Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 122 Rectifying Her Name

That's right, that's what I think too. She already has daylight. Why did she suddenly adopt a stray cat? We can't listen to what she said. The cat is thin and small, with no hair. It looks malnourished. She is not good. Conditioning the cat's body, and actually being in the mood to film it in the live broadcast room to sell it badly, isn't it just to make money?

That's right, Princess Qieman is just putting on a show! She's just posing for a photo! If she has the time to shoot, she could have made the cat fat. I don't know if she made the cat look miserable on purpose. look.

To be honest, I liked this anchor very much in the early stage. Since she started selling cat food as an agent, every live broadcast is to promote cat food, and she doesn't perform talent or anything. I am a little disgusted. Our fans are not Everyone has a cat and has to buy cat food, and her attitude of focusing on money is really ugly.


These fans who canceled the level had good reasons, and their words were righteous, which made Princess Qiman's fans feel very reasonable.

Could it be that Princess Qieman is really trying to sell cat food and use everyone's sympathy for a show?

For the first time on Weibo, Princess Qierman's fans did not speak out for her, nor stood by her side. Except for a small number of staunch supporters, everyone else was collectively silent.

Liu Man felt chilled, it was the first time she experienced the ruthlessness of fans, they were like weeds,

When he likes her, he will call her Miss Sister and Princess one by one, praise her to the sky with all kinds of compliments, and generously give her gifts of real gold and silver.

But once they don't like her, some people will stand on the sidelines coldly, not even bothering to say a word to her, some people will simply unfollow her, and will never watch her Weibo and live broadcast again.

Liu Man understands that if she wants to adapt to this era, she has to adapt to the erratic fans. She can't understand everyone's thoughts, and she can't guarantee that one day in the future, because of her words and behaviors, she will anger again. some people.

If she was sad about this kind of thing every time, she would probably die short-lived.

So the best way is to turn a blind eye, and it is best not to even read these comments.

Lu Lingling is a Weibo social enthusiast. As mentioned earlier, her Weibo is called I, My, My Little Luban. A 14-year-old girl has 2,000+ Weibo followers.

Lu Lingling has never watched Liu Man's live broadcast, but she has followed Liu Man's Weibo, is her die-hard fan, and browses her Weibo every day.

Lu Lingling watched all of the confrontation on Princess Qieman's Weibo, no matter whether it was the support of real fans or the opposition of fake fans.

she was very angry

Why do these people slander the kind lady!

She decided to testify for Princess Qieman.

Lu Lingling stayed up late that night to write a long Weibo post, and posted it on her own Weibo in the early morning.

Me, me, my little Luban: I am an ordinary 14-year-old girl in the second grade of junior high school. My parents run a snack bar in Shaxian County. Every night after school, I go to the store to help. On the evening of April 2, I went out to take out the trash in the restaurant. I found a dying cat next to the litter box. I thought it was very pitiful, so I picked it up and went back to the store. My mother saw it and scolded me, saying that the cat was dirty with bugs. I threw it away, I was very stubborn, but didn't agree, she snatched the cat angrily and threw it on the ground.

The little sister and her mother happened to come to my shop for supper at this time, and saw my mother's atrocities against cats (although I love my mother very much, but she did not do this right), the little sister hugged me very sadly. Cat, run to our pet hospital, you can’t imagine, a girl who looks slender and weak, at this moment, the explosive power, the young lady runs very fast, I can hardly keep up with a person who runs 800 meters in 3 minutes and 10 seconds she.

When we arrived at the pet hospital, the younger sister handed the cat to the younger brother. After examining the cat, the younger brother said that there were many needles in the cat's body, which are the needles we usually use for sewing clothes. They were deliberately lured by people to let the cat eat them. The cat was already I can't eat anymore, isn't it terrible and inhumane? The little brother took two hours of surgery to remove all the needles. He said that the cat even meowed hoarsely. One can imagine how much pain it endured.

The next morning, before seven o’clock, I went to the pet hospital again. Unexpectedly, both my sister and my brother were there. My brother stayed with the cat all night, and my sister came early in the morning to deliver food to the cat. Everyone knows that the young lady sells cat food herself, and fortunately she has countless cat food, which finally keeps the cats from starving.

The young lady decided to adopt this cat at that time, and named it Moonlight. A week later, that is, yesterday, she brought Moonlight home after she was sure that Moonlight was completely out of danger. Although I didn’t watch her live broadcast last night, but I think she basked in the moonlight in the live broadcast because she wanted to share this little life with her fans in time.

I don't understand why some people would doubt her intention of adopting Moonlight, scold her for showing off, and for posing for a photo. Could it be that she knew in advance that there was a stray cat next to the trash can near my shop? Then deliberately brought mother over for dinner and pretended to meet by chance? This is too ridiculous.

If it's for a show, is it necessary for her to go to the warehouse at six o'clock the next morning to find canned cat food for Moonlight? Is it necessary for her to go to the pet hospital to visit Moonlight every day for seven days in a row?

You question why she adopts a breed cat instead of a garden cat. It is because Moonlight happens to be a breed cat. I believe that if it is a garden cat, the young lady will definitely adopt it.

You accused her of earning money from stray cats. I didn't see how much money she made, but I saw her take out the cat food that was supposed to be sold and feed it to Moonlight. Is she posting money?

This is what I know, the whole process of the anchor Princess Qieman adopting the stray cat Moonlight, I guarantee with my personality that the above explanations are all what I have seen with my own eyes, and all are true and credible, if there is any falsehood, I will be struck by lightning.

At the same time, I advise some people not to keep pets blindly in order to satisfy their desire for cuteness, and throw them away when they get bored. Do you know how pitiful stray cats and stray dogs are? What you have done is inhumane and will be condemned by God.

I hope everyone can love pets. Pets are not only our friends, but also our family members.

After posting the long Weibo, I, My Little Luban also posted a photo of Yueguang who was extremely weak in the incubator just after the operation, and attached the text: This is the first time I have had Moonlight surgery. Shot by @公主含嫚, @我是veterinary doctor, thank you, you are the ones who brought Moonlight back to life.

As soon as the two Weibo posts of I, My, My Little Luban were posted, they immediately aroused great reactions from fans.

The first update, this chapter is a foreshadowing

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