Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 168 Performance Invitation

The I'm sorry was on Wen Fangfei's lips, but she was always reluctant to say it.

She believes that Liu Man's possession of clumsiness shows that she did not regard herself as a friend in the first place; and Liu Man finally solved the problem by his own skills and passed the exam. Besides, Liu Man is even more popular now, so she indirectly created it for Liu Man. Given the opportunity, Liu Man was blessed by misfortune.

Wen Fangfei found a bunch of reasons to convince herself and comfort herself. To put it bluntly, she just couldn't save face and apologize.

She didn't say a word, she was stubborn, her face was flushed,

Shen Mozhen frowned slightly,

Fang Fei, seize the opportunity.

Shen Mozhen's biased attitude made Wen Fangfei a little sad and a little aggrieved. She felt that her senior sister seemed to like Liu Man more and protect Liu Man more, and she stopped acting obviously to help her.

Wen Fangfei didn't say a word, she turned around and left through the other exit of the passage.

Liu Man and Shen Mozhen were left to look at each other. Two equally beautiful and elegant girls looked at each other at a distance of three or four steps.

Fangfei did something wrong, Shen Mozhen said apologetically to Liu Man.

Liu Man didn't care about Wen Fangfei's attitude at all, her anger and disappointment dissipated when the concert ended.

After thinking about it, she decided to say hello to Shen Mozhen, I've heard of you for a long time.

I've heard of you for a long time. Shen Mozhen returned this sentence to Liu Man.

There is no need to introduce the name, the two of them have already remembered each other in their hearts. It is also amazing that the two of them are completely related by Tang Tu. Through the rumors and gossip of others, they are not strange to each other, as if they have been friends for a long time.

Xu Shi noticed that the atmosphere was awkward, and the two girls smiled awkwardly at the same time.

Shen Mozhen put down his burden and laughed at himself, We seem to be rivals in love.

Liu Man shook his head, I already have a boyfriend.

Shen Mozhen was stunned for a moment, and then smiled gloatingly, Tang Tu is useless. I took the initiative to break up with him and created a chance for him. He still doesn't have the ability to chase you, he really deserves it!

Liu Man also laughed, she felt that Shen Mozhen's character was not as cold as the legend, and he didn't eat the fireworks of the world.

Actually, I've wanted to know you for a long time, Shen Mozhen reached out to her with a soft and friendly expression, I appreciate your guqin performance, it's great!

Shen Mozhen's praise was sincere, and Liu Man was very happy, It is my honor to be recognized by the goddess of folk music.

What kind of folk music goddess, there are too many people better than me, I'm not a goddess, Shen Mozhen didn't like this title, You can call me Mozhen, my friends call me that.

Sister Mo Zhen, Liu Man still put on his honorary title, About me and Tang Tu...

She wanted to apologize, but Shen Mozhen interrupted her, I have already said all my thoughts on Weibo, in fact, breaking up with me Tang Tu is an inevitable result, but I have always been obsessed with it before, hoping that he will like me one day.

Liu Man was surprised, did Shen Mozhen mean that Tang Tu never liked her?

He's also suffering now, I don't lose, Shen Mozhen was very balanced.

It's about Fangfei. I have to apologize to you for her. She is simple, stubborn, and easy to be used.

Shen Mozhen used the word unkind to reduce Wen Fangfei's responsibilities, and said to Dali that Wen Fangfei's future is worrisome. After this incident, no one will choose to cooperate with her easily, and her future development will be greatly affected. Impact.

Thinking of this, Shen Mozhen looked at Liu Man and her injured right hand, and had an idea in his heart.

Liu Man understood that Shen Mozhen was apologizing on the surface, but he was actually protecting the calf. Wen Fangfei was Shen Mozhen's closest junior sister, so she naturally spoke to Wen Fangfei.

Anyway, the performance has passed smoothly, and Xiaoru and I have also passed.

Speaking of passing grades, Shen Mozhen remembered that her teacher, Professor Wei Wanru, angrily told her in the evening when Liu Man and Li Xiaoru's performance ended that the school was smoky and the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, and some teachers used their power to act arbitrarily.

On Friday afternoon, the overall results of the chamber music ensemble concert came out. Liu Man and Li Xiaoru just passed the test, but at the end of the crane, the first place went to a piano and string sextet, which was not very impressive.

Shen Mozhen is a learner of folk music, and he also has taste. This first place is much worse than Liu Man and Li Xiaoru.

She immediately thought of her teacher's words. It was incredible. Could it be that a simple student concert also has a black box operation?

Today is Sunday, what are you doing here? Shen Mozhen asked Liu Man.

Liu Man said helplessly, My guqin is here, and I don't know which corner it was put by the staff.

I just saw a guqin in the instrumental room, I'll take you to see it, Shen Mozhen said enthusiastically.

Thank you.

The instrumental room was filled with large-scale musical instruments, such as pianos and drums. I saw a guqin sitting alone on the wooden table next to the piano. It was the cottage Lvqi that Liu Man bought from Boss Li.

Liu Man thanked Shen Mozhen again, and stood up and hugged his guqin. The backstage was so messy that day, and the violin bag was probably thrown away by the staff.

You can't take it like this, it's not easy, Shen Mozhen said, I'll lend you my zither bag for your use.

Liu Man said embarrassedly, No, no, I can take it back like this.

You're welcome, you can just return it to me on Monday. I'm going to rehearse here all day today, and I don't need a piano bag.

After Shen Mozhen finished speaking, she turned around and went out for about a minute. When she came back, she had her zither bag in hand. Liu Man couldn't refuse her kindness.

Thank you, thank you, Liu Man said repeatedly.

Shen Mozhen took the opportunity to throw out an invitation,

Would you like to participate in my graduation recital?

? ? ?

Liu Man looked puzzled.

Seeing that she had no obvious intention of rejecting, Shen Mozhen continued, My graduation performance is scheduled for the evening of May 30, in this concert hall. The content is mainly my guzheng solo, but in the second half of the performance, I I specially set aside three programs and invited guests to perform with me, two of which have been confirmed, and there is one left. In fact, for this one, Shen Mozhen originally planned to invite his mentor, Professor Wei Wanru, to perform with her on the same stage, and Wei Wanru also agreed.

But last Thursday, after Wei Wanru watched the ensemble concert as a special judge, her heart was very uncomfortable. Wei Wanru and Su Yi are almost the same generation, and they are 78 years old this year. The old lady went to the hospital for a physical examination the next day. , The doctor said that her mood was fluctuating too much, and the blood circulation in her heart was blocked. In addition to insisting on taking conservative treatment with medicine, she also needed to rest for at least a month. During this period, she could not even attend classes.

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