Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 840 Escape from the wolf den (2)

Sijin Palace

Concubine Jin was sitting on the bed, her eyes tightly closed, and the corners of her already drooped mouth were pursed tightly. She looked like she was going to get angry at any time, and everyone in the palace was trembling. With the spirit of serving her carefully, not daring to make any mistakes, otherwise she will definitely become the punching bag of the imperial concubine and lose her life for no reason.

A few days ago, the imperial court received the report of King Qin's battle to regain Lingbei. Concubine Jin's condition suddenly became much more serious, and her temper continued to rise as her condition worsened. In just a few days, Sijin Palace had already killed four or five people. As many as a dozen of the eunuchs and palace maids who made mistakes were injured or maimed. In fact, everyone knew that these poor slaves did not commit any heinous mistakes, but they were just nitpicking the eggs of Jin Guifei and punishing them. Just to vent the fear and resentment in my heart!

The King of Qin has made great military exploits and will soon return to the court. This is definitely a fatal threat to Concubine Jin and the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince is already disabled and will be deposed sooner or later. The King of Qin is a direct descendant, and there are already a large number of them. The old ministers supported him to ascend to the throne, and now that he has military exploits as capital, it is natural that he should become the next prince, take over the East Palace, and inherit the power of the Jin Dynasty in the future!

Concubine Jin and the Crown Prince have seen through this and can no longer lie down. If King Qin becomes the crown prince and inherits the throne in the future, the first person he will have to deal with after taking office is their mother and son. At the end of the day, let's just say they are prosperous and wealthy. Their lives are difficult to save.

Therefore, Concubine Jin did not bother to investigate the real culprit who murdered the prince, and instigated people to transfer the clues to the Duke Li Guo's Mansion. She thought that as long as it was found out that the case was committed by the Duke Li Guo's Mansion, the emperor would naturally think of Queen Mo and his wife. The King of Qin is the chief envoy, because if the prince is deposed, the biggest beneficiaries will be the King of Qin and the Queen. At that time, the emperor will not only not appoint the King of Qin as the prince, but will also convict him because of his evil thoughts.

However, after Dali Temple found out the reason, the emperor did not convict Duke Li Guo's Mansion, but ordered people to imprison Duke Li Guo's Mansion, and did not even deprive Duke Li Guo of his title. What does this mean? Could it be that the emperor has already made up his mind to appoint the King of Qin as the crown prince and completely abandon the prince, even if the prince is killed and maimed?

This terrifying thought drove her almost crazy. She would never sit back and wait for death, and she would never let King Qin ascend to power. No matter what the cost, she vowed to bring down Queen Mo and King Qin!

"Your Majesty, Sun Maotai from Yukun Palace wants to see you!"

A palace daughter walked into the palace cautiously and reported to her in a soft voice.

Concubine Jin raised her eyelids slightly and said tiredly: "Let him come in!"


The palace daughter agreed and hurried out as if she was walking through the gates of hell.

A moment later, Sun Maotai came in. After bowing to Concubine Jin, he said in a sharp voice: "Your Majesty, I have passed on those words according to your instructions. After hearing this, Queen Mo's mood fluctuated very much at first. Big, but then it calmed down!"

Concubine Jin stroked her long armor, thought for a while, and said: "Relax the supervision of her, and let people keep an eye on her secretly. She will definitely take action in the next few days. When the time comes, let's all take the stolen goods together." When the evidence was presented to the Emperor, I did not believe that the Emperor could favor her over and over again!"


"Also, tell the people in the palace that if you give her more sex in the past few days, it's best to make her collapse and become unbearable!"

Sun Maotai said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, Queen Mo's mental endurance is too strong. I have tried my best to torture and humiliate her, but her mood has always been very stable and she doesn't seem to be affected at all, let alone the peace." Someone contacted me!"

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