Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 961 Generous Gift (2)

In their eyes, the most elegant lady was Mrs. Lu from Qingyun Town. But when they saw the two ladies in front of them, their original understanding was instantly broken. Mrs. Lu and the two ladies in front of them were Compared with the noble and elegant ladies, there is a huge difference. The innate noble temperament of the two ladies is not the same as the temperament of Mrs. Lu who relies on showing off her power. After meeting these two Madam, they know what a real lady is!

The Dafang family blocked the way, and the old lady and the eldest lady Wu had to stop. Although the people in front of them looked wretched, the old lady still asked with a smile: "Are these people..."

To be fair, Mu Zhongqing was very reluctant to introduce his unattractive family to the old lady, but the old lady had already asked a question, so he had to bite the bullet and introduce him: "As far as the old lady is concerned, these two are juniors. These two are the younger generation’s brother and sister-in-law, and the two younger ones behind them are the younger generation’s two nephews...      "

After the introduction, he said to Muliankui and his wife who were dumbfounded there: "Father, mother, this is Mrs. Li Guogong, and this is the wife of the Minister of Rites. I have come to ask for our Wei'er on behalf of His Highness King Qin!"


The Dafang family is completely stunned. Mrs. Li Guogong, Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and His Highness the King of Qin are asking for Wei'er...

These words shocked them. Oh my God, what fate has happened to the second family? How did you end up with such a noble family? King Qin, that is the emperor’s biological son!

"Ahem, dad, mom!"

When Mu Zhongqing saw that his father and mother were still in a daze, he couldn't help but coughed twice to remind them. The two elders had come to their senses, but they both became timid. Looking timidly at the two noble ladies, they just nodded and bowed, unable to even say a word.

Mu Zhongli's brain was much brighter than that of his parents. When he realized that his second son's family had become involved with someone else, he felt deeply moved and quickly made adjustments to his family's future plans.

Wei Yatou is about to marry the King of Qin and become the Princess of Qin. Although she is not worthy, with this relationship, Mu Zhongli can be regarded as a relative of the emperor in the future. No one in Beijing should look down upon him as the Princess of Qin. At the first glance of the uncle, his two sons can also become officials, honor their ancestors, and honor their family lintel. He can also become a great master, arrogant and majestic. This kind of day, which he never dared to dream of, will soon come true. !

At this moment, let alone give him three thousand taels, even if you give him thirty thousand taels, he will not leave, not even to the death!

Although that damn girl Mu Caiwei didn't want to see them, it was because they had gone too far in the past. The last time they met in the capital, she saw that they were in such a state of poverty, didn't she invite them to stay in her house for a while? It can be seen that that girl is a soft-spoken person. From now on, their family will be peaceful and coax her. I won't embarrass them. After a while, I can coax her and let her tell the King of Qin to get an official position for their two sons. Isn't he a proper eldest father?

Thinking of this, Mu Zhongli felt so happy that he almost grinned to his ears!

After entering the main room and sitting down, Fei'er personally handed over the check. The old lady smiled and said, "We haven't seen each other for a few days. Fei'er has become much more energetic again. She and her sister are really a pair of sisters in our great Jin Dynasty!" Mrs. Du is so polite. Said: "The old lady is so flattering. These two girls are just plain-faced and straight-faced. They have no mouth and slanted eyes. They are just as good as the old lady praised them!"

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