Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 900 He Lanxue’s Resentment (4)

As he said that, he turned over, covered her body, and got busy. It must be said that men are self-taught masters in this matter. Under his caress, Caiwei soon let out a rapid and detailed moan. The sound of gasping makes people blush and make their hearts beat. Even the moon is so embarrassed that it hides into the clouds and refuses to come out again...

The next day, when Caiwei woke up, the sun had already risen.

The man had left without anyone noticing long ago. If it weren't for the bruises and bruises still remaining on her body, she would have thought everything last night was a dream!

"Weier, are you up? Have you had breakfast?"

Mrs. Du knocked gently on the door, and Wu'er also leaned in the crack of the door and shouted: "Sister, if you get up to eat, you will become a lazy pig if you go to sleep again!"

Caiwei hurriedly got up and got dressed, and then carefully checked the bed to make sure there was no evidence left before running over to open the door.

"What are you doing? What took you so long?"

As soon as he opened the door, Du Shi's eyes swept in and searched the nooks and crannies of the room like a radar. After confirming that there was no adultery, he said: "Breakfast is almost cold, go and eat quickly!"

Caiwei nodded guiltily, smiled, and followed her mother...


Prince's Mansion

The East Palace with its carved railings and jade walls was in a mess, with broken porcelain, knocked down tables and chairs, servants kneeling on the floor, and the soft sobs of the Crown Princess He Lanxue, which made the entire Prince's Mansion look extremely dull. Like a tomb, lifeless.

Prince Nangong Shi's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily. He sat on a chair to rest angrily. He had just been beaten for a while, and now he had no strength at all. Since he was crippled, his vitality was severely damaged and he could only fight. After smashing it for a while, he was out of breath from exhaustion. In the past, even if he turned the entire Prince's Mansion upside down, his face would not change and his heart would not beat. It seemed that he was really in trouble!

Nangong Shi lowered his head, sadness flashing across his eyes.

Early in the morning, news came from the palace that the mother-in-law had been demoted to the rank of Jin concubine because she had killed a concubine and disobeyed the Holy Emperor. She was confined to Sijin Palace and was not allowed to go out for half a year. Half a year is enough for the third son to plot to seize the crown prince's position and take his and his mother's life. After half a year, everything is over. Even if the mother and queen can come out safely, they will only be able to survive under the hands of the third son. Well, how could he, who was once the crown prince of a country, be willing to live like this?

The Crown Princess He Lanxue cried softly, she was crying very depressed and despairingly. She traveled thousands of miles to marry in Jin Dynasty because she wanted to be a mother-in-law and be a woman that all the women in the world could look up to. But she didn't want to end up like this. As a result, her husband became disabled and had no hope of becoming a powerful person; her mother-in-law was deposed and she would become a target for others to take revenge and vent their hatred, and they would also suffer. Such a life was so different from what she had originally imagined, which made her feel extremely of pain and despair.

What made her even more intolerable was that her husband blamed her for being mutilated, saying that if she hadn't been jealous, how could he have hidden and supported the actor? If not, how could he have given the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of her? ? This statement made her so angry that she almost vomited blood. It was obviously his fault in the first place. He secretly supported the actor behind her back, which led to him being trapped and maimed, but he shifted the responsibility to her, the child in her belly. Maybe he kicked it out to vent his anger. Otherwise, if the child is gone, why wouldn't he feel a little bit guilty?

"Cry, just cry. If you hadn't gone to your mother and concubine to complain, why would you have hidden and supported the actor? How could you have been crippled by someone? It's all a jealous bitch like you, no? What kind of light can I borrow from you, Xianbei? Are you satisfied that you can make Gu Ke look like this?"

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