Fans of Future Heroes saw this strange girl's face and asked in unison, who is this Chinese actress? Is she famous in China? What is her masterpiece?

After To the Beautiful was forced to stop broadcasting, Ji Qingqing did not disappear. She is still active on Weibo, and insists on updating her new Weibo almost every day——Jessical_Jessical, which is as big as traveling, luxury cars, private jets and yachts, and as small as what she eats for her daily three meals. My past style in Moments has been moved to Weibo intact.

All her real friends broke up with her. She can only try her best to get a sense of presence on Weibo, and the whole person is more and more dependent on the Internet. People on the Internet will worship her because she is rich and good-looking, kneel and lick her, and say all kinds of things that make her happy .

But her heart became increasingly empty uncontrollably. She is not a dead house girl like Tao Zhiyao. She has a cheerful and outgoing personality and likes the feeling of being surrounded by people. The more Weibo followers she has, the more she misses the life of making friends and companions in the past.

The failure of this TV drama investment was not Ji Qingqing's fault. She had been studying acting very hard and worked completely according to her father's requirements, so it was rare that her father didn't blame her, nor did he get angry at her and her mother at home. However, the number of times he went home became less and less. The reason was that he was too busy with work. Ji Qingqing saw her mother secretly wiping tears a few times.

She found that she was very useless, she couldn't tell the truth of her father's reason for not coming home, she used to only care about eating, drinking and having fun, and never cared about how the New Season Group operates, is her father really that busy? Too busy to come back for dinner once a week?

Neither Ji Qingqing nor her mother has a job, and Ji Qiansong doesn't go home, but they haven't been treated badly financially. As before, the two of them can live a luxurious life with a monthly living allowance of 1 million each.

Ji Qingqing called her father and said that she wanted to work in the company. Her father asked her back, Are you short of money?

When she said no, her father transferred the money to her without saying a word; when she said no, her father said, Then why work so hard? It's not that I can't afford you. The company is more difficult and you can't handle it. , you are a girl, just stay at home and have fun, if you get bored, go abroad.

In the past, Ji Qingqing set her goal in life as eating and waiting to die and marrying a reliable husband, so she also agreed with Ji Qiansong's statement. But now she always felt that something was wrong, but she was powerless to refute it, because she was really useless. She has no real talents, her foreign university degree is bought; she has no skills, except for shopping and dressing herself, she can do nothing.

She began to become anxious, and her insomnia became more and more serious. She often couldn't sleep all night. No matter where she went to play or how many bags of clothes she bought, she couldn't change her sleep quality. She had to take sleeping pills.

At this time, she realized that Tao Zhiyao, whom she had always despised, was much stronger than her. At the same starting point and age, Tao Zhiyao was already the vice president of a company, in charge of artists like Tang Tu, a Late Ming Dynasty made more than one billion yuan, and I heard that the episode fee of Youth Project also hit a record high, and the profit must have reached hundreds of millions.

After Tao Zhiyao severed ties with his family, he lived a better life. So what's the point of plotting against Tao Zhiyao together with my father?

Ji Qingqing somewhat understood Tao Zhiyao's words against her. At that time, she felt that Tao Zhiyao was scolding her. Looking back, it was all advice. Ji Qingqing thought that she could no longer sit still, so she tried to save herself and went out to find a job by herself. She finally got into acting, and started as an actor. She contacted Cai Honglong (Cai Henian's nephew), who is the director. Because Feng Qingyu couldn't broadcast To the Beautiful, he must have other resources in his hands.

For the sake of her father, Cai Honglong agreed to help her, but suddenly there was a shocking scandal in which Cai Henian slept all over the entertainment industry. Cai Henian stinks, can Cai Honglong be alone? Those who have acquaintances with him immediately draw a clear line with him, for fear of causing trouble and being implicated. Cai Honglong was overwhelmed, what other resources could he find for Ji Qingqing?

Ji Qingqing's path was also cut off. When she was filming To the Beautiful, she met Zhang Xinyi several times. That girl always seemed to be preoccupied. Only then did Ji Qingqing realize that such a terrible experience had happened to her. It's useless for her to blame Zhang Xinyi for ruining her affairs, it's her own bad luck.

Just when she was at a loss as to what to do next, her father actually contacted her and asked her to audition in the United States.

Her first thought was not to be silly, but to wonder what her father was going to do?

Doubts are doubts, she has no right to object in front of her father, and her father has not given her a chance to object, he has already ordered someone to book air tickets and accommodation for her, and even prepared for her the few sets of clothes she needs to wear in the United States . Accompanied (surveilled) by one of Ji Qiansong's confidants, Ji Qingqing came to Los Angeles, successfully passed the super-simple audition, and got the role.

Standing with American directors and producers, taking pictures, and attracting attention, she was numb and numb in her heart, without any sense of glory. She felt that she was still a marionette in the hands of her father.

News of Ji Qingqing's role in Future Hero 5 quickly spread back to China from the United States. When domestic netizens saw the news at first glance, their reactions were the same as those of foreign netizens. They couldn't immediately remember who Ji Qingqing was.

Someone recognized her, She is the second female number in To the Beautiful, who brought money into the group! It's a pity that To the Beautiful can no longer be broadcast.

She is a real wealthy daughter.

I followed her Weibo, she is really rich, I envy her.


In this way, netizens understood in seconds that a Chinese actress without any masterpieces can take part in a supporting actress in a Hollywood commercial film with a bang.

When the news that Future Hero 5 had an Asian supporting actress first came out, I naively hoped that Liu Man could play this role. If she was to play this role, no matter how bad the film was, I would go to the cinema to watch it.

Yeah, she happens to be in the United States, and she has a good relationship with so many Americans. The hero Alan even follows her ins. Is it because she doesn't have the ability to make money?

You guys think too much, she's definitely not as rich as Ji's daughter. To be honest, Master Yu is not as rich as Ji's daughter (shh).


The news that Liu Man almost participated in the audition was not disclosed, but the domestic netizens guessed it closely.

At the same time, He Lushen, who had been recuperating in Yu Zhan's apartment for two days, was also in the mood to go online, and the first news he read made him so angry!

The second is more done~

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