The shooting environment of this kind of short online video itself is very simple, and no special preparation is required. Everyone started shooting in their positions:

He Qisi walked in front of a horizontal bar and pretended to do pull-ups. He played the role of senior Xiao Shi who was a dick who was exhausted and out of breath after just doing it twice.

Wang Sheng pointed the camera at his sweaty, flushed face,

The boy named Chen Han asked as a narrator,

Senior Xiaoshi, don't you continue to exercise?

Senior Xiaoshi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said impatiently, It's impossible to exercise, and it's impossible to exercise in this life. Damn, I'm exhausted.

The narrator asked again, If you don't exercise, how can you chase girls? Girls like eight-pack abs.

Senior Xiaoshi rolled his eyes, ugly and funny,

Zui Mao Zhui, I'm not interested in chasing girls.

Are you not in love?

Senior Xiaoshi sneered, Hehe, I'm not interested in such things as falling in love.

Then what are you interested in?

Senior Xiaoshi put on a pretentious expression of Everyone is drunk and I am sober and said,

Go to class, sleep, eat, surf the Internet, and play games.

The narrator applauded, and said in an artificial voice, Wow, Xiaoshi Xuechang is a good Buddhist.

At this time, a beautiful woman with fluttering hair suddenly appeared in front of the lens of Wang Sheng's camera. Like a beautiful woman walking, she walked slowly in front of the senior from Xiaoshi with a leisurely expression.

Xiao Shixue's expression, which was as high as death, froze on his face instantly, and slowly transformed into a wretched and demented look, staring blankly at the beautiful woman.

At this time, the beauty raised her hand and stroked her wind-blown hair behind her ears. She seemed to feel Senior Xiaoshi's eyes, and smiled lightly.

A drop of saliva dripped from the mouth of Xiaoshi Xuechang, Xiaoshi Xuechang watched the beauty go away eagerly.

He suddenly seemed to be injected with stimulants, doing pull-ups frantically.

The narrator said, Didn't you never exercise in your life?

Senior Xiaoshi said, You believe what I say, are you stupid?

The screen turned completely black, and the words End of this episode appeared on the screen in white, followed by the list of credits:

Xiaoshi Senior: He Qisi

Narrator: Chen Han

Screenwriter: Sun Weiwei

Photography: Wang Sheng

Makeup: Zhang Jiaojiao

Late stage: Fang Hao

Special guest for this episode: Goddess of Hanfu

In the past, everyone watched the short video of Happy Pot Pot, and when the screen turned black, they quit and changed to the next video, but this time most people actually waited to see the list of creators, their eyes couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and they didn't see the name People, play the video a second time and continue watching.

Fuck, she's really the goddess of Hanfu.

Let me just say she is the goddess of Hanfu, but my roommate doesn't even believe me! What kind of eyes are there, I have taken screenshots to save the evidence.

'Happy Pot Pot' is amazing, and actually invited the goddess of Hanfu to play a guest role.

Haha, Senior Xiaoshi has a goal in life.

He was single in the first 8 episodes of Xiaoshi Senior. From the next episode on, is he going to start chasing the goddess of Hanfu? After seven or eight episodes, he will start to abuse us singles.

With Xiaoshi senior's ugly face, after 100 episodes, you can't catch up with the goddess of Hanfu.

Say it as if you can catch it.

That's right, at least Senior Xiaoshi is funny and humorous. After watching him for a long time, I still think he's a little bit handsome.

Brother dei, you need to go to the ophthalmologist to have your eyes checked.

I really can't watch this kind of video too much. It hurts my heart if I watch too much. I am much more handsome than Xiaoshi Senior! But I don't have a Hanfu goddess by my side (crying loudly).


The eighth episode of Xiao Shi Xue Chang was released on Douyin. In less than an hour, the number of comments on the video has exceeded 10,000, and the number of likes has soared to 500,000+, and these two numbers are still rising.

Fang Hao, who was in charge of the background technology, was stunned. Since its inception, Happy Pot Pot has released more than 30 short videos, the most popular of which is the Xiaoshi Seniors series, and each video has an average of about 100,000 points. Likes, 5000+ comments, the most popular of the first 8 episodes is the third episode, with 300,000+ likes and over 10,000 comments.

But episode 3 only got so many likes and comments four days after its release.

Therefore, Fang Hao saw the data displayed in the background, decisively took a screenshot, and sent it to the six of them in the Happy Guoguo group, and said excitedly, We are popular, we are going to be popular!

Others didn't expect that a few seconds of guest appearance by the goddess of Hanfu would make their video popular on the Internet. Only an hour later, the number of fans of Happy Pot soared from 12k+ to 17w+, which is too fast.

The popularity of the goddess of Hanfu on the Internet is beyond their imagination, or it may be because Xiaoshi senior and the goddess of Hanfu are too different in style, resulting in a cute contrast, which makes netizens buy it. These days, everyone likes to watch absurd things.

Happy Guoguo releases a video once a week, and each release time is on Tuesday night. At that time, Liu Man was still chatting with his fans in the live broadcast room.

The young man in the weird fat house suddenly left a message: Miss, the goddess of Hanfu is on Douyin again.

Haha, I saw it too, what a funny video. ——Taozi is a little fairy

The two of them are the only fans who know that Princess Qieman is the goddess of Hanfu. The two sang together in the live broadcast room, which aroused the curiosity of other fans.

What video is the admin talking about?

I just watched that video. It was released by 'Happy Guoguo'. The goddess of Hanfu actually cooperates with the super ugly Xiaoshi senior. It's super funny!

Goddess of Hanfu has a Douyin account? Admin, let me know, I want to see it too.

She doesn't have a Douyin account, nor does she have a Weibo account, she just made a guest appearance in a short video.

This is Princess Qieman's live broadcast room. It is forbidden to discuss other Internet celebrities, and anyone who violates it will be kicked. ——The Roaring Dragon

Hmph, men are so superficial, they won't go away when they see beautiful women, the goddess of Hanfu has a relationship with our young lady, and they are still discussing it here, it's time to kick it! ——Xia Xiaotingting

These two administrators are ready to kick people.

Unexpectedly, their anchor said excitedly, I'm going to watch that video too.

......——The Dragon Roars

......——Xiao Tingting

Liu Man switched the phone interface and logged in to Douyin. There was no Douyin app on her phone before, and she downloaded this app the day she finished shooting the video, just to see the final product.

She followed the account of Happy Pot Pot. She remembered that when she first followed, the account was only 120k+ fans, but now it has reached 170k+. Liu Man clicked on the work of Happy Pot Pot, and the latest uploaded short video was pinned to the top. The cover of the video was Xiao Shi's demented and funny look after seeing the goddess of Hanfu.

Third update~

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