Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1150 Flying Flower Order

Liu Man listened to Gong Wei's words in her heart, and she reflected on why she only got 3 questions? Is it really because she is a woman and her hand speed is slow, not as good as a man? So why in many factories, female workers are more diligent, more efficient, and earn more than male workers?

Because they, like Gong Wei, have the pressure to survive!

Is Liu Man under pressure to participate in this program? Yes, but definitely not as good as Gong Wei. Even if she loses the game, netizens continue to call her a scumbag, she is still a super Internet celebrity with hundreds of millions of fans around the world, and she still has various privileges from Capital University. She still has such a strong backing boyfriend as Yu Zhan, and for Gong Wei, this TV appearance may be the only highlight moment in his life, the only chance for him to change his ordinary destiny.

Can he not work hard?

To put it bluntly, Liu Man just didn't pay much attention to the show, so he gave the opportunity to his opponent in the answering session. She realized her problem and realized that she shouldn't underestimate her opponent. She looked at Gong Wei and said to him solemnly, Thank you!

Gong Wei didn't expect Liu Man to talk to him suddenly, his face turned red instantly, he didn't dare to look into Liu Man's eyes, lowered his head, and said, No thank you, no thank you! The photographer reacted quickly and took pictures of their interaction.

The host jokingly said, Gong Wei, you can't blush at Liu Man, your wife is here!

The camera immediately shot the auditorium again. Gong Wei's wife covered her mouth and smiled very brightly. She didn't mind at all that her husband was attracted by other girls, and she seemed to find it very interesting.

She is the captain of Gong Wei's cheerleading team. When Gong Wei introduced himself at the beginning, he mentioned his wife. They are both very young, both working in the capital, and have no children yet. Except for his wife, everyone in Gong Wei's cheerleading team is delivery boys. They wear uniform platform uniforms, wishing to be more eye-catching than Liu Man's cheerleading team all wearing Hanfu.

Just kidding, the game has to go on, they are all competitors!

The host announced the start of the third session of the first round. Unexpectedly, the question types and rules of the third session tonight were changed. The host said three words Fei Hua Ling. The three contestants on the stage all looked stunned, even Wang Daoxin, who had nothing to do with it, was no exception. The audience was also a little confused, because in the first 13 episodes, this link was the same as the second link of the second round. For the correct answer to the question, points are awarded for correct answers, and points are deducted for incorrect answers.

Liu Man looked at Xiong Jie under the stands, and Xiong Jie spread his hands towards her. Who knew that the program team actually revised the rules in the last episode.

One of the three experts began to speak, Let me explain the 'Flying Flower Order' in this link. Feihua Ling is a traditional literary game that has been passed down from ancient times to the present. Simply put, it is to choose a word and let the contestants say it. Write poems containing this word. The rules of the ancient Feihua Ling game are very strict, and there are strict requirements on the rhythm of the poem and the position of the word. Considering the degree of modern people's understanding of poetry, we simplified the rules. The contestants only It is enough to say the poems containing this word.

The reason why we amended the rules is mainly based on the results of the contestants' answers in the previous episodes. The previous rules are a bit simple for the last part of the five-person competition. We need to increase the difficulty, which is different from Tang Poetry and Song Ci. Playing Flying Flower Ling within the framework of Book of Songs and Chu Ci is quite difficult, and it also tests the accumulation of poems and essays of the contestants. In this way, we can select better winners, and finally compete with It’s a contest. Of course, we have also consulted everyone in the program group, and this is a unanimous decision.”

Experts can always justify themselves, and this reason is still convincing. In short, after Xiong Jie left, the ratings were too low. They changed the game to make it more interesting, but in the eyes of experts, it became grandiose.

The problem is that the contestants are not mentally prepared at all. This is the same as knowing the question types before the exam and reviewing the question types. They have not done relevant exercises for the Flying Order at all. But that's fair too, because it's true of all three.

By shooting the subtle facial expressions of the three people, the camera told the audience that this was a real surprise attack. Compared with No. 1 contestant and Gong Wei, Liu Man was only a little bit taken aback at the beginning, but soon recovered to a calm and calm look.

Liu Man's fans were all sweating for her, It's over, it's over, our goddess is really going to lose the game!

Don't be crowed!


In the voting link, the height of Liu Man's histogram has a downward trend.

And people who know her don't worry about her. For example, Yu Zhan, who is watching the live broadcast, has been busy until now to watch his girlfriend's game. He is exhausted. Is the medical insurance card system normal? I just returned to my office. Just in time to see experts talking about this unexpected rule.

In the mobile live broadcast, you can see the bullet screens posted by netizens. Countless texts almost drowned the screen. Half of the people were worried about Liu Man, and half of them were watching the excitement and not thinking it was a big deal.

Yu Zhan saw a highlighted barrage that said, The wives of the courier brothers all came to the scene to cheer for their husbands. Liu Man participated in the competition, but Dr. Yu didn't join the cheerleading team. Bad review! Thousands of people praised him. Yu Zhan pressed his temple and laughed, he knew that he was indeed incompetent.

Looking at the time, there was still an hour before the end of the game. He got up, picked up his mobile phone and car keys, and walked outside. The employees who were still working overtime saw him and stood up.

I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back in about an hour and a half, Yu Zhan told them.

Looking at the back of his leaving, everyone can guess what he is doing.

Under the explanation of the experts, the host continued to talk about the specific rules of the competition. The flying flower order in this session will test three words. After passing the first word, one contestant will be eliminated, and the last two people will decide who will be the final one through the two-word competition. A showdown with Wang Daoxin.

Since Gong Wei is currently the one with the highest score, let's start with him first. Everyone has 30 seconds to think, the host said. The number of verses is there. Whoever speaks first will take the initiative. The first The word is 'cloud', please name the verses that contain the word 'cloud' in Book of Songs or Chu Songs.

Gong Wei only thought for a few seconds before he said, Whose thought? The beauty of the West. That beauty, the person from the West.

After he finished speaking, the three experts on the judging panel and Su Yi applauded him first, and Su Yi nodded again and again. Gong Wei was very smart, with a pun, he answered the question and praised Liu Man as a beauty, because she was standing to the west of him.

The second update~o(╯□╰)o I don’t know why the grades are getting worse and worse, did I collapse? solve?

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