Xue Yunfei couldn't persuade Huo Ming, so Xiao Keer had an idea and insisted on taking Huo Ming out for a barbecue. Xue Yunfei didn't want to see his girlfriend match Huo Ming and Shen Mozhen, so he went home with an excuse.

Huo Ming couldn't stand Xiao Ke'er's nagging, and he didn't know that Shen Mozhen was here until he came to the food stall.

The two looked at each other, Huo Ming didn't know what good thing Xiao Keer did behind his back, after a little embarrassment, Huo Ming greeted Shen Mozhen and Tao Zhiyao with a smile as usual.

His smiling face is not greasy, his face is not fat, he has a long face, with more flesh, it becomes a round face, with a little double chin, not so greasy, his eyes are not small, they are inner Shuang, the fat on the eyelids is too thick, covering part of the eyeballs, and when he smiles, the thin and long ones are in an arc shape.

Just looking at his face, one would think he weighs about 170 jin. Looking at his whole body, uh, it should be over 200 jin. Most of his flesh is concentrated in the lower body - stomach and thighs.

The weather was too hot, and the lights of the food stalls were cold white, which shone on Huo Ming's fat face, making him look extraordinarily pale, and his dark circles became more prominent. Shen Mozhen remembered that the last time he saw Huo Ming was the day when Xiao Ke'er sent a letter. Huo Ming's face was not so bad. It's only been more than ten days since we saw him. How could he become so haggard?

Shen Mozhen was a little worried about Huo Ming's health. She didn't reject the fat man as much as she thought.

Don't just stand there, sit down, sit down, Tao Zhiyao warmly greeted the two of them. She didn't know Huo Ming and Xiao Ke'er very well before, and every time they met and got together, they would always be bridged by Liu Man Yes, we've had dinner together a few times and we're considered friends.

Later, Late Dream needed a theme song. Tao Zhiyao found Xiao Ke'er and asked her to compose Last Dream Void. The composer of this song was Xiao Ke'er, but the arrangement was Huo Ming. After this cooperation, Tao Zhiyao contacted them more frequently. Xiao Keer also specially brought Tao Zhiyao a copy of the last souvenir.

The four of them sat at a small square table, and Tao Zhiyao and Xiao Ke'er were sitting on the left and right of Shen Mozhen, facing Huo Ming. Huo Ming is tall and fat, with a huge body, he can't see the small chair when he sits down.

Tao Zhiyao and Shen Mozhen were already half full, but Tao Zhiyao still said that he would continue to eat, excitedly Zhang Luo ordered, and the boss brought the menu.

As a public figure, Ke'er had to keep fit, so he ordered a few meat skewers. When it was Huo Ming's turn, he ordered even less, just two skewers of vegetarian vegetables for barbecue.

Tao Zhiyao laughed, Brother Ming, this is not your style, you don't want to lose weight, do you?

Huo Ming generously admitted, Yeah, if I get fatter, the doctor said it will affect my health. I'm not yet thirty, and I don't want to die young. The cause of death says fat death?!

His self-deprecating jokes amused Tao Zhiyao and Xiao Ke'er.

How much do you weigh? Tao Zhiyao took advantage of the harmonious atmosphere and asked her a question she had been curious about for a long time.

Weight is a heavy topic that every fat person cannot bear. Huo Ming is a little stronger. Like Yu Zhan, he went to the United States in middle school. Many people around him are fatter than him. He is not as sensitive as ordinary Chinese fat people. He had never thought of losing weight before, and he confidently felt that he was doing well until he met Shen Mozhen.

In front of Shen Mozhen, he felt that the weight figure was extremely difficult to say. He didn't dare to look up at her, and said to Tao Zhiyao, I weighed 134 kilograms this morning, he emphasized, I have been trying to lose weight during this time, I lost about 5 kilograms, hey, your weight is probably a fraction of mine.

No, no, you look at me too high. My weight has never been lower than 50 kilograms. The fattest person in middle school was 60 kilograms. Huo Ming's weight was within Tao Zhiyao's expectation, and she was not surprised.

It's normal for you to be tall and a little heavier. Isn't there a saying on the Internet that you can't weigh more than 100, and you're either flat-chested or short. I'd rather be a little heavier than be so short, Xiao Ke'er said with a worried look on her face.

I'd rather be shorter than be so fat.

Huo Ming took over the conversation humorously. Shen Mozhen, who had been pretending to be a wooden figure, finally couldn't help laughing. She said to him, Your weight is okay. With your height, your normal weight is about 80 kilograms.

Huo Ming nodded quickly, My goal is 80 kilograms.

How did you lose weight? Just don't eat?

Yes, no dinner.

The next four people had an enthusiastic discussion on how to lose weight efficiently. The music talent corresponds to Huo Ming’s underdeveloped motor nerves. He does not like sports very much. He has never been to the gym. .

Skipping meals is bad for your health, you need to exercise!

Yes, it's easy to rebound if you don't eat.


Xiao Ke'er and Tao Zhiyao gave advice to Huo Ming, and Shen Mozhen would agree with him.

In places like food stalls, it is very interesting to see a fat man eating with three beauties with different styles. Few men are as yan. Fu as Huo Ming. Naturally, their table has attracted many people's attention. arrive. At this time, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, and the number of customers in the food stalls continued unabated. In the scorching summer, this is the best way to invite friends.

Tao Zhiyao and the others sat at the table next to three young men. They had just arrived, and since they were seated, they frequently looked sideways at Huo Ming and the three girls.

A man asked depressingly, You said we were compared with that fat man, where did we lose?

Another man was smoking a cigarette, He's so fat and oily, maybe he's a rich second generation?

Are we poor?

The three men drove over in a luxury car and wore famous watches on their wrists. They originally came to have a happy dinner on the weekend, but they saw this scene - the fat man was surrounded by beauties, hugging left and right, living out The demeanor of a winner in life. They were so sour that their teeth hurt, they couldn't eat skewers, and they couldn't drink beer.

Especially when they heard that the fat man and the three beauties were discussing weight loss strategies later on? ! The fat man seemed to be the leader of the topic, and the three beauties were gentle and considerate, worried that he would lose weight and damage his body, they persuaded him gently, as if they respected and admired him very much, and regarded him as their center? !

This is how hot eyes, hot ears!

They were extremely unbalanced in their hearts, unable to sit down any longer, and got up angrily!


Boss, change another table for us, a man called to stop the passing boss.

Sorry, there are no other seats, and the guests who come now are waiting outside!

Three men: ...

The boss brought Tao Zhiyao and the others' newly ordered skewers to the table, and Xiao Ke'er picked up two skewers of beef and put them on Huo Ming's plate, Brother Ming, you haven't had dinner tonight, and you've been working overtime until now, so you need to supplement your nutrition. , Mo Zhen and I still have to rely on you, there is no rush to lose weight at this moment, and eating two skewers of beef won't add much fat.

The long overdue first update~ Today is still the third update~

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