Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1185: The Film King Arrives

Liu Man and his team arrived in Venice the day before the opening ceremony, so they would have enough time to prepare for the red carpet the next day. The plane landed directly at the Venetian Lido Island, where the film festival is held. This is a slender island about 12 kilometers long. In addition to hosting the film festival, it is also a world-famous resort.

On the same day, they checked into a hotel on the Lido Island in Venice. In the resort, they had no time to wander around—first, the staff of the film festival came to register them. Loitering, even fans and tourists who rub the 18th line on the red carpet or come to chase stars, need to apply for documents in advance.

Liu Man and Li Xiaoru only had one entry pass for the opening ceremony, while Ye Zi'an and Tao Zhiyao had a pass for all audiences. But it doesn't matter, after attending the opening ceremony, Liu Man went to Bolzano with Li Xiaoru.

That afternoon, Ye Zi'an called a meeting with everyone, mainly emphasizing discipline, time, competition rules and precautions. The film organizer gave him a process document, and only then did he know which other films were shortlisted for the film festival. He picked out the important ones, introduced them to everyone, and by the way, popularized science for people like Liu Man and Li Xiaoru who don't know how to do it.

For example, the film festival has several competition units, the main competition unit, the horizon unit, and the screening unit... Just like people are divided into categories, the film festival also divides the shortlisted films into different grades. The main competition unit is undoubtedly the best, but in the past ten years, no Chinese film has been able to enter this unit. This time Late Nightmare did not create miracles, it was shortlisted for the Horizon unit. There are also awards such as Best Director, Best Actor and Actress in the Horizon unit.

The Horizon unit is not that bad either, and its grade is second only to the top main competition unit. Including Late Ming Dynasty Dream, a total of 18 films were shortlisted for this wish, with 7 world-class film directors, screenwriters, producers, etc. Big names acted as judges, and after 10 days of watching movies in turn, the winning films were finally selected.

The biggest difference between it and the main competition unit is that the directors of the shortlisted films are all newcomers—those who participated in the Venice Film Festival for the first time must be young directors. Ye Zi'an met the above requirements, so his films were classified into the Horizon unit.

Ye Zi'an has no complaints at all. The Venice Film Festival has always been known for its friendliness to film newcomers. Here, he is a newcomer. In recent years, new directors who have left the Venice Film Festival have all appeared on the stage of Oscars. This seems to be a trend. Foreign media have commented that Venice has become a place where masters can be found, young and promising, but If little-known foreign directors want to go to the international stage through a platform, Venice is undoubtedly the best choice.

Ye Zi'an is 34 years old, and it has been ten years since he made his debut film Outside the Window, which was an instant hit and became famous as a teenager. In the past two years, whether it is Listen, the Sound of the Wind or Late Ming Dynasty, or even the upcoming Little Walnut, he feels that he has no breakthroughs, no innovations, and it seems that he is making progress—increasing income growth , actually standing still.

Domestic audiences are willing to contribute to his box office, but mentioning his name and talking about his movies, it seems that he will always be inferior to Lin Zhi and even Cai Henian. Ye Zi'an knew very well that his skills were not enough, and he hadn't encountered a better script. It didn't mean that the scripts of Late Ming Dynasty and Little Walnut were not good, but there was always something missing. Is it aura? Is it popular?

Perhaps this has something to do with the opportunity - if Yu Zhan hadn't bought Xinghe Film and Television, he wouldn't even be eligible to come to the Venice Film Festival!

Compared with Ye Zi'an's psychological burden, other people have almost no pressure.

Liu Man looked at the materials in his hand, and found that the films shortlisted for the main competition were all works of internationally renowned directors, and American and European films were the mainstream.

One of the American films White Soul attracted Liu Man's attention because its leading actor is Alan Smith. This film is also the opening film of the main competition at the opening ceremony tomorrow.

Doesn't that mean that Alan will also come to walk the red carpet tomorrow? The girls who had just talked about Alan's gossip were a little excited.

It's not just Alan, there are so many big-name Hollywood stars and directors on the red carpet tomorrow, it's a star-studded crowd.

Let's not underestimate ourselves, senior Tang Tu is no worse than Alan!

Li Xiaoru praised Tang Tu exaggeratedly, I'm very happy when you say that, but I'm really not comparable to Alan. He is an international actor, a big star, and a senior. We are not at the same level.

Alan won the Palme d'Or in Cannes, of course not because of popcorn commercial films such as Future Heroes. In fact, he is better at shooting in-depth dramas. On the stage of awards, in addition to the Cannes Film Festival, he has two films that have been nominated for Oscars, but unfortunately they did not win in the end.

None of Liu Man and the others have seen this White Soul. It seems that Venice is used as the location for the world premiere. The director of this movie is also a bigwig in Hollywood, especially good at tragic movies. Looking at the name White Soul, I feel it is a tragedy.

Audiences don't usually like tragedies, but festival judges do!

Everyone felt that this time the Venice Golden Lion Award probably belonged to Alan.

Fortunately, we were shortlisted for the Horizon unit, so we don't have to compete with others, otherwise we would definitely have no chance, and we wouldn't even be able to eat leftovers. Tao Zhiyao was originally unhappy that Late Ming Dynasty was classified into the second tier, but now he is glad . Win awards such as best film and best director in the horizon unit, and you can still blow up the sky when you go back!

Isn't Alan having a dispute with Michael's film industry? Whether he can come to the film festival is a question mark, Liu Man said. Based on her experience of dealing with Michael several times, she felt that Alan might not be able to get away so easily. .

But she was obviously wrong.

That night, when Alan arrived at Lido Island, all the media stationed on the island flocked and surrounded the airport.

At the same airport, when Liu Man and the others arrived, only a handful of 9 media came to interview, of which 4 were Chinese media and 2 were American media. None of the 9 media outlets.

The local entertainment news in Italy is pushing content related to Alan, and his popularity in Europe is also super high.

Liu Man looked at the video of him smiling at the camera at the airport, and immediately remembered the photo of him and Yu Zhan with their shoulders crossed.

The second update~I have a headache today, take a break, there are only two updates~

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