Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 1026 Important Guests

Jason's new single was also officially released on June 1st on all major genuine music platforms. People have to spend $3 to download and listen to this song. In the first time it was launched, nearly 3 million people around the world bought this song, but then the growth rate gradually slowed down. Die-hard fans bought everything that should be bought, and the rest were passers-by who could listen to it or not.

Just like Scott’s pessimistic prediction, this time the number of people paying for Jason’s last single was much smaller than when Jason released his last single the year before. Everyone has already downloaded the pirated version, so there is no need to spend extra money. It’s not good to eat a few pieces of barbecue for $3. ?

Scott said to Jason worriedly, I hope plan C will work.

Jason is much more optimistic than him. He is reading the comments of genuine users, No matter how bad it is, isn't there still more than 3 million people who bought it? There were 10 million US dollars in sales on the first day, which is not bad!

God, why are you so low on yourself! Look at Warren (a male singer who is on par with Jason) who released a new single last month, and his number of paying users reached 700 million on the first day!

It's normal. He's younger than me, and he's really talented. I won't be jealous of him. Is there a big difference between 7 million and 3 million? Isn't it also a few million? Besides, you don't know the current consumer They all like fresh meat that is younger, and they can't chew on an old cucumber like me!

Scott was speechless, You can't be content with the status quo, or you will be surpassed by other singers sooner or later.

Transcendence will come sooner or later. How can there be a myth of never falling? People will die one day. After another thirty years, the new audience may not even know who I am.

Don't talk about those distant things, we only look at the present, don't you want to compete for the bulletin board?

If I don't want to compete, where did I get plan C? Isn't the physical single on sale yet? Whoever can have the last laugh can never be sure, Jason sneered, It's time, we should go to the club, put Amanda Call the others too!

Jason only disclosed 20 spectators for the show, and for the remaining 40 people, he and He Lushen split half-and-half. All his recording studio employees were able to attend the show. He also invited some close friends of his own, such as Bang, and Scott invited several music industry colleagues, as well as entrepreneurial friends.

He Lushen has invited a lot of big names here. He discussed carefully with Yu Zhan and Song Junzhe, and drew up a list of people to invite. Except for Maria, father and daughter, and Tom, who are used to repay favors, the other guests are all carefully considered. . Yu Zhan first sent an invitation letter to the Micro brothers, who are now partners. The Micro brothers have left New York, but readily agreed to be the audience.

This was also expected by Yu Zhan. He felt that the black-haired Mr. Harvey seemed to have a fascinated interest in Chinese culture. He said on the phone that the content of the performance was all Chinese elements, and the other party agreed without any hesitation.

It happened that Harvey also wanted to meet Liu Man, and they haven't talked about filming yet.

Yu Zhan asked Li Xiaoru to invite Mr. Martin from the Juilliard School and several well-known professors in his own name. After Liu Man came to the United States, she visited Mr. Martin in Julia, and she thanked Mr. Martin for taking care of Li Xiaoru. Mr. Martin wanted her to hold a small folk music concert in the school. She was too busy at the time, so she didn't agree immediately, and the people behind were injured again, so there was no way to mention this matter again.

It’s definitely unrealistic to talk about folk music concerts now. There are so many repertoires in one performance, and how long it takes to prepare. Liu Man has to go back to China immediately after finishing the MV, and prepare for the final exam. She still has a lot of work to do in China! So Yu Zhan thought of inviting Mr. Martin to the scene to make up for this regret. By the way, let Li Xiaoru find good popularity with several professors and teachers, which will benefit her later piano competition.

The professors also gave Li Xiaoru face, and didn't make excuses to say they were busy—they were really busy, but they were all willing to come and support her. Of course, they may value Jason's status and Scott's alumni status more. It was mainly about Cohen’s intoxication of music, which gave Juilliard a thick layer of black. The news introduced Cohen’s resume, emphasizing his experience in studying at Juilliard. Some titles were directly “Julie How did a sub-excellent graduate fall so far?

Ordinary people just watched the excitement, and would not really think that Julia is a trash school if it is a scum, but it is really embarrassing to lose face. Otherwise, why do many famous schools suppress the news first when there is a scandal? Julia urgently needs a chance to clear her name quickly. At this time, they fell in love with Li Xiaoru. If Li Xiaoru could become a blockbuster because of Jason's accompaniment, wouldn't the headline of the news become Julia Exchange Student Becomes Jason's Most Powerful Pianist?

The speed of public opinion in the pop music circle is much faster than that in the classical music circle. For example, even if Li Xiaoru wins a prize in a famous piano competition, it will not occupy much of the news, let alone in the United States, even in China. It is impossible to make headlines, at most a very small area, to mention a few words. Unless she did something unexpected in the piano competition, such as smashing the piano, or scolding the judges, etc., it would be really popular.

And what she is doing now is also a big thing, Jason has a super topicality, whoever rubs against him will be popular. She is just one step away from the Busoni Piano Competition.

He Lushen has invited a few of the most popular Internet celebrities in the United States today, including singing, beautifying, cooking, and funny. Each of them has tens of millions of fans on social platforms such as YouTube and ins. It's an invitation, rather He Lushen paid them to come and promote the show.

His point of view has never changed. Hype is the best way of publicity. Internet celebrities are the best publicity medium these days. Their traffic is no worse than stars, but their airs are not as big as stars. They can do anything. Their task at the performance site is super simple, that is, to show their faces as much as possible, and by the way, post a few statuses on the Internet and write a few good comments. It's such a cool job, and you can see Jason Harmer up close, you'd be a fool not to agree.

In addition, He Lushen also wanted to invite Katie, the host of Katie's talk show, and her husband. After answering Maria's call, he was suddenly inspired. Katie and her team actually helped him indirectly. If it weren't for the influence of the show, he wouldn't have been released on bail so soon. Katie's husband is also a member of the behind-the-scenes team of the show. The two of them are as popular as stars, and their appeal is even more terrifying. If Katie promotes the show on her social account, wouldn't it be another source of traffic?

Just don't know if Katie would like to participate.

He Lushen didn't look for Maria again, but got Katie's phone number through other channels, and called her to ask her in person, with a discussion tone.

The second is more done~

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