Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1969 Princess Chaohua (5)

It will never be possible for Chen Jinshi to enter officialdom again.

It is said that since Nangong Yi issued this imperial edict, Chen's consort became decadent and indulged in wine and sex all day long. He even vented his anger on Princess Chaohua, rarely entering her yard, and openly raising many demon Qiao Qiao's My concubine, the eldest princess Chaohua has a nose that is neither nose nor face. If it weren't for her status as the eldest princess, he would probably have started abusing her long ago.

However, cold violence is not much better than abuse.

"Family, there is no need to be formal. Please invite the eldest princess quickly."

Caiwei said politely, sat down on the throne in the hall, and asked the eldest princess Chaohua to sit down too. She said with a smile: "I heard before that the eldest princess is the least sociable, but now it turns out that the rumor is spreading. The eldest princess has participated in all the affairs in the palace these few times, so why is she not sociable?"

The eldest princess Chaohua smiled implicitly and said: "Let the Queen laugh. Chaohua really didn't like to meet people before, but I heard that the Queen is kind and considerate of others, so she wanted to meet her. Later, Chaohua Hua was lucky enough to see the empress, who was so beautiful that she overturned the country and the city. He felt that it was a blessing to be able to see such a beautiful woman like her in this life. In this case, why did Chao Hua waste the opportunity to see her beauty?"

This subtle flattery was something she had thought about and practiced for a long time before she said it naturally. There was no trace of flattery at all. However, it did not flatter Caiwei, but made Caiwei a little disgusted with her flattery.

Due to her status as the eldest princess, Caiwei still talked to her lightly. After saying a few words, she called Chunying and asked what the princes were doing, whether they were studying, doing homework, etc.

Seeing the indifferent look on the Queen's face, Princess Chaohua didn't pay much attention to her, so she tactfully thanked her for hosting the wedding for King Chu, and then left.

After she left, Caiwei called out Ying Ge. She really couldn't figure out the purpose of Princess Chaohua entering the palace, so she had to ask Ying Ge to help her check it out.

As soon as Princess Chaohua returned to the mansion and entered the main courtyard, she saw a handsome man in his thirties looking at her gloomily.

When he saw the consort, Chaohua trembled immediately. The princess' majesty was gone, and she became more submissive.

Chen He looked at the eldest princess like this, and felt a little joy in his heart, but it was quickly replaced by malice and resentment. If it weren't for her, he might have become a member of the Sixth Department long ago. How could he be as decadent at home as he is now? , becoming a waste relying on women.

Thinking of those people's mocking eyes when they looked at him, the evil fire in his heart burst out.

Compared with power, what are women?

He studied hard for many years because he wanted to be a high-ranking official in the future instead of being a love interest for women.

It was because of this ambition that he deliberately approached Chao to seduce her, and secretly promised him her love.

It was precisely because of this ambition that when the Emperor asked him if he was married, he became obsessed with it and deceived the Emperor.

Originally, he thought that he had made a lot of money and that his career would go smoothly because of his status as consort. However, his wife was raised outside by him and only visited once in a while. He thought that he was doing it secretly. Unexpectedly, it was discovered.

From then on, it was his nightmare, and he was almost killed by the late emperor.

Even if Princess Chaohua begged for him and exempted him from the crime, it still cut off his career. This was more uncomfortable than death for him, so he completely angered Princess Chaohua.

Because of her birth, and because her younger brother had offended Concubine Jin, the eldest princess Chaohua became very timid and cowardly. She was bullied when she was good, and Ma Shan was ridiculed. Because Chaohua did not dare to resist him, his courage became more and more courageous. As he gets older, he takes her less and less seriously.

Once when he was drunk, Chen He actually hit Jin Zhi drunk and beat Chao Hua severely. After he sobered up, he was still worried for a while, fearing that Chao Hua would complain to the emperor. Although the emperor does not have deep feelings for Princess Chaohua, he will not allow anyone to trample on the dignity of the royal family.

However, a few days later, Princess Chaohua actually had no intention of complaining at all, and she didn't even take the matter of being beaten to her heart at all. Instead, she treated him better.

After discovering that the princess was a bitch who didn't hold grudges, he became bolder and would punch and kick her whenever she was unhappy.

Although Princess Chaohua is afraid of him, she still has feelings for him. After all, the two of them once had a sweet life of love and affection. It was precisely because of that unforgettable love life that she could never be cruel to him. , reluctant to report him and put him to death.

"Have you entered the palace and seen the Queen?"

As soon as Chen He saw Chaohua's expression, he knew that most likely he would not accomplish what he wanted to do, so his tone was particularly cold.

Princess Chao Hua nodded quickly and stammered: "See...I see..."

"How is it? Have you said anything about that?" Chen He suddenly became eager and fanatical, stood up in a hurry, walked to her and asked.

Princess Chaohua bit her lip and shook her head, "I...I can't speak..."


Chen He slapped her back, grabbed her bun, forced her to look at him, and shouted loudly: "Why didn't you tell me? You are the eldest princess, and the queen will definitely give you some face. I It seems that you just don’t want me to be an official, and you don’t want me to be happy!"

"'s not..."

Princess Chaohua shed tears and said, "I'm not familiar with the Queen, so it's hard for me to ask. When we get to know each other in the future, I will definitely ask her. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Chen He's expression softened a little, but he was still a little dissatisfied and said: "Okay, I will believe you for now. If you mess up, see how I deal with you."

He didn't dare to go too far with the eldest princess Chaohua, because she was pointing at Chaohua to plead for him to become an official. If she got angry and refused to help him, his lofty ambitions in this life would be in vain... …

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