Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1089 Cat Sucking Physique

The male cat's ears moved and drooped slightly. The audience who owns cats understand that this is a sign that the cat has let down its vigilance! I saw it come out a little more, and the whole cat was completely exposed in the camera, with its tail raised high.

Yu Zhan felt very sad when he saw its bony body. The Ragdoll cat is a long-haired cat with lush and fluffy hair. Even a naturally thin cat will look very strong, even the hair cannot be saved. It is conceivable how thin it is, and its white fur is dirty. gray.

The rescuers fed them for several days, and it was impossible for them to return to the state before 40 immediately, or even if Richard had no accident, they were still in a state of starvation.

Yu Zhan picked up a piece of fish, put it between himself and the cat, and called the cat's name for the third time, Olive, it's time for breakfast.

The expression of the male cat no longer bared its teeth ferociously, and the shape of the eyes changed back to the cute round shape of a cat. It looked at Yu Zhan, then at the piece of fish, and then walked in front of the fish with steady cat steps, bowing its head. He sniffed it, then bit it, turned around and went back to the fireplace. Although he couldn't see it eating, the audience in the live broadcast room could clearly hear it chewing.

so amazing!

This is the most obedient male cat since they paid attention to the two cats.

Then, there was a rustling sound from behind Yu Zhan, he turned his head, and the female cat came out at some point, looking at him two meters away. Yu Zhan was not in a hurry to tease it, but slowly opened a pack of freeze-dried salmon and scattered it on the floor.

After eating the fish, the male cat stretched out his head again, but the female cat smelled the smell and jumped onto the sofa, but did not dare to take a step closer. Her huge belly swelled to the left and right, which looked very cumbersome, and compared to its thin body, it was also very different. coordination. Yu Zhan judged based on experience that this female cat could not give birth as smoothly as Sunshine, and I am afraid that caesarean section is dangerous.

It is indeed imminent to rescue it!

The audience felt even more nervous when the female cat appeared. They were most worried about the female cat. Everyone held their breath and wondered what Yu Zhan would do next.

There were fewer messages, but more people entered the live broadcast room, and the number of online viewers exceeded 3 million at a blowout rate.

Yu Zhan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally spoke. This time he called another strange name, Susan.

Hearing this call, the female cat reacted greatly, and actually meowed, as if responding to Yu Zhan.

It's so smart, Yu Zhan praised it, Susan, aren't you hungry? Here's your breakfast.

The female cat gave another soft meow, then jumped off the sofa and walked to the side of the pile of freeze-dried. He did not return to the fireplace, and was only one step away from Yu Zhan. Susan was also hungry. A pregnant cat eats a lot, and she finally couldn't help it, and ate with her husband.

Before catching the cat, the audience has already begun to admire Yu Zhan, It's great, he's not like those people in front of him, he didn't make the cat go crazy.

Does this Chinese have superpowers? Why don't cats reject him?

Can anyone tell me what is the special meaning of the two names Olive and Susan?

These questions are also questions in the minds of countless viewers, not to mention the audience, the live broadcast team is also extremely curious. They all squatted at the gate, watching the live broadcast like the audience. Some people wanted to talk, but they were booed by the young man. Animals are very sensitive to sound. Don't let Yu Zhan's efforts come to naught.

One piece of fish and one bag of freeze-dried meat would definitely not be able to satisfy the appetites of the two big cats. Yu Zhan fed them five pieces of fish meat, two bags of freeze-dried meat, and two bags of minced meat. Some netizens found it interesting to comment, This perspective is really like a Japanese restaurant, a chef preparing sushi for guests.

During the feeding process, the two cats got closer and closer to Yu Zhan—this was Yu Zhan’s intention. The first piece of meat was thrown the farthest, and the distance was shortened bit by bit. In the end, the two cats Eat right next to him.

He could touch their fur by raising his hand, and he did the same. The tomcat was startled, opened its mouth wide to greet people, and at the same time, waved its small paw, gave Yu Zhan a paw, and at the same time, jumped to the ground one meter away. place.

The female cat was also alarmed, but it didn't go far away, probably because same sex repels opposite sex attracts, the female cat could feel Yu Zhan's kindness even more, so she continued to stay where she was eating.

Yu Zhan's hand approached it, but it still didn't move, but if you looked closely at its eyes, it was actually still scared and cautious. The audience's hearts were in their throats, and when the man's slender fingers were placed on top of its head, they were actually moved to tears. After such a long rescue, this is the closest time between humans and cats.

Susan, Yu Zhan continued to call the female cat's name, while stroking its head, and skillfully touching its forehead and cheeks, the cat meowed comfortably, closed its eyes, and put its furry face into Yu Zhan's palm Li Drilling, it completely let go of its guard, reacting exactly like those coquettish cats, Yu Zhan took it into his arms, and the female cat didn't resist at all.

Due to the angle of the camera, its cute face almost takes up the entire screen, and the hearts of the audience are melting.

A foreign netizen who has been paying attention to this matter was deeply touched, and wrote in the message area: Everything has a spirit, animals are not as intelligent as us humans, but they can sense good and bad, good and evil, especially these two deeply loved by people. Cats that have been hurt. I think the reason why the previous rescuers failed repeatedly was because they did not put the cats on an equal footing. Using cages, blankets, nets, and even other professional tools for catching animals, they set traps self-righteously. They deal with them with a superior human attitude, but this Chinese veterinarian treats them as human beings, his patients .Did you notice that he didn't guard against them from the beginning to the end, he didn't dislike them, let alone be afraid, even when the male cat scratched at him, he didn't withdraw his hand timidly and let himself get hurt.

The location of the cat's scratch will not show the wound immediately. It was only at this time that everyone saw a wound about five centimeters from the tiger's mouth on the man's palm, and blood beads were gushing out. Yu Zhan didn't care about the wound, he still hugged the female cat, gently stroking its back injured by Richard, his movements were unbelievably gentle, and the female cat became more docile, closing her eyes and resting her mind, almost falling asleep in his arms It's caught, it has been in panic for a long time, probably it has been too long since it has been in touch with such a reassuring embrace.

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