Liu Man also thinks that Yu Zhan's proposal is feasible. With the help of Yu Zhan's live broadcast, it will definitely attract more users to register.

Xuewen Tumo's A-round financing is a gratifying phased achievement. But they cannot be complacent and stop their progress.

Liu Man said to Yu Zhan, Chengfeng's technical team is currently developing an overseas version of the APP, and the test has not been completed yet, and it may not be able to catch up with your live broadcast.

It doesn't matter, this live broadcast is mainly for Chinese netizens, so that people inside the wall can also see my surgery. By the way, I will advertise for Xuewen abroad. The overseas version will be launched in the future, and it will be easier to operate and promote. Yu Zhan has already made up his mind. He is also a shareholder of Xuewen Tumo. If the company develops well, he can make more money. This matter must be organized quickly. Xuewen Tumo will send people to Los Angeles , the journey will take time, and Susan's surgery can't be delayed for a few days.

Okay, I'll discuss this with Chengfeng tomorrow morning.

Thanks a lot.

After finishing talking about the business, both ends of the phone fell silent, both of them were waiting for each other to say goodbye, but neither of them wanted to hang up the phone on their own initiative.

Do you have anything else to do?

Man Man...

The two spoke at the same time.

What? Liu Man's tone was very soft, and his fingers unconsciously drew circles on the phone.

I miss you so much...I really miss you so much... Those global netizens who watched the live broadcast thought that Yu Zhan's attitude towards cats was already very gentle, and they would never imagine that when he treated his girlfriend A simple I miss you is not only gentle, but also a sincere confession, and it is a cherishment of the other party.

Well, I miss you too, Liu Man's voice was very soft, being drawn by the other party, and the suppressed miss didn't need to be hindered, she also boldly said it.

Hearing what he wanted to hear, Yu Zhan forced himself not to miss the phone, Go to bed early, good night.

The water droplets from Liu Man's wet hair dripped onto the ground and formed a puddle of water. She reluctantly put down her phone and looked down to see that Paul was licking the water on the ground...

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, she quickly drove it away, picked up a rag to wipe off the water, and hummed a tune, relaxed and happy.


The next day, she got up early, went to Xuewen Tumo Company, and told Jiang Chengfeng about her conversation with Yu Zhan.

Jiang Chengfeng can't wait to dedicate himself to the company, he basically stays in the company 24 hours a day. He has an independent office of about 14 square meters. He sets up a camp bed in the office and sleeps here at night. He worked so hard that the group of coders under him didn't dare to slack off and worked overtime with him. In the entire office building, only their floor was lit with lights on at twelve o'clock at night.

Liu Man came earlier, and the other employees hadn't come to work yet. When she knocked on the door and came in, Jiang Chengfeng was making the bed, his eyes were sleepy, and he yawned when he saw her.

Why are you here so early? I haven't even brushed my teeth or washed my face. Wait for me.

Liu Man: ...

She could only sit on the sofa and wait for Jiang Chengfeng to finish dealing with personal hygiene issues.

Jiang Chengfeng is actually not sloppy. His office is very tidy. There are only two computers on the desk, a desktop, a notebook, a small potted plant, and a pen holder. Other than that, there is nothing messy. No. He said that he didn't like to pile up clutter. Seeing piles of documents piled up in front of him made him feel bad, and clutter would seriously affect his thinking.

Just because he lives in an office doesn't mean he doesn't have a place to live. His dormitory in the Capital University has been reserved for him by the school, and he can go back and rest at any time. Moreover, he was looking at the house during this time. After Xuewen Tumo raised funds, his income increased sharply, and he already had enough money for the down payment.

When Liu Man came over, he bought some breakfast at the breakfast shop outside and put it on the tea table, the fragrance was overflowing.

When Jiang Chengfeng came back, he saw the table full of delicious food and smiled, I've only heard that employees bring takeaway coffee to the boss, but why is it the opposite in our company! Where can I find a good boss like you? !

Liu Man also laughed. She knew that Jiang Chengfeng was joking. Since the two of them met, no matter what their identities and relationships are—the anchor and fan manager, classmates, friends, and partners, their way of getting along has never changed. Liu Man firmly believes that even after graduating from university, they enter the society and become more mature, their friendship will still remain unchanged.

You are wrong, you are also the boss, Liu Man helped Jiang Chengfeng open a bowl of noodles, and pushed the soy milk in front of him, We can talk about business when we are full.

Hearing the word business, Jiang Chengfeng put away his irrational laugh, What's the matter?

We ate and talked, I'm hungry too!


In the quiet and spacious office building, the other workstations are empty, only the sound of noodles and faint voices can be heard from the innermost office.

From 8:30, the employees arrived at the company one after another, ready to go to work. At this time, Liu Man and Jiang Chengfeng had finished talking, and the two walked out of the office together. When they saw Liu Man, they couldn't help it. A look of surprise/awe/admiration.

Many of them applied for the position of Xuewen Tumo for Liu Man, and some of them did not hesitate to become the first drifter. Just like Mao Yuchen used to follow his idol all the way to the cat food warehouse.

As a result, after joining the company, they found that they did not have many opportunities to see the goddess. Liu Man rarely came to the company, except for large and important meetings. Fu Kun, Vice President of Operations.

That's why they were so excited to see Liu Man unexpectedly at this moment. But no one dared to come forward to talk to her, and each of them sat obediently at their workstations, peeking at the goddess from the corner of their eyes.

The workstations around Jiang Chengfeng's office belonged to the technical department. Most of them were men, code farmers, and basically young people. A small part of them were seconded employees from Aizhibo, and the others were all new recruits.

Jiang Chengfeng looked around and saw that almost everyone had come, so he said to a programmer at the nearest station to his office, Wang Bo, please call a meeting. Now all the staff will go to meeting room No. 1 for a meeting.

The programmer named Wang Bo nodded quickly, turned around and shouted at everyone, The meeting is on! Gather in meeting room 1.

The employees who just came to the company and had no time to take a breath quickly picked up their notebooks and pens... They found that Liu Man had also walked into the conference room—Liu Man had never held a meeting with them. Yes, is there any important decision in the company today? Or did they do something wrong to be punished?

Everyone was sitting in the conference room with anxiety about the unknown.

Until Jiang Chengfeng said, We will choose two of you to go on a business trip with me to the United States.

The second is more ~ ​​the third is a little later~

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