The rules of Poetry Fengyunhui are very simple. There are 5 contestants competing in the same field in each period, and the first among the 5 people will challenge the leader of the previous period. If they win, they will become the leader of this period; The Lord continues to be re-elected.

Therefore, Xiong Jie, as the challenger, did not appear at the beginning. After showing the cheerleaders of the challenger, all 5 new challengers entered the stage amid the applause of the audience, and the 3 poetry judges took their positions.

The host first introduced these five newcomers. They are of different ages and genders, come from different cities across the country, and are engaged in all walks of life. Among them was a man named Wang Daoxin who impressed Liu Man a little. Because the host asked him why he came to this show, he said, My purpose is to defeat Xiong Jie, end his winning streak, and become the new champion!

After he finished speaking, half of the audience gave him applause and cheers, and half of the audience booed him for being overwhelmed. Wang Daoxin, who speaks arrogantly, is not affected by the booing at all, and he looks confident in front of the camera. He obviously came prepared! Just now the host introduced him as a doctor of literature and history, and also a top student. He does have capital and arrogance.

In fact, tens of thousands of people across the country sign up for Poetry Meeting every day. The five contestants in each session are all selected through strict assessment. Their knowledge reserves in poetry are definitely the best among the crowd.

In order to increase the degree of topicality, the camera immediately switched to the waiting room of Xiong Jie in the backstage. The backstage host asked Xiong Jie, Have you been frightened by Wang Daoxin's challenge letter?

Xiong Jie hugged his chest and said with a disdainful smile, It's not a challenge, it's just a provocation.

Liu Man was surprised. Xiong Jie on the TV looked crazier and more confident than Wang Daoxin, and he was completely different from him in school. It was probably because of his nine consecutive victories and his talent that gave him the confidence to look down on everyone. .

Liu Man pointed to Xiong Jie and said to Lina, He is my classmate in college.

Lina took a closer look and came to the conclusion, He's pretty handsome! Her serious look didn't look like nonsense, nor was it a compliment, and Xiong Jieren wasn't here, who was she complimenting? !

Then she really thinks Xiong Jie is handsome. Foreigners have a variety of aesthetics towards Asians. Some people are severely face-blind, and some people regard the ugliest as the most beautiful. Similarly, they will not be too harsh on appearance, talent is more important than face, Li Xiaoru is now the piano goddess in the minds of countless foreign netizens.

He must be very happy to hear your praise, Liu Man said.

Lina said cleverly, When he wins the game, I'll tell him again in person.

Both of them were joking, of course.

TV began to introduce the program theme of this issue. The theme of each issue of Poetry Fengyunhui has a fixed theme. For example, the previous issue was Recalling Jiangnan, and the previous issue was Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. After all, Chinese classical poetry The content of the article is vast, and no matter how powerful a person's brain is, it is impossible to memorize all the content at once. The high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination have an examination outline to let students know the scope of the examination.

Even if there is such a person with such a superb memory, once he stands on the live broadcast stage, facing professional judges, hundreds of live audiences and millions of TV viewers, he will not be nervous. If he is too nervous and anxious , unable to answer the questions, he was embarrassed, the program was much less interesting, and it would seriously affect the efficiency and effect of the live broadcast.

Therefore, each episode of the program will frame a theme, so that the contestants can prepare for it earlier, so that they can have a bottom line in their hearts, but the program team only tells them the theme two days in advance. , There is not much to prepare in two days.

On the TV, a dynamic time mural unfolded on the screen, and a magnetic male announcer said at the same time, That was an era of gold and iron horses, when the swords of princes were fighting each other, and the masters of the pre-Qin Dynasty were like stars in the night, and they came out one after another. A good recipe for governing the world, a violent collision of ideas from a hundred schools of thought...

After a long period of foreshadowing, the picture freezes on the words Zhuzi Baijia. This is the theme of the tenth issue - all schools of thought. The audience exclaimed. Ordinary people are more familiar with Tang poetry and Song Ci, and the various schools of thought gave everyone a deeper and more incomprehensible feeling.

Seeing this theme, Liu Man couldn't help worrying about Xiong Jie. Xiong Jie once told her that articles written before the Han Dynasty were his weakness, and he was not very interested. Because Liu Man has always shown super talent in this area, so Xiong Jie mentioned this sentence to express his admiration for Liu Man.

However, when Wang Daoxin, a doctor of literature and history, introduced himself just now, he said that the history of pre-Qin and Western Han was his latest research topic. Liu Man strongly doubts whether the program team has given him a back door, and the topic is so suitable for his field of expertise. However, the themes of the first nine episodes of the program basically cycled through Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. If there is another topic, it should be selected forward.

In the five-person competition in the early stage, there was no suspense. Wang Daoxin easily defeated his opponent and became the winner. The remaining four left the stage sadly. He stayed on the stage full of ambition. No one booed him. In terms of performance, everyone felt that he might really be able to beat Xiong Jie.

For foreigners like Lina, all schools of thought should be a holy book, but she did not show a boring look, but watched TV with gusto, and Liu Man helped her translate as much as possible—with Liu Man’s English level, translation Getting in place is also a big problem, and she wants Lina to understand the meaning of these esoteric sentences.

At least Lina can accurately pronounce the words Zhuzi Baijia, and she also knows that these are articles written in China more than 2,000 years ago. She asked Liu Man curiously, The one you sang in That Princess from Han A few Chinese lyrics, is it also a hundred schools of thought?

No no, that's a sentence in the Book of Songs.

Doesn't the Book of Songs belong to all schools of thought?

No, they are in a parallel relationship. The Book of Songs is poetry, and there are hundreds of schools of thought... Liu Man worked hard to organize his English vocabulary, it's more like philosophy.

Lina nodded understandingly.

At this time, there was warm applause on the TV. The two girls stopped talking and looked at the screen. It turned out that Xiong Jie had entered the stage. Contemptuous of the other party, the program team used a soundtrack that was at the right time, and the audience also stood in line, shouting Xiong Jie must win and Wang Daoxin must win at the same time, and the atmosphere felt tense.

The host stood between the two and raised his hand as a signal. The soundtrack and the cheers from the audience stopped, and the scene fell silent. The host said, Wang Daoxin's performance just now was very good. Did he put pressure on Xiong Jie?

Xiong Jie faced the camera with a smile, It should be him who is under pressure!

The second update~There are four updates today~

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