Stopping at a red light at an intersection, Yu Zhan leaned forward and found a U-shaped pillow from the back seat. He carefully propped Liu Man's head forward with his hands, and stuffed the pillow behind her head.

Liu Man frowned, and Yu Zhan thought she was being disturbed by him, so he quickly withdrew his hand, but saw her mutter softly, and her breathing became steady again.

Yu Zhan heaved a sigh of relief, his gaze moved to her face involuntarily and slowly, looking at her long eyelashes, her closed eyes, her upturned nose, and her slightly pursed lips. , he didn't dare to look at her like that.

He could imagine her scolding him as a disciple with wide eyes and shyness.

Liu Man's sleeping posture is the same as when she is awake, there is nothing to be picky about, as if she has undergone strict training and self-discipline.

When the green light came on, Yu Zhan stopped looking at Liu Man and concentrated on driving, keeping it steady and avoiding the slightest bump, so that Liu Man could sleep well in the car.

Liu Man slept soundly, and she had a dream, in which there were no such bad things as Wang Nina, she actually dreamed that she was eating a buffet with Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Xu, and Yumei. Mrs. Xu especially loved it Ice cream, I even ate a few boxes of Haagen-Dazs. Xiao Zhao likes to eat crayfish, and there are piles of shells she peeled in front of her. Yumei only eats vegetarian food in order to maintain her figure.

Mrs. Xu, you can't eat ice cream anymore. Eating too much cold ones is not good for your stomach. You can have a sip of soup.

Auntie, you can't eat crayfish anymore. There are toxins in the crayfish body, and you will get angry and have abdominal pain.

Yumei, you are already very thin, and your waist is almost gone! Women are better looking if they are plump. Can you eat more meat?

Yu Zhan vaguely heard Liu Man's sleep talk, her voice was very soft, but he still heard a few names clearly,

Madam Xu?


Jade beauty?

He couldn't help but laugh. Is she dreaming of traveling to ancient times?

When Liu Man and the three women were having a good meal, someone suddenly patted her on the shoulder,

Man, we're home, let's go upstairs and sleep again.

The male voice is gentle and sweet, so familiar.

Hey, isn't that Yu Zhan's voice?

Yu Zhan also came here to eat the buffet?

Ah Zhan, what do you want to eat? I'll get it for you, the sleeping girl asked solemnly.

Yu Zhan was really confused.

He took a closer look, and found that the girl's eyes were still closed. It turned out that she was talking in sleep. He couldn't help laughing, and his heart became softer. He continued to pat her on the shoulder, What's delicious, we'll eat it next time.

Liu Man finally woke up after being photographed, she was still a little confused when she opened her eyes, she didn't know where she was, rubbed her eyes, and then she woke up a little bit, remembering that she left school in Yu Zhan's car.

She looked around, and it was the luxuriously decorated parking lot that impressed her.

It's already at your parking lot, so fast.

Liu Man fell asleep and felt that time had slowed down.

There are few cars at night, so you can drive faster, Yu Zhan also wanted to let Liu Man come back to rest quickly.

He opened the car door, walked to the trunk, and took out Liu Man's schoolbag.

Liu Man also got out of the car.

What's in your bag? It's so heavy, Yu Zhan weighed it, and it was not as heavy as usual.

It's some clothes I put in the dormitory to change and wash, as well as daily necessities.

Aren't you going to live on campus in the future?

Liu Man nodded, I can't live anymore, she sighed, and took the initiative to tell Yu Zhan about Wang Nina, I have two roommates, and the other roommate and I completely broke up tonight.

Yu Zhan knew that with Liu Man's gentle personality, she said that breaking up the relationship meant that she would really stop seeing each other in this life.

What did she do to disappoint you so much?

That's right, Yu Zhan felt that when Liu Man mentioned his roommate, there was no anger in his tone, but disappointment. He thought that she must have also regarded that girl as a friend.

She is too thoughtful, Xiaoru and I can no longer get along with her peacefully, Liu Man said, She can't see me becoming an Internet celebrity as a goddess of Hanfu, and she can't see me going to Shanghai to film. She thinks I'm wrong for anything.

It doesn't matter if you break up the relationship, a real friend should hope that the other party will get better and better. Yu Zhan was a little worried, You should try to stay away from her in the future.

I know, I don't live on campus anyway, and I usually only meet her in class. With so many classmates, I just don't talk to her.

Did you get so late because you were practicing piano at school tonight?

Well, we have to continue rehearsing tomorrow night.

It's too late, I'll pick you up from school tomorrow, Yu Zhan said seriously, and added, Even if you refuse, I'll still come!

Speaking of this, can Liu Man not agree?

The second time she came to Yu Zhan's house, Liu Man no longer felt unfamiliar. Even when the elevator door opened, Paul rushed forward like last time, but she didn't move at all. She smiled and watched Paul embrace Yu Zhan and lick his face.

It took Yu Zhan a few more minutes to get rid of its intimacy.

Liu Man touched Paul's dog's head, and Paul obediently pressed against her palm, stuck out his tongue, let out steam, and licked her hand again, cute.

She suddenly worried, I don't know how Paul will react when he sees the moonlight. Will he think that the moonlight has taken the sunlight away from him, and hate the moonlight?

What a good relationship Paul had with Sunshine before.

Yu Zhan said with a smile, You think too much, Paul is not as stingy as you think, he is a generous and loving dog, he will definitely like moonlight, big deal, I will find another dog for Paul in the future That's the wife.

Liu Man burst into laughter,

Yes, the sun and the moon are in pairs, Paul cannot be left alone.

Liu Man teased the dog for a while, but Yu Zhan didn't let her play anymore, You have to go to school tomorrow, don't tease the dog, wash up and rest first.

Yu Zhan didn't want to delay Liu Man's precious rest time, so he carried Liu Man's schoolbag directly to the guest room, and said to her, Your change of clothes and daily necessities in the bag just happen to be needed today. Why don't you put it in my house temporarily, I can't send you and your things back to school tomorrow. The cabinet in the guest room is always empty, and there is a lot of space. It is enough to put your things in.

Liu Man felt that what Yu Zhan said made sense, but felt something strange.

It's just stored temporarily, so it won't be a problem for her to take it home when she finds time.

Liu Man thought so.

As a result, she has never been able to take the time. To be precise, Yu Zhan did not give her the opportunity to take the time.

As a result, Yu Zhan had her underwear, pajamas, towels, facial cleanser, skin care products...

She can come and check in with her bag at any time, without any sense of disobedience or inconvenience.

It was as if she had also become a member of his family.

The fifth update is done today, thank you for your support, I am so happy :)

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