Li Xiaoru was very worried that Liu Man would be dismissed. Liu Man's name was at the end of the first two semesters, 129th and 126th respectively. His grades were as bad as Xu Zihan's.

It was a little better last semester, ranking 102. Her situation is very uncertain. Once she is a little bit worse in other exams, it is very likely that she will return to the bottom.

Li Xiaoru had never hated a person so much, even if she broke up with Wang Nina, even if she knew that she had ordered Xu Zihan to cut Wen Fangfei's strings. Li Xiaoru was just angry, but she started to hate Wang Nina now. If Wang Nina continued to use Zhu Xiyang, Liu Man would finally be expelled from school.

Li Xiaoru swore that she would never let her go.

I just found out that Zhu Xiyang has a background, and Wang Nina found a big backer for herself, Li Xiaoru said, Zhu Xiyang's father was the former principal of our school, and he only retired two years ago. So, an ordinary game He turned the student's course assessment into a large-scale concert, so he could rate us as he wanted, without listening to the opinions of other teachers at all. This is the so-called shady scene, it's ridiculous, we are just ordinary students , is it necessary to make it so dark?

Where there are people, there are disputes. Let's take classes and take exams well. Teacher Zhu Xiyang can't cover the sky with only one hand, unless he is the emperor.

Liu Man felt that even the emperor could not take care of it.

Hehe, don't call him a teacher, he doesn't deserve it, Li Xiaoru sneered, Just his belly size and vision, he likes Wang Nina's dog ****, and he is still the emperor?

He doesn't necessarily like Wang Nina, maybe he doesn't even like it, Liu Man said. She believes that Wang Nina and Zhu Xiyang are getting what they need.

Li Xiaoru understood in seconds.

The more I think about it, the more disgusting I get. I want to change dormitories! I don't want to live with this prostitute.

In fact, Li Xiaoru doesn't have to worry about changing dormitories at all, because Wang Nina has already started staying home at night. Previously, Wang Nina just came back a little late and was not so explicit. After the concert, she basically never slept in the dormitory. As for where she went. Everyone knows that.

On the other side, when Sun Weiwei came home from school that night, Wei Ying asked her daughter,

Guess who I saw in the unit today.

Wei Ying is a judge. She always sees all kinds of strange people in the court. Every time she comes back, she complains to her husband and daughter. Sun Weiwei is no stranger to it.

When you see the Jade Emperor, tell me again, Sun Weiwei said coolly.

Hey, you can't give a little face.

Wei Ying is helpless, her daughter is too smart, so she has no sense of expectation.

However, she felt that this time, it would definitely bring some psychological fluctuations to Sun Weiwei, You young people, a star you like very much now. He is very handsome, very talented, the one who can play the violin, and the one who has an affair with Liu Man.

There is such a big uproar on the Internet, and middle-aged people like Wei Ying and Sun Yiyi know it.

Sun Weiwei became more and more familiar the more she heard, she said in surprise,

Tang Tu?

That's right, that's the name.

Sun Weiwei was really surprised, What is he doing at your place?

I don't know. I guess it's because he had an affair with Liu Man before, and the strangest thing is that our dean received him in person.

When Sun Yiyi heard this, he couldn't help but interrupt,

What kind of big man is he? He was actually received by your dean.

The unit Wei Ying works for is the Capital Intermediate People's Court. Their president is a department-level leader. No matter how famous Tang Tu is, he is only popular among young people. In the eyes of older people, he is just a small student with traffic. .

The so-called stars are nothing compared to the officials who hold power.

The dean of the Intermediate Court condescended to receive Tang Tu, which was very unreasonable in itself.

My colleagues are also talking about it, Wei Ying said. Tang Tu is also following his lawyer. You know that lawyer, Li Shuhua.

Both lawyers, Sun Yiyi and Li Shuhua are not on the same level. If Sun Yiyi is a civilian lawyer, then Li Shuhua is a powerful lawyer. Some particularly wealthy upstarts, Li Shuhua disdainful, he serves the real privileged class.

Sun Yiyi and Li Shuhua had a relationship because of their work, and they had a little friendship. Sun Yiyi thought of the case that Liu Chengyu had dragged on again and again, the court's sloppy eyes, and the procuratorate's insistence and uncompromising. They are vague about themselves and love to ignore them, but what if Li Shuhua came forward?

Sun Yiyi has a bottom line in his heart, and he knows that a turning point is coming.

He decided to find a time, call Li Shuhua, or visit in person.

Since Li Shuhua appeared beside Tang Tu and the dean received him personally, Sun Yiyi concluded, This star named Tang Tu has an unusual family.

Obviously, Wei Ying also asked other colleagues, but she didn't ask what Tang Tu's background was.

Sun Weiwei listened to her parents' conversations.

Like everyone else, she always thought that Tang Tu was just a talented, handsome, and lucky student. It turned out that she had no backer, so she really couldn't make it in the entertainment industry...

Without exception!

Wei Wei, does Liu Man really have an emotional dispute with this Tang Tu? Wei Ying asked her daughter gossip, interrupting her thoughts.

It's all written on the Internet. Liu Man has a boyfriend.

When did she have a boyfriend? Who is that boy? How old? What school?

Wei Ying asked a bunch of questions one after another, which was really professional.

Don't you hate Liu Man, why bother with so much, everything on the Internet is fake, Sun Weiwei was speechless, I think she has a good relationship with her boyfriend, and her boyfriend treats her very well, and Her boyfriend is very handsome, even more handsome than Tang Tu. It seems that he is a little older than us, so he should not be a student.

Sun Weiwei still remembers the scene where Yu Zhan drove to pick up Liu Man to the concert hall that day. The moment the man got out of the car, it seemed that the whole street was taken away.

She said before that a man's inner content is more important than his appearance, but what if someone has both inner and outer appearance?

Such a person is rare in the world, but Liu Man met him.

Liu Man is lucky.

Sun Weiwei thought about the person he liked again, why he was always surrounded by a group of Yingying Yanyan, and his attitude towards her was elusive and ambiguous.

And even Zhang Jiaojiao was interested in him.

Sun Weiwei is so irritable and confused...

What does He Qisi mean, does he like her or reject her?

No wonder it is said that a girl who is in love has a negative IQ. Rao is Sun Weiwei with a high IQ, but he still can't figure it out.

The fifth is done

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