On the other hand, after Scott contacted various media, Jason's leaked new song was quickly deleted by all major foreign music platforms. Of course, there are also sporadic fish that slipped through the net, but they will not have much impact.

At this time, the headlines of American entertainment news have all been replaced by headlines such as #Jason HarmerNew Song Leaked, Record Company Executives Furious#, and the news of He Lushen's arrest at the airport was quickly covered up by Jason's strong wind, even though He Lushen Lu Shen has the title of the person in charge of the production company of Han Palace Autumn Moon, but his international influence and public opinion appeal are still far inferior to Jason. The American media also don't want to report too much news about the Chinese people. The princess of the Han Dynasty is already an exception. She has been the only one for so many years, and they will not allow another exception.

To the surprise of the employees of Scott Records responsible for online promotion, the network traffic brought by the news of the new song leak is much higher than the pre-heating traffic before Jason's upcoming new song release in previous years! If the development of the Internet in the past two years is not as good as it is today, then compared with the popularity of new songs released by singers of the same level as Jason, Jason has far surpassed them!

Could it be that netizens are not interested in new songs produced and released according to the conventional process, but prefer this kind of new songs with tearing topics? It is undeniable that this is indeed in line with the thinking of many people who fear that the world will not be chaotic, and that it is not a big deal to see people's bad luck.

Besides, this song is already great!

Good song + dramatic leak == explosive traffic.

The employee hurriedly called Scott to report the situation, which he thought might be a happy accident among misfortunes.

Scott and Jason are in the police station at the moment. Not only did they call the police quickly, but they also asked the police to hunt down Cohen immediately on the grounds of leaking private data. Coincidentally, He Lushen was also temporarily arrested in this police station.

He had just been released from the small dark room, and in the interrogation room, he was about to usher in the nth interrogation. A group of Jason passed by, and Jason saw He Lushen's face sharply through the small glass window on the door of the interrogation room.

He looked sluggish and sat down on a chair.

Jason asked the lead cop, Can I speak to him alone?

Of course not. You two are parties to two completely unrelated cases. How can you meet each other... The policeman refused without hesitation, with a tough attitude, but met Jason's smiling eyes, dressed in everyday attire. He looked as radiant as any superstar on stage.

A male god in countless people's minds said in a pleading tone, I only hold you back for five minutes.

The policeman couldn't help being overwhelmed by Jason's charm, he looked around in embarrassment, Okay, okay, only five minutes! He is also a fan of Jason!

Scott was speechless, Did you forget what we came to the police station for?

I don't know as much about Cohen as you do. It's enough for you to do the transcript alone.

Jason meant something, Scott's face suddenly changed, and he said, I didn't expect him...

His what? Jason raised an eyebrow.

Scott couldn't speak for a while, he was afraid that Jason would scold him, Forget it, I'll tell the police myself!

In fact, Jason had almost guessed it, he didn't bother to talk about Scott, the matter had come to this point, the most urgent thing was to solve the problem, not to fight and blame his few remaining partners.

The police opened the door of the interrogation room, and Jason walked in. He Lushen thought it was the police who came in. He lowered his head and remained motionless. He was dragged from the airport into the police station. He was about to collapse. He was not a good person before, but he also I have never done anything illegal, how did I come to the United States and become a criminal who entered the palace for the second time?

Jason dragged the chair and sat down, It's just such a small incident, and it looks like this? The psychological endurance is really bad, poor Chinese baby.

Hearing his voice, He Lushen raised his head in surprise, and seeing Jason's face, he stood up suddenly as if he had seen a ghost, forgetting to handcuff his hands to the chair for a moment, the metal ring strangled his wrist with great pain.

Jason saw him in a panic, and smiled, You were very courageous when you lied to me, but you were very courageous when you beat up Richard. You just stayed in the police station for two days, why are you so timid? What are the police officers afraid of? !

They have guns!

I have a gun too, why aren't you afraid of me?

He Lushen: ...

You came here to challenge me?

Yes, let me see how you are doing, Liu Man seems to care about you very much, Liu Man said nothing on the phone call in the morning, but as wise as Jason guessed her intention of calling.

When He Lushen heard the words, he felt very uncomfortable. He pleaded, Please tell her and Yu Zhan that I am fine. I am well served at the police station, and the treatment is similar to that of a hotel. Let them not worry about me.

Jason looked at his bad face and haggard face, Are you telling me to lie? Same as you, full of lies?

This is the first time Jason directly satirizes He Lushen, and the blow again is like adding insult to injury, He Lushen's face flushes, he has been thick-skinned since he was a child, but now he wants to find a hole to get in, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my I shouldn't have lied to you, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was too eager for quick success, I wanted to succeed so much, so I got a crooked mind and used you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! He Lushen said countless sorry.

He is a condescending young master who is always kneeled and licked by others. He rarely apologizes to others. At this moment, what he said is sorry is more than the sum of what he said in the past year.

Jason looked at him deeply, he saw a young man's sincerity and guilt from the heart, this is not a pretense, a man in his twenties can't fool him in his thirties by putting on an act. The small black room is really a good place to reflect on life.

The disgust in his heart towards He Lushen disappeared at this moment. Perhaps when he saw He Lushen rushing to teach Richard a lesson for Liu Man, he no longer cared about the past. There are many men like He Lushen in the United States, who are willful, impulsive, and a little naive. Like a little boy who hasn't grown up. But his world is actually very simple, and his personality is still kind, at least he will not harbor ill will towards those around him.

And some people are full of bad water from their bones, such as Cohen!

Thinking of him, Jason's teeth itch with anger, he leaned forward slightly, looked directly at He Lushen, I'll give you a chance to forgive you now.

He Lushen showed joy, Say it, please tell me.

The new song I collaborated with Liu Man was leaked by my music producer, and spread all over the Internet in a short period of time. Although the file has been deleted, many people have already heard our new song, and our digital record is likely to be lost. Serious. Don’t you have a lot of crooked ideas in your head, help me think of a way to reduce losses. If it works, I’ll take you out of here now!”

The second is more done~

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