Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1250 The End of the Full Text

Yang Huayue thinks the media is right, her relationship with Tao Zhiwei is not like a couple, but more like a dark lover. Tao Zhiwei is too busy. He devotes all his time to his work, leaving her with a pitiful amount of time.

Yang Huayue didn't dare to expect Tao Zhiwei to greet his girlfriend like an ordinary man every day - he always remembered her existence when he needed her, called or texted her, just like teasing his pet; Dare to expect him to be like the rich boyfriend of some actresses, occasionally come to the crew to visit, or create surprises--on her birthday last year, he transferred 500,000 to her and let her buy her own birthday gifts; she did not expect Tao Zhiwei said some sweet words, he didn't seem to know what romance was at all.

Yang Huayue was very insecure, Tao Zhiwei made her feel that their relationship was optional to him, and she was definitely not as important as his company's business. As for her status in his heart, she thought, maybe has no status. She returned to Xinghe Film and Television and had nothing to do with Tao Zhiwei. She was purely for Tao Zhiyao and Yu Zhan, and she wanted to be closer to everyone.

Not long ago, the paparazzi photographed her hotel in the Middle East because she found that she and Tao Zhiwei had not seen each other for a long time. She missed him very much and wanted to try to surprise him, so she flew to the Middle East and suddenly appeared in front of him.

Unexpectedly, when Tao Zhiwei saw her, he was not happy, only shocked. When the paparazzi's flashlight came on, his face suddenly sank, blaming her for not running over on her own initiative.

Yang Huayue was very sad. She finally found out that when she fell in love with Tao Zhiwei, she was always accommodating him and paying blindly, but he didn't think about her.

She didn't quarrel with Tao Zhiwei. She left silently with her luggage the next day, and hurried back to China. She was rushing around for a few days. She fell ill and only recovered two days ago. Take on important work.

Yang Huayue didn't know whether Liu Man invited Tao Zhiwei to this wedding, but she came alone anyway. After the trip to the Middle East, she unilaterally fought against Tao Zhiwei, and Tao Zhiwei was very cold to her... Their WeChat chat records are still dated last month.

Shen Mozhen and Tao Zhiyao were still chatting, Yang Huayue couldn't speak, Chu Yu and Ye Ye were together, they were in pairs, and she couldn't be a light bulb, so she took a snack on the dining table. , walked to the corner to eat slowly, waiting for the newcomer and Liu Man to come over from the church.

At this time, she saw a fat old man with a sneaky dress, expression and behavior. He got in through the bushes, which happened to be where she was standing. It was only a few steps away from the garden entrance. Why did he Not on the right track?

Who are you? Yang Huayue asked cautiously.

The other party turned a deaf ear and looked around, as if looking for someone.

Hey, who the hell are you? Yang Huayue intuited that this person didn't look like a guest. He was wearing a dark blue suit, much like a hospital gown, with a black trench coat on the outside. He was fat and the trench coat didn't fit. , the sleeves are held tight. The guests who can come here, who are not gorgeously dressed and personable? Even the male waiters who shuttled back and forth were all dressed in white shirts and black trousers. Looking closely, the man's clothes are still a little dirty, his hair is messy, and he looks like a homeless man.

It's not uncommon for homeless people and beggars to go to other people's wedding banquets. Could it be that this person is also the same? But the whole hotel was reserved by Peter, how did he get in?

Just in case, Yang Huayue blocked his way. The other party suddenly glared at her fiercely, Go away, don't get in the way.

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd started to make noise. It turned out that the newlyweds had already arrived at the entrance of the garden. The man's expression also became more distorted.

Tao Zhiwei arrived at the hotel just in time. He got off the bus, and the new couple got off the bus. He presented the gifts he prepared to Zhang Pei and Peter in person.

A dazzling light suddenly flashed in front of Yang Huayue's eyes. She was horrified to see that the man was holding a knife in his right hand, and the blade was exposed.

Holding the knife, he rushed straight to Zhang Pei's mother and daughter who had just come in. Liu Man held Zhang Pei in his arms and moved very intimately.

Be careful, Yang Huayue yelled, her body reacted faster than her brain, and she pulled the tramp from behind. If she couldn't pull it, she used her body to block him.

A big happy event for Liu Man's mother, she will never allow anyone to destroy it!

It was a lot of hard work, and it seemed that it was about to succeed, but at this moment, it was destroyed by a stinky girl! Liu Chengyu was furious, raised his knife and stabbed Yang Huayue first.

Tao Zhiwei, who has always had a cold temperament and does not show his emotions and anger, has a big change in his face. He is the first to rush up and kick Liu Chengyu away.

Liu Chengyu fell on the lawn with his feet upside down, and the knife was thrown a few meters away.

Everything happened so fast.

It was only at this time that Zhang Pei recognized that the other party was Liu Chengyu.

Quickly call the police!

Where's the security? Where's the security?! Who let this person in?

I almost killed myself with a knife! It's terrifying.


The guests stepped forward and surrounded Liu Chengyu, preventing him from escaping.

Liu Chengyu lay on the ground, motionless, escaping from the mental hospital had consumed most of his physical strength. He followed the food delivery car into the hotel, stole the waiter's coat, and put it on. The whole process went smoothly.

He looked at the unfamiliar or familiar faces, and suddenly burst out laughing, Liu Man is a monster, she is a monster! You all lied to her, she is not a human, she is a ghost, she lied to my wife, lied to me Yu Zhan, I lied to all of you! Now, my wife has also become a monster, I want to make them show their true colors, I am doing things for the sky, he laughed and screamed hysterically, his face twisted and his eyes crazy.

Many onlookers took a step back in fear, worried that he would suddenly stand up and attack people like a mad dog.

Only then did everyone realize that he was actually Liu Man's biological father and Zhang Pei's ex-husband.

I heard that he is mentally ill. It seems that he is not very ill.

Looking at him like this, I feel very pitiful. Why is it necessary to make such a fuss?

Yeah, I really don't understand why it is against my own daughter. I have never seen a father who would use a knife on his daughter.


Liu Man and Zhang Pei, who were named, were not disturbed by his crazy words. They stood with Yang Huayue. Yang Huayue held Liu Man's hand and found that her fingertips were cold.

Yu Zhan, Tao Zhiwei and several security guards worked together to subdue Liu Chengyu and take him to the special car back to the mental hospital. This time, he will probably never get out. Yu Zhan returned to apologize to everyone, Sorry, the little episode affected everyone's interest, and the wedding will continue as usual.

Everyone laughed, as if what happened just now were hallucinations, and they didn't care at all, it was time to bless, it was time to toast, the wedding scene was back to lively, and everyone laughed and laughed.

Tao Zhiwei also took the initiative to approach Yang Huayue at this time...

(End of full text)


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