Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 946 Meeting the Father-in-law and Mother-in-law (1)

The prince and Jin Zhong escaped. When the leader of the Imperial Guard found out, he was so scared that his soul flew away. He did not hesitate to commit the crime of treason and surrendered to the prince. Now that he had escaped, wouldn't he die without a burial place?

Zhengcheng thought in fear, suddenly, Nangong Yi stabbed him with a sword, stabbing him to the core. He looked at the sword that penetrated his body and fell softly.

The prince promised him the position of general protecting the country, but he couldn't get it after all!

Even his life is no longer his!

This is the result of being greedy and betraying the Lord. He knew it, but it was too late!

Seeing that their leader had been killed, the Imperial Guards all had no intention of fighting anymore, and they all raised their hands and surrendered.

Thinking that they had all been misunderstood by the leader of the Imperial Guard, Emperor Jin Ming did not punish them too much. He only ordered them to be relieved of their duties as Imperial Guards, expelled from the capital, and never allowed to enter the capital.

But those ministers who followed the prince to cause trouble were not so lucky. Headed by Wuchang Hou Jin Dapeng, the remaining members such as Guangling King, Ling'an Hou, An Guogong and so on were all thrown into the sky prison.

The emperor has decreed that these rebels and traitors should be demoted to common people. All the male members of the clan over the age of fifteen will be executed. The female family members and those under the age of fifteen will be sold into slavery and will never be redeemed!

Those ministers who were in the wrong team all looked ashen. As the saying goes, one wrong step can lead to a lifetime of mistakes. Unfortunately, it is already too late to regret!

As for the prince, Emperor Jin Ming wanted to kill him with his own hands. The so-called deep love and deep responsibility, the son he loved like his eyes, actually wanted to kill him repeatedly, how could he not feel the pain to his bones.

"Ahem, my decree is to abolish the crown prince's position as prince, and issue an arrest edict. No matter life or death, that, ahem, traitorous son must be captured, ahem, cough..."


The emperor's hidden guards agreed and disappeared in a flash.

Seeing that the emperor was agitated, Li Guoshi advised him: "Your Majesty, please calm down. If the prince conspires to rebel, everyone in the world will kill him. He can't escape!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, all the rebels and traitors in the world will be captured sooner or later. Your body can still bear it after struggling for so long. I will help you go back and lie down for a while!" Zhu Zhong was also there. Carefully comforted.

Emperor Jin Ming coughed twice more and said angrily: "I can't die. If the traitor hasn't been executed yet, I will definitely not die."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and took a breath for a while. After his breathing became even, he put his hand on Zhu Zhong's arm, glanced at the ministers in the hall, and issued the last decree of the day.

"I have been poisoned by my traitor and need to rest for a period of time. From now on, all matters in the court will be handled by the King of Qin. For big and small matters, the King of Qin can make the decision. There is no need to reply to me."

After saying that, with the support of Li Guoshi and Zhu Zhong, he staggered away.

All the civil and military ministers in the dynasty knew what the emperor's last imperial edict meant. The situation in the dynasty was already clear. Even a blind person could see who would be the prince in the future and who would be the future emperor of the Jin Dynasty!

The King of Qin stood on the court, glanced at the blood-flowing hall, and said loudly: "I have always made clear rewards and punishments. For today's matter, the King of Japan will judge his merits and reward himself. Everyone is tired today, so we will leave for now." Bar!"

"Yes, I obey your order, I will retire!"

The officials withdrew respectfully, with an attitude of humility and awe.

Nangong Yi left the main hall and hurriedly called Zhui Feng beside him: "Quick, go to Zhuangzi and bring the princess back to me."

Zhui Feng hesitated for a moment and asked, "Master, don't you need to track down the whereabouts of the deposed prince first?"

Nangong Shi curled his lips and smiled lightly: "It's just a clown. Why do I need my hidden guard to chase him? I only need one of my birds to do it!"

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