Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 214: Behind the Scenes

Tang Daqing felt very strange. He seldom took the initiative to ask for his son. Today, he actually called him and said that he suspected that someone in his alma mater was seriously breaking the law.

What's even more amazing is that before Tang Daqing had time to ask Tang Tu what was going on, his superiors suddenly held a short meeting after the lunch break. A week of surprise disciplinary inspections to put an end to unethical practices.

The second monk Tang Daqing was puzzled. His secretary told him that a young man had visited the leader in the morning. The leader smiled and was in a good mood. The two had a long chat in the conference room for the whole morning and had lunch together at noon. .

Tang Daqing asked the secretary who the young man was.

The secretary shook his head to show that he was not sure, I only know the surname 'Yu'.

Almost at the same time, the posts, Weibo, and news that were originally smashed by crabs on the Internet all reappeared in the blink of an eye.

The netizens were all stunned,

Don't tell me that the cyber police's computer was hacked by hackers?

I also think it's been hacked. It should be a great god. I can't see it. Help the goddess of Hanfu to be black.

I guess it will be gone in a while.


But ten minutes have passed... an hour has passed... these contents are still there.

Finally a wise netizen understands,

A mountain is taller than a mountain!

There is someone more powerful than Zhu Xiyang!

The next morning, one of Zhu Xiyang's friends knocked on the door outside his house, Dude, I brought some good things, which are better than yesterday's.

Zhu Xiyang played too high last night and was still sleeping, but as soon as he heard that there was a good deal, his whole body was refreshed, and he casually wrapped a bath towel and went to open the door.

Who would have thought that as soon as the door was opened a crack, a group of policemen rushed in and crushed him to the ground. Zhu Xiyang didn't even have time to react, so they handcuffed his hands.

Wang Nina, who was still sleeping on the bed, was awakened. She was completely naked and screamed wildly. A policewoman wrapped her body with sheets, and another policeman mercilessly roasted her.

There was a rotten smell in the room, and there were some unknown tools and bits of white powder scattered on the floor beside the bed.

The Capital Public Security Weibo posted an inconspicuous warning on the same day, According to reports from the public, we have seized two drug addicts and more than 140 grams of heroin in the XXX high-end apartment in XX District.

The news didn't attract many people's attention at the time, because the official Weibo account of Capital Public Security publishes similar Weibo posts every day to serve as a warning to netizens.

Until that night, someone anonymously broke the news on Weibo, saying,

I know the person named Zhu Xiyang in the Hanfu Goddess recording, I live in Boston, USA, he never speaks his Chinese name here, we all call him Kevin.

I think there should be no Chinese in Boston who don't know about Kevin. His reputation is even worse than that of a stinky fish. We don't know his origin. We only know that he is very rich, and we have never seen him do anything serious. , ignorant, profligate, and likes to gather promiscuous sex and drugs. According to what I said, he has been in drug rehab three times. I think he is quite polite to this Hanfu goddess. If it were in the United States, he would be Directly to people to **.

As soon as this revelation came out, it confirmed the authenticity of the recordings of Liu Man and Zhu Xiyang, and also proved that Liu Man and Li Xiaoru were not talking nonsense.

The power of the Internet is powerful. Soon, some netizens who lived in the same community as Zhu Xiyang posted on Weibo that the two drug addicts mentioned in the previous Weibo account of the Capital Public Security were Zhu Xiyang and Wang Nina.

At this point, the two fell into hell, and there is no possibility of turning over.

At the same time, some netizens pointedly pointed out that where did Zhu Xiyang get so much money and wasted it in the United States? Isn't his father a retired deputy department leader? Salary amounts are public.

The day after Zhu Xiyang and Wang Nina were arrested, Zhu Xiyang's father was arrested by the procuratorate on charges of embezzlement and bribery and embezzlement. Other officials, some were shuanggui, and some were suspended for investigation. They were all implicated in the former Principal Zhu, and they were his horses.

Taking the shocking corruption case of the Conservatory of Music as an introduction, the upper management began to thoroughly investigate the leadership of the entire capital university. For a time, the leaders were cautious in their words and deeds. When dealing with the students' demands, they are all friendly, for fear that the students will accidentally grab the pigtails and make trouble on the Internet.

Zhu Xiyang was dubbed by netizens as the first person to cheat in history.

Although Principal Zhou Yun was not affected, he was called by his superiors to talk for several hours and wrote a review of tens of thousands of words.

The big drama of Liu Man's hard-core smashing the entire school with one person's strength came to an end.

In the afternoon, Liu Man received the transfer notice from Capital University. She happily showed the notice to Zhang Pei, and Zhang Pei was completely relieved.

At the same time, Liu Man took a photo of the notice and sent it to Yu Zhan and Li Xiaoru on WeChat.

Li Xiaoru replied: 666666, the more you mix, the better!

Yu Zhan's cell phone rang. He set a special alert tone for Liu Man, and as soon as he heard the tone, he knew it was her WeChat.

He took out his phone and saw the photo, with a knowing smile.

At that time, he was enjoying afternoon tea with his elders. The elder looked at his expression and knew, It's the girl's message.

Yu Zhan nodded, She just showed me her transfer notice from Capital University.

She has come this far on her own. She is calm, intelligent, and courageous. She is indeed different.

Ordinary girls would probably cry long ago when they encountered such a thing, and I don't know what to do. The elders knew exactly what Liu Man did on the Internet, and he also knew that Liu Man could transfer to Capital University, which had nothing to do with Yu Zhan and himself.

They just made a final push to make the whole thing come to a successful conclusion. He also took advantage of Zhu Xiyang's pretext to ruthlessly rectify the unhealthy trends in the capital's college circle, and it was quite rewarding.

No wonder you came to me for her. Even without your help, she can solve this matter. I have to thank her. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't even know that you have returned to China. Among the children, you are the only one. The temperament is the quietest and the least pushy.

Yu Zhan said, I like to live the life of an ordinary person.

What are your plans for the future? Do you live in the capital for a long time?

That's the plan for the time being.

The elders knew that as long as Liu Man was in the capital, Yu Zhan would not leave here. He is not Yu Zhan's parents and has no right to interfere in Yu Zhan's feelings. Since he likes that girl, he will let him go. As for the girl's character, he will always see the hearts of people over time.

That's good, every three to five, you can come and sit with me.

Yu Zhan agreed with a smile, but he was helpless. He had long foreseen that once he got in touch with these elders, he would not be able to escape.

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