Liang Shengnan and Xiong Jie spoke for Liu Man face to face, but did not deny the matter of buying a house, which aroused dissatisfaction and jealousy among more students. Affected by various factors, the domestic employment situation this year is quite bad. The number of enterprises recruiting in the summer has decreased by 30% compared with last year. Many seniors who have decided to graduate and work directly have not found a job for the time being.

Those high-paying companies usually recruit in advance, reserve outstanding students from universities in various places, or lock in candidates during the internship period, instead of waiting until the senior year officially starts, and then mobilize the recruitment. Naturally, more people are forced to take the postgraduate entrance examination, crowding out the opportunities for students who are already preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. The pressure of survival has intensified the contradictions between ordinary college students and top college students like Liu Man.

Discussions on this matter on the Internet are intensifying. The participants are mainly student parties, not limited to universities in the capital. Like Yu Zhan, they all thought it was a trivial matter. This is nothing black. When you enter the society, you will know what is dangerous in the world.

The problem was that the students became so hot-headed that they refused to listen to any persuasion. They had to come forward and give an explanation, admitting that they had given Liu Man and Jiang Chengfeng special privileges.

At the most turbulent time, Jiang Chengfeng went back to school and went to the dormitory to pack his luggage. Xuewen Tumo has already rented a new office space. They rented the fourth floor of an office building in Songtai Real Estate that was just completed. For the sake of acquaintances, Song Junzhe gave a 10% discount on the rent. It was not appropriate to continue sleeping in the office, so Jiang Chengfeng rented a house nearby.

Songtai Real Estate’s commercial housing has also begun to be sold to the public. It focuses on mid-to-high-end residential areas, mostly large units over 150 square meters, and the price per square meter is 20,000 to 30,000 higher than the surrounding second-hand housing. But it is much cheaper than the same quality of housing in the city center. Therefore, before opening, some good units have been booked in advance.

Xiong Jie and Liang Shengnan bought their houses here, and they got the internal price through Liu Man's relationship. Jiang Chengfeng is also considering buying with them these two days, he wants to wait for Li Xiaoru to discuss with her before making a decision.

Jiang Chengfeng also had a special car and driver. The car was parked outside the school, and he and the driver walked into the school. This time, he wanted to take all the luggage, and he couldn't carry it alone.

On the campus during the summer vacation, there are many fewer students. Walking on the boulevard, there are almost no people to be seen. When we arrived at the entrance of the dormitory area, we met a few classmates. They recognized Jiang Chengfeng, and they had different expressions. Someone wanted to say hello to him, but was dragged away by his companions. They could only smile at him awkwardly, and walked away. The influence of online public opinion is only one aspect. The important thing is that they were not familiar with Jiang Chengfeng before, and they didn't pay much attention to him when they saw him.

Although, they do want to kneel and lick Jiang Chengfeng, their thinking is very realistic. Seeing that Jiang Chengfeng is surrounded by bodyguards, he is a real boss and a rare contact. He will definitely be useful after graduation. with. But they still have the last trace of the nobility of students, and they don't want to make themselves appear too philistine and flattering!

So, Jiang Chengfeng met a few classmates along the way, and they all knew each other, but he didn't say a word.

When he arrived at the door of the dormitory, Jiang Chengfeng asked himself to wait for him outside. He took out the key and opened the door of the dormitory. Before he could twist it, the door was opened from the inside first, and he and the people in the room looked at each other.

Cao Yuan (roommate B) asked in surprise, Why are you back?

I'm coming back to pack my things.

As soon as Jiang Chengfeng said, Cao Yuan immediately stepped aside and let him in. Jiang Chengfeng's bed was near the door, and he hadn't been back for nearly half a year. His desk was covered with a thick layer of dust, and the books on the bookshelf were also dusty.

We haven't touched your things, Cao Yuan said behind him.

I don't doubt you. Jiang Chengfeng felt that Cao Yuan spoke to him with a hint of politeness, and he felt a little uncomfortable. Because he signed a confidentiality agreement with Liu Man, he could not disclose any information until the final result was released. , his roommate is also his good friend, but he still can't say.

At that time, the three roommates were worried about him. Seeing him hang out with girls all day long, they thought that he planned to make a career as a women's clothing boss, but he didn't listen to their advice. Alienated.

Except that Cao Yuan sent him a message to remind him of some precautions before the final exam, the other two roommates have not spoken to him until now. They seem to have set up another WeChat group for a 3-person dormitory, and the chat history of the previous WeChat group for 4-person dormitory was dated six months ago. During the final exam, Jiang Chengfeng met them and wanted to invite them to dinner, but when they saw him, they turned around and left, completely excluding him.

Cao Yuan saw a corner of the driver's figure outside the house and asked, Are your relatives outside?

No, it's the company's driver.

666, you are a big boss, and your style is different from that of poor students like us, Cao Yuan said with emotion, no matter how he heard it, he was mocking. After Xuewen Tumo went online, they knew what Jiang Chengfeng was up to.

They always thought that Jiang Chengfeng was an Internet celebrity and didn't think about making progress. They didn't expect that he would work hard and make a fortune in silence. Thanks to their kindness and kindness, he worried about the future for him, but he treated them as outsiders. I'm afraid he would laugh at them behind his back. Fool, mind your own business.

Seeing the news on the Internet that Jiang Chengfeng was appointed as the CTO of Xuewen Tumo, the other two roommates scolded Jiang Chengfeng all night, but Cao Yuan did not participate, and was covered with a quilt, feeling very uncomfortable. It's like the feeling of paying a scumbag by heart, and then he pats his ass and leaves in the end.

Can you stop talking to me in such a weird voice? I...we are good friends, Jiang Chengfeng said in a difficult tone.

Tch, you don't regard us as friends at all. Your friends are a group of rich second-generation people who are coaxing all kinds of abuses. How can ordinary people like us have the ability to be friends with you! When Cao Yuan said this, in fact, he Not happy at all, he is a cheerful and sunny boy, he doesn't want to make himself full of resentment, What are you going to pack up, go away after finishing, I have to review.

Jiang Chengfeng was taken aback, Aren't you going abroad? What are you studying for?

Cao Yuan said distractedly, Don't worry about my affairs.

Jiang Chengfeng moved his chair out and sat down, No, I'll take care of it. If you don't tell me, I'll stay in the dormitory today and won't leave. I'm sick of you.

Cao Yuan got annoyed all of a sudden, and shouted at him, Do you think everyone is like you and Liu Man, everything goes smoothly and everything they want comes true?

The third one is done~

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