Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 136 Playing the Guqin

That's right, Boss Li added, Look at the literature describing the way of playing the Guqin, which is called 'Fuqin'. Usually the Guqin uses the right hand to pluck the strings, the left hand to press the strings, and walks back and forth on the strings. The playing fingering of guzheng is completely different from that of guqin.”

Wen Fangfei stretched out her hands, spread out ten fingers, and demonstrated to Li Xiaoru on the spot, Our guzheng uses the thumb, index finger and middle finger of the right hand to pluck the strings, and the left hand uses the tension of the strings to control the changes of the strings, which is good for embellishment. melody.

Only now did Li Xiaoru realize that Wen Fangfei's fingers were full of calluses, which were the same as her own hands, except that their calluses were located in different places.

The guzheng has more strings than the guqin. It seems that the guqin is easier to learn than the guzheng, but in fact, the ancients believed that the guqin is far more difficult than the guzheng, because the guqin pays more attention to artistic conception, which is very mysterious and difficult to master.

Look at Yu Boya's High Mountain and Flowing Water played to Zhong Ziqi, and Sima Xiangru's Phoenix Seeking Phoenix played to Zhuo Wenjun. To achieve that kind of artistic conception, you can only rely on your understanding and talent, and you can't learn it at all, so learn now. There are fewer and fewer Guqin students, and the number of students in the Guqin Department of our college is less than a quarter of that in the Guzheng Department, and the school doesn’t pay much attention to this niche major,” Wen Fangfei explained to Li Xiaoru.

Li Xiaoru nodded straight as if taught, I used to think that Guzheng and Guqin are the same musical instrument. I really didn't know that Guzheng and Guqin are so exquisite.

It's a pity that most parents now are like you. They don't understand folk music. People who have never studied music always subconsciously think that Western musical instruments are high-end. When cultivating their children's interest, they choose Western musical instruments such as pianos and violins. Now folk music is gradually declining, Boss Li said in a disappointed tone.

My store has been here for 20 years. In the past few years, the business has been going from bad to worse. Every year is not as good as every year. I can receive five or six customers a day, and sometimes there is no customer. Look at the guitar shop opposite. Every day There are a lot of customers.”

Li Xiaoru said, The guitar is different. Those boys rush to learn the guitar, isn't it because they can play and sing at the same time, and it's easier to flirt with girls.

Li Xiaoru can always amuse the people around her and make everyone feel better.

Wen Fangfei smiled and agreed, It makes sense, the boy plays the guitar, and a group of girls immediately surround him.

To create this kind of effect, you need to be a handsome guy, Li Xiaoru looked at Wen Fangfei and smiled, If you play the guzheng in public, you can immediately attract a group of boys.

The three girls chatted and laughed, and finally got rid of the haze of broken strings.

Wen Fangfei asked Liu Man tentatively, You are very interested in this guqin, do you want to try playing it?

Li Xiaoru felt that Wen Fangfei's words were very strange, You forgot that we are from the piano department, how can Man Man know how to play the guqin?

That's not necessarily true.

Liu Man looked at Wen Fangfei's eyes that knew everything, and knew that she would not be able to hide it from her. Liu Man asked Boss Li, Can I try playing this guqin?

Of course, I have already tuned this piano, so I can play it casually, Boss Li said cheerfully.

Liu Man brought the stool in front of the piano and sat down.

I have armor in my bag, put it on and play it again, Wen Fangfei said, opening her satchel.

Liu Man shook his head and smiled, I've never used Yijia, I always use my own nails.

Wen Fangfei's eyes could not help falling on Liu Man's fingers. She felt it was weird. It is well known that you should not keep nails when playing the piano. Your fingertips must touch the keys, otherwise they will easily slip on the keys. Liu Man's nails are well trimmed.

How do you pluck the strings with such fingers?

Doesn't it hurt?

After Mrs. Xu's death, Liu Man had never touched the guqin again. Sitting in front of the piano, she didn't know what tune to play for a while, so she tried playing a small tune first.

The melody is simple but nice!

Li Xiaoru was stunned.

Man, she... She actually knows how to play the guqin. Her fingers are so nimble, and she looks very powerful, which is similar to the feeling Fang Fei gave her when she played the guqin.

Wen Fangfei and Boss Li, two professionals, were also surprised. First, Liu Man's sound quality was standard and her fingering skills were good, which obviously had a profound foundation. Second, the ditty she played was very strange to them.

The piece is very short, and Liu Man quickly finished playing it.

Wen Fangfei asked, What song is this? Why have I never heard it before?

Boss Li said, I haven't even heard it, but I think I've heard all the famous Chinese songs.

This piece is called Xichun, which was composed by a court musician named Shi Wu in the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Man explained. Seeing Fang Fei and Boss Li's still puzzled expressions, she guessed that this piece has not been handed down to this day. , and I am afraid that even Shi Wu has not left a name in history.

Liu Man decided not to easily play ancient tunes that shouldn't exist in this world, otherwise it will attract suspicion.

Fortunately, Xichun was short and simple, neither Wen Fangfei nor Boss Li thought deeply about it.

Liu Man intentionally diverted their attention and said, My mind is so empty, I don't know what to play.

Try again, let's play Blessed Lovers. I just have the score with me. Wen Fangfei took out the score from her bag and placed it on the music stand in front of the guqin. She turned to Li Xiaoru and said, Xiaoru, wait I will be a judge later, and the judge will judge whether I play well or Manman plays better.

Li Xiaoru suddenly became excited, Okay, okay, I will be very strict!

After so many rehearsals, Liu Man is very familiar with the score of The Butterfly Lovers, and she can play it with or without the score.

Sitting in front of the piano, Liu Man did not read Fang Fei's score, but brewed in her mind the fusion of the story of The Butterfly Lovers and the guqin. Her guqin has only played ancient music, never played modern music.

And this is what Wen Fangfei said, creating an artistic conception.

Seeing that she had figured it out, she plucked the strings with her right hand and pressed the strings with her left hand, and then, the beautiful melody of Blessed Lovers spread in this small shop.

For the same piece of music, Guqin and Guzheng perform completely different styles. Guzheng is vivid and bright, while Guqin is quiet and long. world.

Li Xiaoru stared intently at Liu Man who played the piano, her eyes were filled with amazement. Liu Man who played the guqin and she who played the piano were completely two people. So much better.

Wen Fangfei originally thought that Liu Man was just an amateur Guqin, and students who learn instrumental music usually know the second instrument, just like Tang Tu knows both the violin and the piano, and she herself knows a little about Guqin.

But Liu Man's standard far exceeded her expectations, and she was puzzled why Liu Man chose to apply for the piano department instead of the guqin department during the art test.

Today's fifth update~~ Thank you for your rewards and tickets, everyone should have noticed that the heroine is for a formal performance, and she is practicing her hand.

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