eyelids and wet nostrils. Paul not only cooperated, but also responded to her proactively, ignoring her at all, and the smile on Sun Weiwei's face became more and more the bigger the

This dog is so cute!

The more she touched it, the more addicted it became, and she hugged Paul.

She never knew that one day she would fall in love with small animals.

Seeing that Sun Weiwei was addicted to playing dogs, Tao Zhiyao and Ye Ziliang both laughed.

Tao Zhiyao asked Ye Ziliang, How do you want me to shoot?

Ye Ziliang pointed to the sign with the word Zhan written on it, Start shooting from the sign, a close-up, and quickly enter the theme of the documentary, so that the audience can understand it at a glance. But there is no need to highlight the store name, we will mosaic the sign at that time. Avoid making the audience think that we are advertising A Zhan.

After he finished speaking, he said to Yu Zhan, Paul will be standing at the door of the store later. I said that at the beginning, let him walk in on his own initiative, like a person, and push open the door of your store.

The little nurse said, How can this be done? The dog can't open the door, so we can't let us open it, so what's the matter?

You can tie two ropes to the handle behind the door, we pull it inside, and we can't see it from the outside, Sun Weiwei said.

Ye Ziliang boasted, Wei Wei is still the smartest! This is a good idea.

Several people immediately started to get busy.

Although Paul is gentle and honest, and understands instructions, he is not a human after all, and it is impossible to follow Ye Yeliang's request and the master's instructions to complete every step.

Paul doesn't understand why everyone is around him today, making him nervous, and when he gets nervous, he doesn't know what to do.

Only ten seconds of walking footage.

Paul walked the S route for a while, sat on the ground in a daze, licked his butt, bit the grass in the flower bed for a while, and then lifted his hind hooves to pee directly inside... Everyone felt very tired!

After NG countless times, they finally took the seemingly simple shot of the dog entering the door from the outside.

Sun Weiwei lamented that this shooting mode is dozens of times more difficult than Xiao Shi Xianchang, Xiao Shi Xian Xian actually has no technical content, and it is all supported by her script and Liu Man's good looks.

Those documentaries we saw on TV, in dozens of minutes, were all finished in one fell swoop. I never thought it would be so difficult to shoot behind the scenes.

Yeliang said, My brother directing a movie is more difficult than this. The more people there are, the more troublesome it will be. If the animals don't cooperate, they can always capture the right shots. If people don't cooperate, it will be a disaster.

After nine o'clock, Yu Zhan was going to work, and the three of them had to continue filming.

The harvest on the second day was much more than on the first day.

That night, Tao Zhiyao edited the video she shot today and sent it to a new WeChat group called Cute Pet Hospital formed by several of them.

Who will dub Paul's lines? - Tao Zhiyao

Paul is a male dog. He must use a male voice to let Brother Ziliang or the wind come. - Sun Weiwei

It was dubbed by Chengfeng. His voice is more distinctive than mine, and it sounds very interesting. - Ye Ziliang

Okay, I'll do the dubbing! - Jiang Chengfeng

This is my first time doing this. If I don't match well, you are not allowed to hit me. - Jiang Chengfeng

I believe you can do it! Come on! - Li Xiaoru

Li Xiaoru's encouragement made Jiang Chengfeng laugh like a fool holding his mobile phone.

Ye Ziliang sent Paul's lines written by himself to Jiang Chengfeng through WeChat.

Jiang Chengfeng was full of energy and stayed up all night to finish his work. Early the next morning, he sent the dubbed clip to the group, Look at it, can this work? If you have any questions, let me know, I'll immediately change.

Everyone clicked on his video, and the first thing that caught the eye was a big sign: Zhan - Pet Hospital, unfortunately, there will be mosaics behind this picture, and the camera slides down to capture his schedule: Pet Medical Services : Monday to Sunday: 9:00-10:00, closed on Tuesday.

At this moment, a large Alaskan face suddenly appeared in the camera, it opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue, and Jiang Chengfeng's voice appeared at this moment: Hello everyone, my name is Paul, and I am a born in the United States. The Alaskan Malamute, this is where my shit shoveling officer works, and I occasionally take a nap and play here. Come, let me introduce to you, my most admired shit shovel officer, a dedicated, serious, and meticulous man— metaphor.

In the video, Yu Zhan appeared. He was wearing a mask and talking to Miss Yu, who had his back to the camera. From this perspective, he really had the majesty of a doctor.

Yu Yu is the boss here, a practicing veterinarian, and a super warm man. He not only takes care of all my daily meals, but also helps other friends solve their physical problems.

This is the end of Jiang Chengfeng's dubbing.

His voice sounds cartoony and funny, which makes people want to keep watching.

Very good, you will be solely responsible for Paul's dubbing in the future. - Ye Liang

I have a question, why is my name Yu Yu???? - Yu Zhan

That's what the lines say, you go to Ziliang to complain... - Jiang Chengfeng

Yu Yu, it's a good name, cute. - Liu Man

Manman is finally online! - Li Xiaoru

Where have you been recently, I haven't seen you show up. - Sun Weiwei

These three days happened to be the time for me to learn calligraphy with Professor Su. - Liu Man

Xiao Man is a very busy person. - Tao Zhiyao

Azhan is the busiest! - Liu Man

Everyone stopped talking because they agreed with Liu Man's point of view.

Ye Ziliang, Sun Weiwei, and Tao Zhiyao felt the deepest feelings. Yu Zhan had to work and take care of their filming. He left early and late every day, but he didn't have a single complaint.

Seeing that the calligraphy exhibition is getting closer and closer, Su Yi has higher requirements for Liu Man. Three days a week, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, she spends her time in Professor Su's study at home. Professor Su said that this is a closed, high-pressure, cramming-style teaching, which can quickly set her on the road to becoming a god!

Today, Liu Man finally had time to rest. After watching Jiang Chengfeng's dubbing video, she went to Yu Zhan's pet hospital to watch how they filmed. She lives far away now, and it takes more than 40 minutes to get there by subway.

Today is also lucky, the first guest is willing to cooperate with Yeliang and the others to shoot.

The guest is a young man. He is holding a Chinese pastoral dog. It was hit by a car. I went to several pet hospitals in a row. They either didn't open the door or they didn't want to admit it. Can you save him?

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