Xiong Jie admitting defeat does not mean the game is over, Wang Daoxin has to give the correct answer, if he doesn't know or answers wrong, then he and Xiong Jie are tied and the game will continue.

The host looked at Wang Daoxin again, Wang Daoxin, have you thought about your answer yet?

The scene was quiet, and Wang Daoxin immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

In fact, when he was thinking just now, Wang Daoxin's expression was similar to that of Xiong Jie, as if he was stumped, but now, it seems that Xiong Jie gave up on his own initiative, which instead encouraged Wang Daoxin and made him think, and he suddenly calmed down Now, I looked at the host, and said with a smile, 'Collecting the strengths of others' comes from Liu Xiang's Shuo Yuan Jun Dao in the Han Dynasty. Squat down quietly to borrow it, don't use prestige to admonish those who are admonished, mothers keep their words, and pick up their words, it is a good choice.'”

He finished speaking firmly, and then faced the judges' seat, making an attitude of humbly listening to the lecture, but his face already had a smile of victory.

The audience present were all overwhelmed by the domineering aura in him, mainly because what he said was too out of the ordinary, few people knew about this article, but it sounded awesome.

All three judges nodded in satisfaction, and a professor-level judge first affirmed that Wang Daoxin's answer was correct, That's right, 'Learning from all the strengths' is indeed derived from Liu Xiang's Shuo Yuan Jun Dao, and its meaning is popular. To put it simply, it is brainstorming, which is the core idea of ​​Zajia at the end of the Warring States Period...

At the end of Datong's explanation, the professor once again praised Wang Daoxin, Wang Daoxin's answer is perfect, and he reproduced the original text verbatim. These days, it is really rare for young people to have such a foundation in Chinese studies.

After the professor finished speaking, the audience gave Wang Daoxin warm applause. Wang Daoxin immediately pretended to be modest and kept saying thank you.

Xiong Jie listened carefully to the professor's explanation, and nodded repeatedly. You must know that the camera has never let him go, but if he shows any bad emotions, tomorrow's trending search will become Xiong Jie is not capable, and he is not good enough for the program crew. Feeling resentful and so on.

The host took a look at him and felt sorry for him. Xiong Jie is the player who has stayed on the stage for the longest time. They have cooperated for nine seasons, and they are very familiar with each other, they can be regarded as friends.

But there is no general victorious in the world, Xiong Jie will be defeated one day, not this Sunday, but also next Sunday. The host first said a few words on the scene: Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs, don't take a victory or a failure too seriously!

Then he said, The final winner of this fight is Wang...

Before he finished speaking, a loud voice came from the auditorium, I have objections!

This sound was absolutely earth-shattering. Not only the host was stunned, but also the staff behind the show were stunned for half a second.

Liang Shengnan thought that no one could hear her voice, so he shouted even louder, I have objections! Liang Shengnan is a super responsible monitor. Today, in order to be the captain of the Xiong Jie Cheerleading Team, she specially brought a big cheerleader. Horn, when she shouted to cheer up, her voice was the most abrupt.

Now the loudspeaker is more useful. Liang Shengnan stood in the auditorium and shouted at the host with the loudspeaker. The other four students who came with him tried to hold her back, but they couldn't! They want to cry but have no tears. Liang Shengnan is a real strong woman with a steel gun. She always rushes to the front and confronts others head-on. But this is a TV station, a program that is being broadcast live in real time!

Xiong Jie was also stunned, he really wanted to get off the stage and tell Liang Shengnan not to be impulsive, this show is just a game, there is no need to fight so hard!

The host had never encountered such a situation. He looked at the director off the stage, and his eyes signaled whether he needed to cut the advertisement?

The director gave him a gesture - continue!

With the permission of the leader, the cameraman also immediately pointed the camera at Liang Shengnan. Her petite figure, but unusually sturdy image, attracted the attention of countless TV viewers. After seeing the results, many people were ready to switch channels to watch other programs. Because she put down the remote control in her hand.

The host said wittily, Our theme today is 'Hundred Schools of Pre-Qin Schools'. More than two thousand years ago, a hundred schools of thought contended for beauty. Now, of course, we also welcome different voices to participate in the discussion! The embarrassment and boredom with Liang Shengnan in the previous second turned into praise and support for her. He looked at Liang Shengnan, This female classmate, do you have anything to say?

Liang Shengnan was about to speak.

The host added, Please introduce yourself to the audience and judges first.

The words Xiong Jie on Liang Shengnan's T-shirt can be seen by the blind. Liang Shengnan thought that the host deliberately wanted her to be famous because she disturbed the order of the show. If her reasons were unreasonable, she would be notorious.

Liang Shengnan was not afraid, took the microphone handed over by the staff, held his head high, and announced his family name: My name is Liang Shengnan, and I come from the XX class of the Department of Classical Literature of Capital University. I am Xiong Jie's classmate and his monitor! After introducing her identity, she said righteously, I think there is something wrong with Wang Daoxin's answer!

Wang Daoxin, who was named, stared at her with disgust and contempt. Even the judges said that his answer was very correct, so he wanted to see how this girl would argue!

Is she also your classmate? Lina pointed to the small but explosive girl on the TV and asked Liu Man.

Yes, she is our class monitor, Liu Man frowned lightly. She was a little worried about Liang Shengnan. This is a national channel program. Although the national channel is already a cooperative unit of Xinghe Film and Television, their sex... If they charged Liang Shengnan with trouble, how could Liang Shengnan successfully graduate from Capital University?

More importantly, Liu Man didn't think Wang Daoxin's answer was wrong.

Until Liang Shengnan said to the host, You just said that today's theme is 'Hundred Schools of Pre-Qin Masters', right?

The host nodded.

I remember that the word 'pre-Qin' was also emphasized in the slogan of the theme before the start of the show. In this case, all topics tonight should not exceed the time point of pre-Qin. In fact, from the five-person competition to the fighting competition, the topic It is true that they all revolve around the articles from the pre-Qin period, except for the last question in the answering session, why did it suddenly jump to the Western Han Dynasty?

Liang Shengnan questioned everyone present.

One of the judges defended, The inheritance of the various schools of thought did not come until the early Han Dynasty, especially the miscellaneous schools, which gradually took shape in the early Han Dynasty.

This is the reason for your super-class proposition? There are so many schools of thought, and you must choose a school that is even controversial in order to test the contestants? I don't think this is a test, but an embarrassment!

The fourth is more done~ ask for a ticket~ the zero o'clock will be a little later~

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