Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 833 Helanna is here (2)

For example, she has exchanged thousands of leathers, ranging from expensive mink skins to rex rabbit skins that are acceptable to the middle class. She has changed a lot of each kind of leather.

Although the Monuments are an ignorant and backward nation, the level of craftsmanship in making leather is very high, and the dyeing is also very good. It is both uniform and long-lasting and does not fade. There is even a gradient color process. Naturally, Caiwei will not let go. However, whenever I see leather with gradient colors, I will definitely try to change it back.

Of course, such a lot of leather is not reserved for their own use. When the nobles of the Jin Dynasty dress in winter, they are used to edging their collars, cuffs and skirts with fur edges. The richer ones simply wear full-length fur cloaks. Therefore, there is a huge demand for furs in the market of the Jin Kingdom, and Caiwei plans to use these skins to sell them at a good price in the Jin Kingdom.

Not only skins, but also cheeses and meats, she also changed a lot. The space has the function of keeping fresh, and the food stored in it will always be fresh. Therefore, every time she sees newly slaughtered cattle and sheep, she will buy some back in a big way, temporarily. Zhui Feng Zhuyue will hold them, and after returning to the big tent, they will all be stored in the space.

In a few days, most of the things originally looted in the space were gone and replaced with things Caiwei needed.

When it was almost noon, Caiwei returned to the royal city with Zhuifeng and Zhuyue. Zhuifeng wanted to persuade Caiwei to go back to the big tent to have lunch and then come out to exchange goods after eating, but Caiwei refused.

There were many stalls selling food in the market, all selling Mengnu's special snacks. Caiwei found a stall selling cooked food and sat down. Zhuifeng and Zhuyue abided by their duties and did not dare to talk to Caiwei. At the same table, Caiwei asked them to sit on the table next to her, and exchanged a pink woven quilt for a large piece of softly cooked beef. After cutting it, she divided it into two plates, one One plate was eaten by oneself, and the other plate was left for them to eat, and the two of them were exchanged for a pound of Mengnu's strong wine and a few highland barley cakes!

Caiwei's space has a lot of delicious food. Before she came to Lingbei, she bought a lot of it at the market and stored it in the space. Because she was not used to the greasy food of the Mennu people, she would eat it every time she ate. Pretend to eat a little, and then look for opportunities to eat Dajin delicacies in your own space.

Therefore, after eating a few bites, Caiwei put down her chopsticks and walked around the food stall. She couldn't go too far, otherwise Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue would not be able to eat and would be busy protecting her. , although she did not need their protection, Nangong Yi insisted on it, so she had to take these two big guys with her when she went out every day, otherwise he would not allow him to come out.

Near the cooked food stall, Caiwei was strolling around with great interest. She took a fancy to a delicate comb. The comb was carved from rhinoceros horn. The back of the comb was inlaid with gems such as turquoise and coral. It was very beautiful. , Caiwei held the comb in her hand, and was about to exchange words when she suddenly heard a woman's voice coming from the cooked food stall behind her.

"Boss, I'll exchange you for a piece of meat and five pieces of cake for a gold ring set with precious stones!"

Caiwei was startled. The voice sounded so familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere. She turned around and looked at the stall, and suddenly saw Helanna, the princess of Xianbei Kingdom, sitting arrogantly on the seat where she had just sat. on the street, holding up an exquisite ring and exchanging it with the stall owner.

When Caiwei looked at her, her eyes happened to glance towards Caiwei. When she saw Caiwei, she was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up in shock, as if she had been stepped on. , screamed loudly, she pointed tremblingly in the direction of Caiwei, and said with a cry: "Ghost... ghost..."

Seeing how excited she was, the two guards following her immediately drew their swords and pointed them at Caiwei.

Seeing this, Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue quickly flashed to Cai Wei's side, blocking her path and looking at them coldly.

The four master guards were silently talking to each other, but Helanna was making a lot of noise. She screamed, pointed at Caiwei and jumped on her feet and shouted: "Ghost, she is a ghost... She is already dead... eaten by a tiger." Alright... hurry up and catch the ghost..."

Caiwei held her forehead, why did she meet her here? The world is too small!

But soon, she remembered why. Helanna was famously infatuated with Nangong Yi. She must have appeared here because she was pursuing Nangong Yi. There is no other explanation other than that.

Although she knew that Nangong Yi didn't like her, Caiwei was still unhappy that someone was coveting her man. She stood up, walked out from behind Zhui Feng Zhuyue, and gave He Lanna a cold look. Hum: "Madman, ignore her, let's go!"

After saying that, he proudly held up his back and took Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue towards the direction where Nangong Yi set up camp.

The weather was sunny today, with not a single cloud in the sky. The high sun shone on Caiwei's body, casting a long shadow on the ground.

One of Helanna's guards saw the shadow at Caiwei's feet, lowered his head, and whispered something to Helanna. Helanna suddenly stopped screaming and looked at Caiwei's feet, and sure enough she saw a black shadow.

" not a ghost, but she was obviously taken away by a tiger..."

Helana muttered, showing an expression of disbelief.

A guard whispered: "Princess, let's eat first, and then go to King Qin's camp after dinner!"

Helana nodded and said "Yeah", then suddenly seemed to remember something, and said angrily: "I remembered, this bitch is not dead, she must have come to see King Qin, maybe she is already living in King Qin's palace." In the camp, you have seduced the King of Qin and committed a perverse act!"

The two guards were silent, listening to her curses over and over again, as if they were accustomed to her neurotic behavior.

Faced with such a brainless master, all they could do was lament their misfortune and have endless patience.

The more He Lanna scolded, the angrier she became. She slammed the table and stood up: "Let's go, I'm not going to eat anymore. Go ask Nangong Yi!"

With that said, she left the stall like a whirlwind, like a wife catching an adulterer, and headed towards Nangong Yi's camp with two guards aggressively...

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