July 1 is the day when Liu Chengyu returned home.

Liu Man and Zhang Pei followed Sun Yiyi to the detention center early in the morning.

Zhang Pei saw that Liu Man was a little nervous, and comforted, Your father is a very talkative person. He dotes on you very much. From childhood to adulthood, he never said a single heavy word to you.

Liu Man thought to himself that what Liu Chengyu doted on was his biological daughter, not her.

Sun Yiyi, who was driving, heard Zhang Pei's words and thought it was very strange. Her tone was as if Liu Man didn't recognize her father.

Arriving outside the detention center, the three of them waited for about ten minutes before Liu Chengyu came out.

After a full 200 days in prison, Liu Chengyu lost his shape, his clothes and trousers were empty, he turned black, his hair became shorter, and he looked ten years older than before.

Seeing her beloved husband, Zhang Pei immediately burst into tears, and walked forward quickly, probably because he had been locked up for a long time, and Liu Chengyu was still a little dumbfounded. When he saw his wife walking to him, he realized that he had a long-lost look. smile.

Zhang Pei hit him on the shoulder a few times, I will let you drink in the future, let you drink in the future!

She used a lot of strength, but Liu Chengyu endured it silently, smiled at her, let her fight enough, and then gently hugged her, I'm sorry, I made you and Manman suffer.

Liu Chengyu's words made Zhang Pei strong for half a year and collapsed instantly. She buried herself on Liu Chengyu's shoulder and burst into tears, You are inside, you don't know anything...

In half a year, most of the changes happened. The jewelry he gave her was sold, their house was mortgaged, her daughter became an Internet celebrity, she went out to work and helped her sell cat food. become two...

The biggest difference is that their daughter changed the core...

Liu Chengyu stroked his wife's hair to soothe her emotions, looked up and saw Liu Man, standing not far away, looking at him curiously.

She was wearing a light blue mid-sleeve dress, her figure was elegant, her long black hair was tied behind her head, and her clean eyebrows were like rain and fog in the distant mountains.

Liu Chengyu only glanced at it and knew that she was not his daughter.

Although she has the exact same appearance as his daughter.

The smile on his face disappeared suddenly.

Last night, Liu Chengyu slept on a dirty bed and had a dream. He dreamed that her daughter had swapped bodies with a Han Dynasty princess and became a queen in ancient times...

Liu Chengyu always thought it was because he was approaching freedom and missed his daughter so much that he had such strange dreams, but when he saw Liu Man at this moment, he realized that those dreams were actually real.

Thanks to various interrogations by the police in the detention center, he has exercised his strong psychological endurance. Even if he cannot accept this fact at all, he does not appear surprised.

Liu Chengyu asked Zhang Pei for confirmation, She is not Manman!

Zhang Pei was worried that Liu Chengyu was talking nonsense here, and quickly said, I'll go back and tell you in detail.

I know she's a princess.

Zhang Pei was surprised, Have you had a dream too?

Her words made Liu Chengyu feel a bit cold. Both of them had the same dream. Then, the dream must be real. Because of his drunk driving, her daughter went to such a distant place that they would never see each other again in their lifetime. arrive.

He clenched his fists, extremely regretful, It's all my fault.

Zhang Pei had already seen it, This is the child's creation, it is God's arrangement, Manman lived well there, her husband was also very good to her, the two of them have children in groups, we just hope that Manman Can Man live a good life? She has become a queen, we should be content.

She pulled Liu Chengyu, who was born from her own background, The first time we met, you took the initiative to talk to the princess. This child is afraid that you will not accept her.

Hearing this, Liu Chengyu glanced at the girl not far away.

The couple walked up to Liu Man, and Liu Man smiled restrainedly at Liu Chengyu.

Her smile was very clear, which made Liu Chengyu put down his grudges and hostility a little, and said to her, Hello.

Monk Sun Yiyi Zhang Er was puzzled, what happened to this family? Liu Chengyu is also strange, being so polite to his daughter.

In Liu Man's memory, at this time, the former owner would definitely run forward and hug his father, who would definitely lift her up, and the two of them laughed happily.

Liu Man knew that she would never be able to do these actions, but she would respect Liu Chengyu as a senior.

Liu Chengyu only said hello, and after that, he and Liu Man didn't have any communication, just like strangers. He didn't want to talk to someone who didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost that was occupying his daughter's body.

Liu Man felt embarrassed, and she also felt that Liu Chengyu didn't like her.

That night, Sun Yiyi booked a box in a restaurant, and the two families got together to celebrate Liu Chengyu's return to freedom. There was no happy expression on Liu Chengyu's face. He wanted to drink wine to relieve his worries, and invited the waiter to order wine, but was stopped by Zhang Pei and Sun Yiyi.

Sun Yiyi jokingly said, Didn't you say that you are afraid of a well rope after being bitten by a snake for ten years, why are you still thinking about drinking?

Zhang Pei said sternly, You gave me abstinence from alcohol.

Liu Chengyu stopped mentioning wine and forced a smile.

Sun Yiyi told him all the details of his case, and emphasized that a lawyer named Li Shuhua had helped them a lot, otherwise he would have to wait until the end of the year before he could come out. Liu Chengyu said that he would find a time to come to thank the lawyer Li.

Liu Man and Sun Weiwei were sitting together.

Because everyone was preparing for the final exam before, Sun Weiwei had not seen Liu Man for a few weeks.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Man was expelled from the school, and she was about to become his classmate in the blink of an eye.

It's not only magical, it's weird.

Although Sun Weiwei is from the Faculty of Law, she has also heard of Su Yi's name. She never imagined that Liu Man would be related to the old professor Su Yi and became his close disciple.

Sun Weiwei recalled that during the filming of Xiao Shi Senior, there were two times when Liu Man held a thick book in his hand, one seemed to be Tang poetry, the other seemed to be Song poetry or something.

At the time, everyone thought she was pretending.

You have two books like Tang Poetry and Song Poetry that you held on Saturday, are they related to Professor Su? Sun Weiwei asked.

Liu Man nodded and told her truthfully, Professor Su lent me the book, and I would go to him every Saturday morning to study calligraphy and Chinese studies.

By the way, what major did you transfer to our school?

Classical Literature Department.

The Department of Classical Literature is such a non-mainstream and difficult profession!

Sun Weiwei opened her eyes and stared at the girl in front of her carefully. She was familiar with her appearance. She has seen it since kindergarten.

But, is she really Liu Man?

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