Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 186: Sending flowers to bosom friends

Offstage, both Shen Mozhen's parents and Professor Wei discovered the problem, and their ears were very keen.

Shen Heng and Yun Sa's complexions suddenly turned ugly. If Shen Mozhen was in front of them, he would definitely be severely criticized.

Seeing the accusation on the faces of the two of them, Professor Wei, who has always been strict with Shen Mozhen, said with rare tolerance,

Mo Zhen is still too young and lacks on-the-spot experience. It's really good to be able to survive until now. Xiao Yun, when you were young, you were not as good as her.

Yun Sa, who was named, said embarrassedly, As parents, we still hope that our children will be perfect.

Professor Wei shook his head lightly, Is there anything perfect in this world?

As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of Liu Man's guqin suddenly merged into Shen Mozhen's guqin.

Professor Wei and Shen Mozhen's parents were taken aback at the same time.

They are all professional musicians, and you can get a general idea of ​​how Shen Mozhen and Liu Man divide the work by listening to the beginning. They have been in the art for decades, and they are familiar with all performance versions of High Mountain and Flowing Water and every note in the score of High Mountain and Flowing Water. Every bar, every variation. If the performers are slightly wrong, their sensitive ears can tell.

They thought that Liu Man's ensemble shouldn't start at this point, and she moved ahead of schedule.

Shen Mozhen on the stage was also taken aback, and almost played the wrong note with his fingers again. She looked at Liu Man, who nodded slightly at her and smiled.

Shen Mozhen didn't understand Liu Man's meaning at first, she thought Liu Man was trying to steal the limelight, just like the effect of stealing the show when filming.

But soon, she discovered Liu Man's true intentions.

Liu Man didn't play the main melody, and she didn't play the variations as agreed during the rehearsal. She only played the consonants, which are similar to piano chords. The timbre of the guqin is lower than that of the guzheng, and the volume is also lower than that of the guzheng. It sounds like Shen Mozhen's guzheng is still dominant.

However, whenever Shen Mozhen's fingers were weak and his mind was numb and careless, Liu Man's Guqin sound would suddenly increase, covering up her wrong pronunciation and embellishing the melody more perfectly.

Shen Mozhen was very grateful.

A layman might think that this duet was a failure. The guqin part did not play a substantive role at all, and even the volume was very low, as if paddling water.

The performer, however, was extraordinarily focused and serious, which was really strange.

Only experts know how keen the ear and how deep it is to predict the possible mistakes of a partner in a piece of music that is being played, and make corrections in time without affecting the direction of the melody, just like moistening things silently. Some master-level performers may not necessarily be able to do it.

And Liu Man's mentality is very good - on the radiant stage, under the eyes of thousands of people, he doesn't play a piece of the main song, willing to be reduced to soy sauce, but not every performer is willing to do such a thing.

They will protest, everyone is a performer, why should they become a secondary player?

Shen Mozhen's parents finally understood why Wei Wanru valued this girl. They believed that her talent was indeed higher than their daughter's, and more importantly, her character was commendable.

With the help of Liu Man, Shen Mozhen finally successfully performed the whole piece of High Mountain and Flowing Water. The audience who didn't know the truth stood up and applauded.

Shen Mozhen and Liu Man also stood up from their respective chairs, and they looked at each other and smiled. There was something extra in Shen Mozhen's originally polite and alienated eyes, and she knew very well that this was friendship.

In the past, she played High Mountain and Flowing Water hundreds of times, but until today, she really realized why Yu Boya broke the piano and swore to never touch the piano again in his life after Zhong Ziqi's death.

In this world, it is too difficult to find someone who can understand the sound of my piano and understand and help me.

Her parents couldn't do it, her teacher couldn't do it, Tang Tu couldn't do it, but Liu Man did it.

Shen Mozhen's eyes were a little sore,

Since she was a child, she has been bound by rules and regulations, following the wishes of her parents and teachers, step by step, and everything is perfect, like a doll on strings, even this concert is played for them ?

Could it be that her own life is fixed like this?

Why can't she be like Liu Man, doing what she wants to do freely and unrestrainedly?

Shen Mozhen raised her head, hiding the sourness in her eyes, and looked at her again, she was still the confident goddess of folk music, she bypassed the guzheng, and stretched out her hand towards Liu Man.

Liu Man was stunned for a moment before taking her hand. Then, the two girls walked to the front of the stage hand in hand to thank the audience.

Let Li Xiaoru be right, Liu Man and Shen Mozhen really became good friends hand in hand.

Standing under the spotlight, the two girls in gorgeous Hanfu smiled extraordinarily radiantly.

Wei Wanru looked at the two of them, then suddenly turned her head and asked Shen Heng and Yun Sa: Do you know what is the most ridiculous thing?

Before the two could react, she continued,

This girl is from the piano department! Wei Wanru's expression was extremely distressed.

Shen Heng and Yun Sa were taken aback, How could she be from the piano department?

Wei Wanru said in the tone of seeing her for a long time, When I first met her, I thought God was just kidding me.

At this time, all the other students who participated in Shen Mozhen's performance also returned to the stage, Wen Fangfei, and a group of students from other majors in the Department of Folk Music.

Wen Fangfei stood still on the other side of Shen Mozhen, her eyes did not communicate with Liu Man. Liu Man and Shen Mozhen were the same height, Wen Fangfei was a head shorter than them, three beauties, like three delicate flowers, surrounded by other students Around, they thanked everyone together, and the applause from the audience was even more enthusiastic.

Amid the applause, no one noticed that a handsome man walked up slowly from the corner of the stage holding a bouquet of white lilies.

When everyone found out, he had already walked in front of Shen Mozhen with a smile on his face.

Ah, that's Tang Tu!!!

What a big surprise!

Oh my God, it's really him. Didn't he break up with Shen Mozhen?

The point is that Liu Man is also here, okay?

Under the strange eyes of the audience, Tang Tu handed the flowers to Shen Mozhen, looked at her and said with a smile, Congratulations on your successful graduation, and congratulations on your successful performance.

Shen Mozhen took the flower, smiled like a flower and said, Thank you.

If everyone didn't know the messy gossip before, this scene is actually very beautiful and can confuse people. The handsome boy, the elegant girl, and a large bouquet of lilies are pure and flawless.

The strange thing is that the two have broken up.

What surprised everyone even more was that at the next moment, Shen Mozhen suddenly turned sideways, facing Liu Man, and held flowers in front of her. Liu Man was caught off guard and stood there foolishly.

The third change (●—●)

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