The size of the club itself is small, and the front area used for performances is even smaller, but it is more than enough to accommodate 60 spectators. The set designer removed all the old tables, chairs, bar counters, and even the wooden stage.

The newly designed stage and auditorium are integrated with artificial landscape, without distinguishing each other. To be precise, there is no auditorium at all, and there are no rows of chairs, creating a visual sense of emptiness.

The 60 spectators did not gather in one area rigidly like watching an ordinary concert. According to Director Simon's request, they were scattered in twos and threes in different positions.

This was actually Lin Zhi's idea. He popularized a lot of Chinese-related knowledge to Simon. First, Simon learned a word - Emotion in Scenery. Then Lin Zhi introduced him to the famous Chinese painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival. The winding river shows different scenes and different people. And the meandering stream in their room is equivalent to that river. This side is a performance, but the audience on the other side is not a landscape?

The important guests, like the lucky fans, did not realize until the front stage that they were also one of the scenery. A show must be more than a show, because Jason and Scott can't spend so much money and energy just to prepare a small show for 60 people, the key is that they are not allowed to take pictures? !

The bosses have a lot of confidential files in their mobile phones. In order to prevent misunderstandings, they are not required to store them, but they are also reminded not to take pictures. They can be invited by Jason and He Lushen. These people are the most basic people. Goods - self-consciousness is still there.

After putting on her makeup, Maria went to the front court to meet her father. As soon as she appeared on the stage, she instantly caught the attention of all the audience present. She was wearing a bright red dress like a flame, the red rose tattoo on her chest seemed to be able to drip blood, and her long golden hair slanted Pulled into a bun, a few strands of hair hang down lazily, and a golden phoenix hairpin is pinned to the bun, like a queen visiting. Maria's favorite flaming red lips were modified by Miao Xiaomei into a small cherry mouth. The eyebrows were redrawn, thin and long, and the ends were slightly raised. European and American makeup would never draw like this.

There was an American ins beauty influencer present. She was amazed by Maria's makeup and kept saying omg and it's so beautiful. I didn't know, I thought Maria was also a participant in the show. An audience is so beautiful, is it to steal the show's limelight?

Song Junzhe arranged for several professors from the Juilliard School after helping He Lushen. When he turned around and saw such a beauty, Song Junzhe praised, Wow, this ghost girl is so beautiful!

He Lushen didn't respond, and thought so in his heart. Maria fits his and Song Junzhe's aesthetics very well - she has a huge body, big breasts, and the skirt covers the lower body, so it can't be seen, but visually, she also has long legs. If in the past, they Will definitely strike up a conversation.

Is she your savior? Song Junzhe saw it.

Well, it's her, Maria Miller, He Lushen said, I still need her a meal.

Song Junzhe glanced at him with his elbow, Hey, what a great opportunity, hasn't she just returned to being single? You can hook up with her while you are having dinner. Miller Petrochemical Group is a partner of Xinji Group. You and her will join forces. Defeat Ji Qiansong in minutes!

Don't talk nonsense, Miller's control is in the hands of Maria's father. Have you seen that Gandalf in the gray robe? That's her father! If you want to bring Ji Qiansong down, it's more reliable for me to hook him up! He Lu Shen emphasized, I just want to repay her well, and I don't have that kind of thought about her. Besides, her ex was the burly man who was rubbing against her, Tom Garden. Their relationship seemed to be very good, and the breakup was also a misunderstanding. I guess there is a high probability that they will get back together.

That's not necessarily true. Maria clearly said on the talk show that she doesn't love this man. I think... Song Junzhe didn't say the rest. He was the most intuitive among them. Like Man, she also sensed that Maria might be interested in He Lushen.

When people reach their level, they will not help strangers for no reason. Even if they help, they will weigh their own interests and the interests of all parties. Only fools do thankless things. So after watching the talk show, Song Junzhe's first thought was what is Maria's picture?

She doesn't lack money and fame, even more than He Lushen, so she's just trying to figure him out.

Are you still thinking about that Chuyu?

Song Junzhe suddenly mentioned Chuyu, making He Lushen stare at Maria.

Only then did he realize that after he came to the United States, he rarely thought of Chu Yu. His daily work schedule was very tight, one thing happened after another, and he didn't even have time to think about it! But the problem is that during the few days when he was squatting in the small dark room, he was in a daze every day, didn't he miss her?


Didn't he like her as much as he always did?

Or maybe it's because when he thinks of her, it's her cold and disgusted eyes, and her merciless sarcastic remarks, which are all negative information anyway. He has been sad and depressed enough during this period, if he thinks about these unhappy and heart-wrenching memories again, isn't it adding to his own troubles? The human brain also automatically seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages.

Maria noticed He Lushen's gaze. In fact, she was looking for He Lushen quietly to see where her sweetheart was. She turned her head and looked at He Lushen, which made He Lushen nervous for a while. After all, he and Song Junzhe were talking nonsense behind his back.

He smiled awkwardly at Maria, and Maria returned him with a particularly bright and beautiful smile, which made his heart skip a beat. He took a step and wanted to go over to say hello to Maria, but Maria quickly turned around and continued to talk to him. Tom talked and laughed.

What never loved Tom! They were all lies, and the two were clearly fighting fiercely.

Song Junzhe squinted at He Lushen, forget it, he doesn't care about this fool's business, his own business is too much to worry about! Let's go, let's go, the show is about to start.

As soon as they left the venue, the lights on the scene began to dim slightly, but they were not completely dark. They were all lit by the water plant lights around the creek, which was hazy and very artistic.

The audience who were talking fell silent. Someone looked at his watch and suddenly realized, Oh, it's already eight o'clock before I know it.

The gentle piano melody sounded from their right. Everyone looked towards the gazebo over there. While they were not paying attention, a girl in a white skirt sat in front of the white grand piano in the gazebo. Her fingers were dancing lightly on the black and white keys. Everyone present had already heard the piece she played, which was the prelude to That Princess from Han. Fans who have listened to this song N times found that the sound of the live piano performance is incomparable to the recorded version, and the girl's piano sound seems to be whispering in their ears.

The first update ~ the second update night ~

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