Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1075 Not My Intention

Liu Man didn't return to the apartment until very late that day. If it wasn't for the growing belly of Sunshine, she might give birth at any time, and she needed someone to watch her. She would go to the villa and accompany Shen Mozhen with Tao Zhiyao - even though Shen Mozhen had repeatedly assured that she was fine, Song Junzhe offered to send her back, but she refused without thinking.

Liu Man thought of Song Junzhe's eyes at that time, she didn't understand, a man who played with Shen Mozhen and even dumped her, why did his eyes still show love and pity for her? Is Song Junzhe too cool in nature, or too emotional?

In the end, Ji Qingqing offered to send Tao and Shen back to the villa, while Liu Man and Song Junzhe went back to their respective residences alone.

The space in the car is limited, and being next to Ji Qingqing at close range, Tao Zhiyao's feeling of awkwardness in her heart is even greater. After more than 20 years of acquaintance, she really has never been so friendly with Ji Qingqing.

Looking at Ji Qingqing's appearance, she is still as flamboyant and beautiful as before, not to mention the exaggerated manicures, she dyed her hair green again, I heard that this is the latest popular color, but if you look closely at her face, Tao Zhiyao found that she was a little haggard, and she used a thick foundation to cover her dark circles.

Are you busy recently? Tao Zhiyao found a way to ask her.

Ji Qingqing pulled her hair, and said braggingly, What can I be busy with? Busy shopping, busy playing?! Hey, I'm pretty tired too.

That's right, it's still Ji Qingqing who is so embarrassing! No one owes her more to speak.

Tao Zhiyao got used to her appearance, and she still felt a little affectionate, Oh, I will be happy without you. You also know that my family is very poor now. No one sends me any money. I have to make money by myself. I am very busy. , go to work at the company at eight o'clock every morning, and leave work at seven o'clock in the evening is considered early, I am so miserable, but my dark circles are not as serious as yours, what did you do?

After finishing speaking, she stared at Ji Qingqing, and Ji Qingqing avoided her gaze, very unnaturally, Maybe it's because I haven't taken care of myself recently.

No, it has nothing to do with maintenance. You live so comfortably, there is no reason to have dark circles under your eyes.

Why do you insist on asking the truth about my dark circles?! They didn't grow on your face! Ji Qingqing puffed her face and glared at Tao Zhiyao angrily.

Shen Mozhen, who was on the side, was in a bad mood at first, and when she saw the exchange of words between the two of them, she actually showed some smiles, but she quickly thought of how much Ji Qingqing had caused them to suffer by spreading rumors about everyone on the Internet. She restrained her smile again, she couldn't forgive Ji Qingqing for her past evil deeds just because of her temporary good deeds today.

Why doesn't Tao Zhiyao hold grudges? Why is her brother so busy that he is nowhere to be seen? It's all the Ji family's fault! Thinking of this, Tao Zhiyao felt that Ji Qingqing was disgusting again. Did she have ulterior motives in helping them today? Want to play the trick of suppressing first and then raising? This car is not driven to the cemetery, crematorium.

Tao Zhiyao stared at Ji Qingqing, her eyes were still full of stupidity, could she have the ability to plot?

Let me ask you a question, Tao Zhiyao said, You posted those things on Weibo before, that is, those words that scolded us. What did you think at that time? You don't love my brother so much. Well, if the marriage fails, why are you so angry?

She asked directly enough, for an IQ person like Ji Qingqing, she couldn't make a detour, she couldn't.

Ji Qingqing's face, who was still joking at first, immediately changed. She seemed to be in pain, scared, and disturbed. Tao Zhiyao couldn't figure it out, this incident was indeed a painful experience for the Tao family, He Lushen, and Liu Man. Ji Qingqing is the instigator, she is in so much pain. Is it because her friends broke up with her because of this?

Ji Qingqing lowered her head, pinched her fingers unconsciously, and did not speak.

The time was almost zero, and there were very few cars on the road. The car was running smoothly without any additional noise. The breathing of the three girls could be clearly heard.

Just when Tao Zhiyao and Shen Mozhen thought that Ji Qingqing would not answer this question, she spoke in a low voice, If I say, it wasn't my idea, do you believe it?

She looked at the two, and there was a trace of fragility in her heavily made-up eyes, That night, my father asked me to register a Weibo account, and then gave me a stack of materials, which contained black materials about each of you, I just copied Get it down, paste it on Weibo, and send it out. I worked very hard at the beginning. At that time, I was very angry with you. Your brother made me lose my head in the circle. I can’t hold my head up. I want to vent my anger! I At first, my father only wanted me to send dirty information about your brother and sister and He Lushen...

I don't know what happened afterwards, and he asked me to continue blackmailing Liu Man and Yu Zhan. At that time, I had already sensed that something was wrong, but I didn't dare to disobey his order.

This is the first time Ji Qingqing has shown her fear of her father to the outside world. It overturned Tao Zhiyao's cognition, because she always thought that Ji Qingqing was the Ji family's charming lady, the lawless one, and her parents would depend on her.

Shen Mozhen was an outsider, and her feelings were not as deep as Tao Zhiyao's, but she was also very surprised, and even forgot the misery of her second broken love and the fear that Gao Junyuan had brought to her.

More and more black material was exposed, and the incident became more and more serious. People on the Internet were scolding me. I opened Weibo every day and saw overwhelming scolding. Some people scolded very viciously. I was very scared and under great mental pressure. , my real friends also guessed that I was the one who broke the news, and sent messages to warn me and mock me. I really didn’t want to do it at that time, but my father didn’t agree. He forced me to continue to smear Liu Man. Don't do it, said Ji Qingqing's eyes reddened, feeling extremely wronged, I'm like his spokesperson, I don't have my own thoughts, I can only post on Weibo according to his orders.

Tao Zhiyao was furious when he heard that, Idiot, don't you know how to refuse?!

I refused! Ji Qingqing blurted out, very excited, I didn't post the last few Weibo posts, but I was the one who took the blame in the end! I am the 'Queen of Spreading Rumors' and have become a bad woman accused by thousands of people. I admit it I'm not kind and tolerant, but I'm not that bad. That's right, I hate you so much. I've been at odds with you since I was a child. It's okay for me to expose your ugly things and your ugly photos. I have no grievances or enmity with Liu Man , I don’t even know her! Why did she use the inside story of her father’s car accident and her mother’s privacy to frame her.”

Sweet Jessica214's last few Weibo posts were all black material about Liu Man's parents. At that time, Liu Man's reputation was almost discredited and his career suffered a huge blow. Both Tao Zhiyao and Shen Mozhen remembered the contents of those Weibo posts.

So, those Weibo posts were sent by your father? Shen Mozhen, who had never spoken, asked Ji Qingqing softly.

The third one is done~

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