After the second child came out, followed by the third child. The bodies of the two kittens looked smaller than the eldest one. In the operating room, besides Yu Zhan and Professor Stephen, there were two other veterinarians who had been to Professor Stephen’s. Not counting his direct students, one of them is an intern, and the other is a relatively young veterinarian. They both assisted Professor Stephen in handling kittens after he became a regular.

Seeing how small the two kittens were, the veterinarian said to the professor, They won't survive. It was clear that he didn't want to do unnecessary work.

Professor Stephen said without raising his head, You should know that cats are stronger than you think. Don't forget that their mother has survived 40 days of hunger for them. They are connected by blood. They can feel how great their mother is. .”

The professor didn't want to pay attention to the veterinarian anymore, and called the intern over, Now is the best opportunity for you to learn, what I say, you do it right away!

The intern nodded repeatedly.

The veterinarian blushed from being reprimanded by the teacher, but fortunately he couldn't tell it was wearing a mask.

The audience was very worried, and they also felt that the kitten might not survive. The kitten is lying motionless on the table, it must be dead, hey. Some people even issued candles and put their hands together in silence for the kitten.

Bai Ying was speechless, couldn't help but turned on the small speaker, and explained again, There are two situations in which a newborn kitten can't move, one is completely dead, and the other is coma. Completely dead, the body is cold, the heartbeat stops, and there is something in the mouth. There will be continuous flow of liquid. Mr. Stephen is an experienced old veterinarian. These most basic signs of death can be distinguished at a glance. He will not use these rescue methods on completely dead cats. I think these three A cat must have a body temperature and a heartbeat.

Yes, we have to trust Dr. Yu and his teacher, the kitten will be fine.

Domestic audiences know Yu Zhan better and are very supportive of him and Professor Stephen. Even though they knew they couldn't see it, they still used gifts to cheer for the two veterinarians.

However, some foreign audiences were impatient and began to question whether Yu Zhan used the hopeless cat to deliberately hype himself up. They thought that the so-called rescue was just pretending; Susan, it could have stayed in the cage with its children, but Dr. Yu cruelly deprived them of their lives! He just used the cat as a guinea pig for experiments.

Until a sentence of Shut up! from Jason Harmer made Zhang bb's mouth temporarily stop.

Jason originally planned to watch today's live broadcast quietly without bubbling. Today's protagonist is Yu Zhan. He didn't want to steal his limelight, so he didn't participate in the initial reward wave. It's unbearable.

He continued to write in the comment area: Do you still remember the black cat named 'Pearl'? I guess I must have forgotten it. It doesn't matter. I will remind you now that it is a Chinese pastoral cat that was bitten by a dog and seriously injured. When it was delivered, it was dying, and several veterinarians expressed their helplessness, but Yu Zhan was willing to try one last time. The whole operation lasted for 4 and a half hours, and the cat was finally turned out of danger. I was deeply touched. How long did the operation start now? What was the result? I don't want anyone to badmouth Yu Zhan and his teacher at this critical juncture!

As soon as Jason reminded, many people thought of pearls, especially the netizens in Australia and New Zealand. Earlier, pearls were made into dolls and sold to foreign markets. The first distribution was in Australia and New Zealand. These two countries often buy cat food for consumption. Those who are very familiar with the cute black cat eyes on the shelves.

Originally, Peter planned to use doll pearls to expand the US market, and he was very confident about this. As a result, what happened to Wongee-most of the dolls piled up in the port containers were pearls. The heat of this matter has passed, and it will be difficult to make consumers buy it again. Even if it is a free black cat doll on the street, some people may not want it. After all, who remembers that it has something to do with Jason Harmer?

Jason forced everyone to remember.

It turns out that the black cat was saved by Dr. Yu!!

Which black cat?? It's the first time I've heard of this, so someone can explain it to me.

I remember that J took a photo with it, and those who don't know can browse J's previous ins.


Jason's speech was as influential as ever. There were fewer negative comments in the live broadcast room, but more viewers came to watch, and the number of viewers exceeded 30 million again. 4000w.

At this time, Yu Zhan began to suture Susan's uterus. Susan was like a human being, with several tubes inserted into her body. Her eyes were open, and her eyes were out of focus and did not respond.

Yu Zhan's forehead was covered with beads of sweat after finishing the work. It was still very hot in Los Angeles in July, but the temperature of the air conditioner was controlled at 28 degrees Celsius during the operation. The temperature was too low, which would be fatal to premature kittens.

After completing his task, Yu Zhan walked to Professor Stephen's side without stopping. He saw that the eldest and second child had been placed in the incubator, and the interns were using professional tools to suck up the fluid in their mouths until they were completely cleaned up. , to be fed artificially, Yu Zhan noticed that the two cats' small paws were moving slightly, and they should have come to life.

But he couldn't relax, because Professor Stephen was still trying to save the third child, and when he sensed Yu Zhan's approach, Professor Stephen shook his head at him, and the old man was sweating profusely, I'm afraid the youngest one won't survive, it's not breathing , its body temperature is rapidly losing.

Professor Stephen has also tried his best, but not everything in this world can be fulfilled with his best efforts. From young to now, he has performed countless operations, saved countless lives, and countless lives died in his hands. He felt that if he could live with two kittens, the operation would be a success.

Yu Zhan looked at the soft body in the teacher's hand. It didn't even have a hair on its body, and its small eyes were tightly closed. It didn't look like a cat, but more like a mouse cub.

Everything has been done to the last step, he really doesn't want to give up this little life.

Professor Stephen sighed and was about to put down the kitten when Yu Zhan suddenly asked him,

Can we try culture of amniotic fluid?

Professor Stephen was taken aback, That's just an experiment... You can try it, anyway, if you don't try it, it will definitely die.

The amniotic fluid culture method is an experiment that Yu Zhan once did when he was a student. His experimental subject was a dog. He simulated the environment similar to the amniotic fluid of a female dog, and put the dog's artificially fertilized eggs into this amniotic fluid, and finally fertilized the amniotic fluid. Sperm and eggs successfully split into new cells. The experiment only ended here, and Yu Zhan wrote an article based on it, which was published in a famous international academic journal.

In theory, this premature kitten is a fertilized egg.

Yu Zhan is actually treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. This is the last chance to fight for the kitten's life.

first update~

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