Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1039 Departing for Home

Maria, who has experienced many battles, knows that He Lushen's words are sweet words, but she is willing to fall into the trap, smiling prettily, her eyes seem to be shining,

Seeing this, Lina exited quietly knowingly, leaving space for the two of them to be alone.

At the end of the party, Jason also prepared the last big surprise for the guests - the Hanfu on everyone's body, there is no need to return it to him, the clothes are souvenirs he gave to everyone.

There was a burst of cheers at the scene, watching a wonderful performance, attending a party, and taking away a seemingly valuable gift before leaving, not to mention the 20 lucky fans and American Internet celebrities, even celebrities like Katie Thinking that Jason organized this event beautifully, she felt a little regretful that she didn't change into Hanfu.

Therefore, when the media saw the guests leave, they held clothes in the big bags.

The next morning, under the witness of Yu Zhan, Liu Man signed a performance agreement with the Micro Brothers for Gai Xia Song. She will play the heroine Yu Ji with a salary of 5 million US dollars. The filming time will be at the end of this year. Gao also needs to coordinate according to the director's schedule. Liu Man is the first actor to be confirmed, and other roles are pending.

It is worth mentioning that the screenwriter of this film is Harvey himself. He told Liu Man and Yu Zhan that he wanted to write down the stories his mother dictated to him. He made it clear, I don't care whether the box office is a hit or not. I just hope that you can act out the story well and perform the feeling I want.

This request does not sound high, but it is actually quite high. He has no hard target. What is his feeling? It's illusory, Liu Man, how can someone else know?

In any case, she wanted to give it a try. She had already heard about Harvey and his mother from Yu Zhan. What they could confirm was that his mother must be Chinese, or a Chinese who knew Chinese history very well. The reason is that this lady loves the story of Yu Ji Xiang Yu so much that she left such a deep impression on her son.

Liu Man feels that this movie is Harvey's memory of his deceased mother in order to fulfill his obsession, feelings and selfishness. She wants to help him realize his dream, which is also a rare job opportunity for herself.

After signing the agreement, Liu Man went back to the apartment to pack her luggage. She bought a plane ticket to return to China in the afternoon. The leave she had asked for from the school had already expired. Fortunately, she had completed all her work in the United States without any risk, and it was time to go back.

But Yu Zhan didn't go with her, he had already decided to sell the apartment to Jason to cash out—Jason repeated the same old tune, and the high price he offered made Yu Zhan's heart moved—who made him short of money now; according to him According to the agreement with Migao, Late Nightmare will be screened in China in mid-June, and will be released in the United States. Before the release, he will be responsible for the related work in the United States. He also plans to seek some capital support in the United States, otherwise After he returned home, he left his pockets empty.

He had no choice but to entrust Liu Man with an extremely important job. The shareholder meeting of the New Season Group will be held on June 9. The meeting has two core agendas. The first is to vote on the transfer of He Huaguang to Yu Zhan. Equity matters; second, voting on the transfer of equity from Li Sen (Gao Yihuai with false identity) to Yu Zhan. As the transferee of the equity, Yu Zhan asked Liu Man to attend the meeting as his agent.

In principle, Liu Man only needs to show up. Yu Zhan, He Huaguang, and Gao Yihuai have already completed the most critical procedures. However, in order to prevent unexpected situations, Song Junzhe will accompany Liu Man on the stage. It can be seen from this that Yu Zhan trusts Liu Man very much, and he is equivalent to handing over all his wealth to her.

Before leaving, Yu Zhan also sent Liu Man a spreadsheet file, which was the information of the major shareholders of Xinji Group, and these people were also the people Liu Man would face. Yu Zhan said, You can just look around and have a good idea. You don't need to worry about it, and you don't need to know them.

That evening, Liu Man and Song Junzhe boarded the plane back home together. On the plane, she opened the file and studied it carefully. The first name on the form was Ji Qiansong, who held 35% of the shares. The following was Ji Qiansong's introduction. In addition to his personal resume, there were also the situation of his parents, spouse and children. Liu Man read it His resume shows that he is actually a capable and ambitious business manager. In sixteen years, he has expanded Yu Zhan's father's company by more than 20 times.

Looking at Ji Qingqing's resume again, thinking of the domineering girl she had seen before, Liu Man felt puzzled, how could such a powerful father raise such a useless only child?

Liu Man continued to look down and saw the names of Tao Zhiyao's father and He Lushen's father. She also saw a slightly familiar name, Yang Pu. She didn't remember who it was for a while, and continued to read the information. The column says Xu Wen.

Miss Xu?

Liu Man was surprised.

What did you see? You looked dumbfounded, Song Junzhe beside him asked Liu Man.

Liu Man said, I didn't expect my old client's husband to be on the list of shareholders.

Xu Wen is the rich second-generation eldest sister who sponsored Grandma Zhan. Since she adopted two dogs from the old man, she has been buying cat food from Liu Man's online store. In the end, it cost nearly 100,000 yuan. She persisted for nearly a year without interruption. Liu Man respected her very much.

It is for this reason that Liu Man ordered exclusive dolls that are not for sale in the image of Xu Wen's four pet dogs (two owned and two adopted). One week before going to the United States, she brought four A huge doll, visited Xu Wen's home, and gave the doll to her. Liu Man was too busy at the time to exchange greetings with Xu Wen, and left in a hurry after presenting the gift.

As for Xu Wen's husband, Liu Man has met him several times, and he is also a very caring person who silently supports his wife's charity work behind his back.

Song Junzhe glanced at Liu Man's mobile phone screen, Oh, Yang Pu, his shares should be transferred to him by his elder brother Yang Bo, he is the youngest son of the Yang family... Song Junzhe briefly introduced Yang Pu to Liu Man Yang Bo was from their father's generation, and he was good friends with Yu Zhan's father. Back then, Yang Bo was also a participant in carve-up of Yu's family. Now the Yang family has basically immigrated abroad, and there are only two Yangpu and Xu Wen couples left in China.

The number of shares held by Yang Pu is the same as that of He Huaguang, which is 2%.

Liu Man asked Song Junzhe, Is he willing to sell his shares to Ah Zhan?

I guess Ah Zhan hasn't talked to him yet. We don't know him well. If it's Yang Bo, it will be easier for us to talk about it with our parents.

Will he vote against it at the shareholder meeting?

Song Junzhe said, It's hard to say now, but you don't have to worry, I'll be in charge of this matter, there is still a week before the meeting, we have enough time to prepare.

The first update ~ the second update night ~

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