In any case, the five of them set off together.

When it comes to Milan, most people seem to think of Milan Fashion Week. Indeed, this city is not only the fashion and art capital of Europe but also the world, Tao Zhiyao, like a competent director, introduced Liu Man and Li Xiaoru .

The hotel where the five people lived was located in the center of Milan. They walked slowly along the main road in front of the hotel and soon came to a square. Tao Zhiyao said that this is the Cathedral Square, and there is a magnificent monument on the side of the square. The white marble building is the iconic Milan Cathedral.

It was dark, and of course the church was closed to outsiders, but this did not prevent countless tourists from all over the world from coming here to visit the night scene. In addition to tourists, there are also many stylishly dressed locals. The street is full of artistic atmosphere and bustling. Other buildings besides the church also look quite old. The architectural style is quite different from the skyscrapers that Liu Man saw in New York before.

Liu Man opened her eyes wide, looking left and right to observe these fresh scenery and people of different shapes, Is it like this in Europe? She asked Tao Zhiyao.

It's pretty much the same. The houses all look gorgeous. They all have churches, palaces, and fortresses. If you look at them too much, you'll get tired of looking at them. Tao Zhiyao doesn't understand architecture, and he only sums it up with his own perception, Milan The cathedral is probably a Rococo building.

Tang Tu, who was walking behind them, couldn't help correcting her, It's Gothic...

Tao Zhiyao turned his head and gave him a sideways glance, Haven't you never been to Italy?

Tang Tu smiled calmly, I have read many books. This is basic common sense. I don't want you to mislead Liu Man. She often broadcasts live broadcasts on TV. If she says something wrong in front of the audience, she will be recruited again!

Tao Zhiyao's lips moved, but he didn't make a sound, probably because he was uttering fragrant words. Li Xiaoru and Bai Yuhan were snickering beside him. The mode of getting along with each other is the lover mode!

Pass through the most crowded cathedral square, and continue to walk a little further. There is a commercial street. There is a small fountain at the end of the street. It is still full of people, and there are many more performers. There are different music and singing everywhere. .

The five people sat down on the steps in front of the fountain, rested for a while, enjoyed the cool breeze, and watched the busker's performance by the way. Almost all the people here and there are people with high noses and concave eyes. No one pays special attention to them Chinese people. Even if they see them, they will not think of Internet celebrities or celebrities. Liu Man is not popular enough to casually show up on the streets of Europe. Face, to the point of being watched - unless it is a star of Jason or Alan's level.

Li Xiaoru supported her chin with one hand, and kept looking at a little Caucasian boy who was playing the piano in front of her. The child was about seven or eight years old, with white skin and brown hair. He plays a street piano that can be seen everywhere in foreign countries - there will be a free piano like this near scenic spots and famous commercial streets, with the words play me, I'm Yours written on it.

Pedestrians, no matter who they are, can sit down and simply play a few times. Those who know how to play want to show off their talents, or those who don't know how to try new things, or even mess around as long as they don't spoil it, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to participate.

However, most people's performance level is very average - it is impossible to fill the street with musicians. Just like this little boy who plays the piano, he is playing the very famous piano piece Exodus. I haven't been learning piano for a long time.

Beginners dare to compose Exodus silently and play it in a place with so many people. I didn't have such courage when I was young, Li Xiaoru admired the little boy. Playing solo in a concert hall with only a few people in the audience makes me feel uneasy.

Everyone heard Li Xiaoru's words, and went to watch the little boy play the piano. Except for the little boy's parents, no one else stopped to watch the little boy's piano sound, at most they glanced at it.

The little boy insisted on finishing a piece of music. His parents applauded, and Liu Man applauded. Hearing their applause, the little boy and his parents all looked over and smiled at them kindly. The little boy was very polite. Said thank you. Then his parents took him away from here.

The piano was also free, Li Xiaoru stood up, I'll try it.

During this period, she practiced the piano for more than 16 hours a day, and she did not touch the piano for three days when she returned to China to meet Jiang Chengfeng's parents. After carefully calculating from China to Italy, she also didn't play the piano for a day, and she felt itchy when she saw the little boy playing the piano.

Is this an addiction? !

Go, let us be your audience and applaud you, Liu Man thought that no matter who played the piano, the pedestrians here would not be moved - just now Tao Zhiyao introduced Milan as the capital of art, Liu Man estimated that here Everyone can play the piano? A piano worth tens of thousands in China has become a rotten instrument here? Otherwise, the venue of the piano competition would not be chosen in Italy?

Of course Liu Man thought too much.

Li Xiaoru first played a few keys casually to test the sound. The street piano was windy and rainy, and the pitch was not accurate, but it could be used. Then she placed her hands in a skilled position, and her fingers jumped nimbly. Exodus The prelude poured out from her fingertips. Hearing the sound of the piano, the family of three little boys who hadn't gone far turned around and looked at her in surprise.

Tourists who only focus on taking pictures, off-duty workers in a hurry, local fashion youths with nothing to do, and even buskers are all attracted by her piano sound, stop or look at the things in their hands.

Exodus is a very magnificent song. From its name, it can be seen that this song is related to the righteousness of the country and the rise and fall of the nation. In a traditional tourist attraction with lots of people coming and going, it is very difficult to use a street piano with a slightly lower configuration to create such a sense of historical thickness and imagery. Li Xiaoru can't do it either, but her piano sound Delicate and mournful, solemn and deep, these foreigners actually have the feeling of standing solemnly and silently involuntarily when listening to the national anthem of their respective countries.

This kind of piano sound also has a strange fit with the surrounding buildings that have gone through hundreds of years of wind and rain and are still standing. After all, Italy is also a country with a long history. When tourists visit the buildings, it is as if there is background music. Inexplicably excited.

More and more people gathered around Li Xiaoru, some listened quietly and thoughtfully; some took out their mobile phones to take pictures; some said just unbelievable!

first update~

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