These documents were compiled by Liu Man himself. Although Yu Zhan only asked her to attend the meeting instead of her, she still wanted to be fully prepared. What if a shareholder that had been negotiated in advance was tricked by Ji Qiansong and changed his mind on the spot? Some things are not until the last step, and nothing can be said for sure. She wants to give those who support Yu Zhan more confidence.

Ji Qiansong originally wanted to pour dirty water on Yu Zhan, but was used by Liu Man to show his boyfriend a wave of great achievements in front of the shareholders. He felt as uncomfortable and disgusted as if he had swallowed a fly. Looking at Liu Man's eyes It's getting darker. How can she have such a good eloquence, eloquent and eloquent, she must have colluded with Yu Zhan, Song Junzhe and the others to read the manuscript.

He has always believed that Liu Man's ability to become an Internet celebrity all over the world is due to the resources and connections in the hands of Yu Zhan and He Lushen. Otherwise, a girl from an ordinary family can succeed by her own ability? is it possible? realistic? It's not that he looks down on Liu Man, but that he looks down on all women. In his bones, he believes that women are inferior to men and should depend on men for survival.

Looking at the participants present, except for Liu Man, only one shareholder is a woman, and the shares in her hands are the inheritance of her deceased husband. Without her husband, she is nothing, just like Ji Qiansong's own wife and the useless Ji Qingqing , Yilai stretched out his hand and rice came to open his mouth. So, what's the use of a woman?

Liu Man has also noticed this female shareholder for a long time. According to Yu Zhan's information, Liu Man knows that her name is Zhu Huili, she is 58 years old, and she owns 9% of Xinji's shares. She is a veritable major shareholder. Zhu Huili's husband was originally the vice president of Xinji Group, but he died suddenly in a car accident three years ago. The two of them had no children, and her husband's parents had also passed away long ago. Time to become a famous figure on the list of richest women.

Zhu Huili moved to live in Hong Kong after her husband died. She is one of the shareholders Song Junzhe went to Hong Kong to win over.

Song Junzhe said that when he saw Zhu Huili and explained his intentions for coming, Zhu Huili immediately agreed, her attitude was unbelievably straightforward, and all the reasons Song Junzhe had prepared were useless.

Zhu Huili was sitting on Ji Qiansong's right. To be honest, she has a mean and fierce appearance, and she never smiled or talked to other shareholders from the time she came in to sitting down, and she seemed very difficult to get along with. But when Liu Man introduced Yu Zhan's situation just now, she had been listening to her carefully.

Liu Man felt that she was not fooling Song Junzhe, she was really on their side.

Ji Qiansong still wanted to refute Liu Man, but Zhu Huili said impatiently, Okay, stop talking nonsense, if you want to vote, vote quickly, and I can go home after voting.

Her voice was indifferent, but very intimidating, especially when she slapped a stack of documents on the table, and the entire conference room fell silent for a moment.

Yang Pu looked around and echoed, Yes, let's vote quickly, my own company still has a lot to do.

Another shareholder also urged them. Most of them only hold shares in Xinji, and they have no actual positions within the group, so they cannot spend time on a shareholder meeting.

Ji Qiansong can only announce the start of voting. Voting is by name and has to be confirmed one by one. Ji Qiansong calls Gao Yihuai first, and turns on the hands-free. The conversation between the two can be heard clearly by those present:

Li Sen, we have started voting. Two questions. First, are you sure you want to transfer the shares to Yu Zhan?

Yes, I confirm, Gao Yihuai's voice on the phone was a little cold, and it was different from the voice interviewed on TV. It's no wonder that the shareholders have never known his identity.

Second, do you agree with He Huaguang's transfer of shares to Yu Zhan?

I agree.

Ji Qiansong was obviously very angry, but he had to pretend to be calm, and said hypocritically, I respect your choice.

Next, he called two shareholders who could not be present in person. These two voted against and in favor of the proposal respectively.

So far, Yu Zhan VS Ji Qiansong: 2 to 1.

After the phone call, Ji Qiansong made it clear, I personally firmly oppose these two share transfer applications. I have already said the reasons, so I won't repeat them.

Yu VS Ji: 2 to 2.

He Huaguang said to the secretary who counted the votes, Of course I will be counted as one of the yes votes.

And me! Tao Hejin raised his hand, he looked at Ji Qiansong and said word by word, Not only do I agree, but after a while, I will also transfer my shares to Yu Zhan. Get a vaccination.

As soon as this remark came out, the shareholders at the scene were in an uproar, and all of them sat upright, with different expressions.

They originally thought that Yu Zhan just wanted to invest in Xinji Group. Looking at this posture, does he want to surpass Ji Qiansong and become the boss of Xinji? Is it a whimsical ambition? Or are newborn calves not afraid of tigers? The market value of 10% of the shares decided today is nearly 10 billion—unless it is a free gift, or is far below the market price, where did Yu Zhan get so much money to eat so many shares in one go?

what is happening? ? ?

Everyone noticed that it was unusual, and their eyes fell on the girl who was sitting upright.

Yang Pu took a sip of his cold tea and said slowly, I also vote for it.

The secretary froze for a moment, and quickly wrote on the whiteboard with a marker: 5 to 2.

Ji Qiansong's eyes were like poisoned needles, and he stabbed Yang Pu fiercely. He had talked to Yang Pu a few times before, but Yang Pu ignored him until a few days ago, when he called Yang Pu again, Yang Pu said that he would Those who voted against made him feel relieved, but he didn't expect to be fooled by him!

Yang Pu was annoyed by Ji Qiansong's phone call, so he just perfunctory. Anyway, he has already decided to sell the shares to Yu Zhan. After selling the shares, he has nothing to do with Xinji Group Mao, so he doesn't need to be afraid of Ji Qiansong.

However, there were also shareholders who agreed with Song Junzhe and stood on Ji Qiansong's side. After Yangpu, two consecutive shareholders voted against, both of whom were on Song Junzhe's list.

Liu Man looked at Zhu Huili, would she regret it?

As if aware of her gaze, Zhu Huili said, I agree with the transfer.

Liu Man breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhu Huili glanced at her, and she vaguely felt a faint smile in Zhu Huili's eyes.

Yu VS Ji: 6 to 4.

At this time, 10 shareholders have participated in voting, and there are 6 people left. As long as 3 people vote for Yu Zhan, they win.

Immediately afterwards, a shareholder who had a good relationship with He Huaguang voted in favor.

Says one gray-haired shareholder, It's okay to give young people a chance, I agree.

Yu VS Ji: 8 to 4.

Ji Qiansong raised his lips, The other four shareholders who have not yet voted should all be against it?

If the number of both parties is equal, the application for equity transfer will also be invalidated.

The first update ~ the second update night ~

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