After Liu Man answered Huo Ming's call, she didn't immediately go to Shen Mozhen. At that time, she was in her e-commerce company and was dealing with the Cats'Garden brand crisis with her mother.

She asked Taobao Artwork to redecorate the homepage of the online store. Instead of promoting products, she explained the ins and outs of the whole thing in a large space. They also set up an automatic reply in the customer service system. As long as the customer asks a question, the official answer will automatically pop up, so that the customer service staff will not be distracted to deal with these tasks.

Liu Man also posted relevant evidence of Wongee's fraud on her Weibo. She can't control the disputes in the United States, but she must stabilize the Chinese market of Cats'Garden and not add trouble to Peter.

Just for this matter, last night, she even opened a one-hour live broadcast. She didn't have any talent on the live broadcast, and only talked about the cats'garden disaster.

In order to increase her persuasiveness, she broadcast live footage of Sun and Moon eating cat food.

After Liu Man became famous, the number of live broadcasts became less and less. Every time she broadcasted live, she was very precious to her fans. She didn't have to force Sunlight and Moonlight to open for the sake of attracting fans. The two cats haven't appeared in In front of the fans, everyone was taken aback by this appearance, because Nikko was suspected to be pregnant!

Riguang's belly is a bit big, as if she's pregnant.

Be confident, remove the 'like', it is pregnant, it should be about two months by visual inspection, and it is estimated that it is about to give birth.

I remember that the anchor broadcasted Moonlight's sterilization operation before. Why didn't he perform surgery on Sunshine? Whose child does it have? Is it Old Wang's next door?


Everyone in the comment area was discussing Sunshine's belly, and some people accused Liu Man of not being a competent owner for not neutering the female cat.

The point is off the mark. Liu Man broadcasted the cats eating to the audience in order to make them feel at ease about the food in Cats' Garden. Now she can only explain, It's not the old king next door, it's the evil made by the sun......

In the live broadcast room, she told how she and Yu Zhan's negligence caused two cats to quarrel with each other. She looked at the chubby tomcat who only knew how to eat, and said with a helpless smile, It's impossible for Sunshine to be responsible. Dr. Yu and I will take on the responsibility of raising the child! Please rest assured, after Sunshine gives birth , we will also perform a sterilization operation on it, and we will broadcast it live for you to watch.

The fans immediately echoed, That's right, and there is also a live broadcast during the daylight production!

Those who scold the princess for being irresponsible can save themselves. Haven't you seen what kind of house they live in? Raising a few more cats just makes it more lively, and it's not like they can't afford it.

When I first followed Liu Man, her cat was underage, and she was going to give birth to a kitten in a blink of an eye. Hey, time flies!


Liu Man smiled and faced the camera, Let's go back to the topic we were going to discuss today. The cat food that Sunlight is eating at the moment is Cats'Garden's exclusive formula cat food made for pregnant cats. You can see that Sunlight is in very good condition. Well, they eat a lot, their eyes are bright, their fur is smooth, and they are still very flexible even with their stomachs upright. Sunshine and Moonlight have been eating Cats' Garden, and they have never had any problems. Their babies will continue to eat this brand in the future , please firmly believe in the quality of Cats'Garden, and don't believe foreign rumors.

Liu Man showed the audience the cat food hoarded in the storage room, all of which are Cats’Garden products.

A total of 40 million viewers watched the live broadcast.

Liu Man's appeal and influence on the domestic Internet are as strong as ever, oh no, it should be a step further. A trip to the United States made her successfully rank among the ranks of world-class Internet celebrities.

The effect of the live broadcast is very obvious, and now the sales of their online store have rebounded significantly. In order to promote consumption, Liu Man also lowered the consumption amount for gift dolls. It used to be 3,000 yuan, but now he only needs to buy 2,000 yuan. The dolls have been on the market for a long time, but the attraction to players has not faded in the slightest, and the price of rare dolls has even been fired to tens of thousands.

After Liu Man finished her work, she contacted Shen Mozhen. It happened to be dark, and she planned to treat her to dinner. She took this opportunity to ask her what happened with Song Junzhe. Originally, Zhang Pei was going to have dinner with Liu Man, so she had already bought the dishes in advance. Liu Man had no choice but to refuse his mother's dinner, and told Zhang Pei about the relationship between Shen Mozhen and Song Junzhe. She didn't know that they had broken up at this time, so she said that it might be an awkward quarrel, and Shen Mozhen was in a bad mood, so she went to talk to her.

Knowing that the two are in a relationship, Zhang Pei's face shows disapproval and worry, How did they get together?! Mo Zhen's temper is too soft, she will only suffer when she falls in love with Song Junzhe.

After all, Zhang Pei is an elder, and she looks at these children with the eyes of someone who has experienced it. If Yu Zhan is an honest person, Song Junzhe is a cunning and smart person. To put it bluntly, if Song Junzhe pursues Liu Man, she will definitely not agree. .

Liu Man hesitated, Then shall I persuade her to break up with Song Junzhe?

You must not, when the time comes, you will not be human inside and out, Zhang Pei frowned, It's not easy for us outsiders to interfere with other people's feelings. If they quarrel, you can comfort Mo Zhen at most, and don't talk about the man's foolishly. Bad words, let people break up!

Hey, this kind of thing is trickier than doing business!

Seeing that it was getting late, Liu Man got in the car, left the company, and called Shen Mozhen at the same time, but no one answered.

Strange, didn't Huo Ming say that she went back to rest early?

Liu Man also has some understanding of Shen Mozhen's work and rest habits. Shen Mozhen is actually considered a house girl. Apart from working, she just stays in the villa. The phone can't be reached, maybe Shen Mozhen is sleeping in the bedroom and can't hear? Liu Man asked the driver to drive the car to the villa.

The traffic during rush hour in the capital was still so bad. It was already past 7:30 when we arrived at the villa. During this period, Liu Man made several calls to Shen Mozhen, but still no one answered.

The villa was very quiet, and none of the windows were lit. Liu Man went in, went straight to Shen Mozhen's room, and knocked on the door, but no one was there.

There was a bad premonition in her heart, but she tried her best to comfort herself, don't worry, don't think too much.

At this time, the sound of a car came from outside the door. Shen Mozhen came back? ! Liu Man hurried downstairs, Tao Zhiyao just opened the door, the two girls looked at each other, Tao Zhiyao asked in surprise, Why are you here?

I'm here to see Senior Sister Mo Zhen, Liu Man said anxiously.

Oh, she went to the record company to record today, maybe she hasn't come back yet, you should call her before you come.

I called, I made 10 calls and no one answered.

How come, did you write her number wrong? Tao Zhiyao said, took out his mobile phone, dialed Shen Mozhen, the receiver rang for a minute, and finally said I'm sorry, the number you dialed The phone is currently unanswered.”

The first update ~ the second update night ~

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