After Tang Tu finished speaking, he went straight to the exit. He quickly caught up with the group of policemen and left the studio. With a free and easy back, he walked calmly, like a general who returned from a decisive victory. Tang Tu was called by his fans. The national male god is not without reason, he does have capital.

Yang Huayue, who had been watching for a long time, almost laughed, Tang Tu did a great job! She really wanted to give Tang Tu a compliment.

Feng Qingyu has also watched the whole process. She has no interest in the messy gossip of Tang Tu and Liu Man on the Internet. She is just a low-level Internet celebrity and is not worthy of her attention.

Feng Qingyu said to his assistant, I think Tang Tu has overreacted a bit. It is a good thing to have gossip, it means that there are people who are paying attention, and there is traffic, so there is popularity. Why make such a fuss? The overall situation is the most important. Now that the male lead has been arrested, how do we shoot the last few scenes? It’s really wasting my time. I originally planned to finish it the day after tomorrow and return to the capital immediately.”

Yang Huayue heard Feng Qingyu's words, hehehe in his heart, Feng Qingyu can delay other people's time indifferently, and others are not allowed to delay her time.

Her time is precious.

Ye Ye An didn't wait for Qiu Jing and Gao Jindong to call him. As soon as Tang Tu left, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Qiu Jing.

Qiu Jing really knew what Tang Tu did on the set, she said, We have already helped you find a substitute for Qiao Xin, who can make do with the last two days of filming, and we will investigate Qiao Xin's responsibility for breach of contract later. He and his agency must compensate us for our losses, don't worry, even if Josin's incident is exposed by the media, it will not affect the release of the movie.

How could it not be affected? Ye Yean didn't believe it.

For actors who were exposed to scandals, the movies and TV dramas they participated in at the time were immediately taken off the shelves, and those that were not released were permanently banned unless they spent huge sums of money to replace people. This is a rule in the industry, and everyone must abide by it.

Qiu Jing on the other end of the phone sighed and said to Ye Zi'an, Do you know who Tang Tu's father is?

Who? Ye Zi'an didn't care about these things before, but now he has to care.

Tang Daqing.

Ye Zi'an was shocked. Tang Daqing was so powerful that no media dared to reveal information about his family. The public only knew that his wife used to be a violin player, and she retired after she got married.

Tang Tu doesn't look like a second-generation official from head to toe. He is more like an artist. He doesn't have the air of a second-generation official. It's hard for people to think that he is Tang Daqing's son. He has done a good job of keeping secrets. No wonder Tang Tu was so reckless.

Qiu Jing said, You have worked hard for your movie, and Tang Tu has also paid for his own labor. His father can't let his son work in vain. The movie will definitely be released successfully, and the box office will definitely not be bad.

Qiu Jing's comfort didn't help much.

Ye Yean swore in his heart,

His next movie will never let related households participate again,

They are all uncles, he can't wait!

On the Internet, when the rumors of Tang Tu and the goddess of Hanfu became the most popular for two days, the image of Tang disappeared. There was no chance for the paparazzi to take pictures in public, nor did he post a Weibo, his latest Weibo. It's still a video of making a seafood dinner that was forwarded five days ago.

Now, things are basically starting to calm down. The character of the Hanfu goddess has been confirmed by countless celebrities and fans. She also admits that she has a real boyfriend. Many passers-by who eat melon gradually fall in love with the Hanfu goddess. Her Weibo account The number of fans of Princess and Man has been on the rise, and its popularity has exploded.

At this time, Tang Tu posted two microblogs in succession, two very short microblogs.

Article 1: @qiaoxin@ broke the news Wang Zhangdaqiang, @capital public security has dealt with it according to law.

Article 2: @Princess Qieman, I'm sorry. @shen Mozhen, I'm sorry.

The number of words on Weibo is small, and the amount of information it can contain is unusually large. Once it is published, it immediately attracts a lot of attention from netizens.

What a concise Weibo... Tang Tu is starting to cherish words like gold.

What does he @ Capital Police mean?

The point is that @qiaoxin is in front of the capital police, okay?

If I put these three bloggers together, I feel like I know something incredible!

I have a friend who is Yuji. I heard him say that this morning, Zhang Daqiang has been arrested by the police. He looked very embarrassed at the time.

Wow, what a blast.

Zhang Daqiang, who has always been terrified to death, has encountered a ruthless character this time. It is estimated that he will be finished.

I have long disliked Zhang Daqiang, who is standing on the moral commanding heights of the entertainment industry. It seems that everyone is drunk, and he is the only one who wakes up. Isn't it just relying on breaking the news to make money?

Could it be that Qiao Xin is the one who secretly photographed the chat records of Tang Tu and the goddess of Hanfu?

Obviously yes, the average person, who can get close to Tang Tu's mobile phone? It's impossible for the crew members and the small supporting roles. There are only actors who are similar to him in coffee.

Qiao Xin is only three years older than Tang Tu, and he is also an idol actor. It is a typical competition relationship. Qiao Xin has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, but his popularity is not comparable to that of Tang, who has only been with him for four years. Tu, I guess Qiao Xin deliberately framed Tang Tu out of jealousy.

Then Tang Tu is too rude. He silently asked the police to arrest both of them and deal with them according to the law. Doesn't that mean Qiao Xin is going to jail?

I never saw that Tang Tu was so strong and courageous before, unlike some celebrities who were obviously wronged, but only dared to post a lawyer's letter on Weibo, for fear of making things worse, and finally let it go. already.

It's probably because Zhang Daqiang and Qiao Xin have gone too far this time, and the goddess of Hanfu was hurt by them.

The low-key Shen Mozhen was also involved, and both girls were unlucky.

I have a friend who is playing tricks in the crew. He said that Qiao Xin is a very evil person. Qiao Xin and the goddess of Hanfu had a positive scene. Qiao Xin took the opportunity to touch the butt of the goddess of Hanfu.


Fuck! F*ck!

I also want to touch the butt of the goddess of Hanfu.

Upstairs, it's muddy!

It's disgusting to wipe your partner while filming. Qiao Xin has no professional ethics at all. No wonder he deserves to be caught for peeping at Tang Tu's mobile phone.

Yes, no matter who is right or who is wrong, peeping at other people's privacy is enough to show that this person has a very bad character.

Let him get out of the entertainment industry.

Netizens ran to Qiao Xin's Weibo to leave messages and ask him to get out of the entertainment circle.

It's a pity that Qiao Xin is squatting in the small dark room at this moment, bursting with tears, regretting for life, and it is impossible to see everyone's messages.

Second update today~

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