Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1876 Ning Huaixiu’s panic (4)

Not long after, Juhua's eyelids trembled slightly and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Juhua, are you awake? How do you feel?" Caiwei put the cup down on the small table beside Babu's bed and leaned over to tuck the quilt for her.

Juhua opened her eyes, looked around blankly, and said, "Caiwei, am I dreaming? Where is this? Why am I here?"

Caiwei said: "This is the palace. You fainted in the cave of the rockery of Duke Li Guo's Mansion. I saved you. You are fine now!"

When Caiwei mentioned the cave in Duke Li's mansion, Juhua seemed to have thought of something and became excited. She struggled to sit up and said loudly: "Caiwei, Sister Ning, no, it's that Ning Huaixiu." , she is not a good person, she plotted against me, has anyone done anything to me?"

"Chrysanthemum, don't be excited, don't worry, nothing happened to you, I got there in time.  "

Caiwei patted her hand and comforted her softly: "That scumbag is dead, you don't have to be afraid anymore..."

Under Caiwei's comfort, Juhua's mood gradually calmed down. She told Caiwei intermittently what happened yesterday. Finally, she said bitterly: "I didn't offend her, why did she frame me like that?" , why did she do that?"

Caiwei sighed and said with a somewhat guilty look, "Maybe I'm using you to deal with me. It's the friendship between us that has dragged you down."


Juhua was dumbfounded and didn't understand what their friendship had to do with Ning Huaixiu's plot against her.

Caiwei said: "This matter has not yet been determined. I will tell you when the interrogation is clear. Now, you should go as soon as possible. Your parents are going crazy for you."

When it came to her parents, Juhua immediately couldn't care about anything else. She told Caiwei and went back anxiously.

Caiwei returned to the main hall, just as Nangong Yi came back from the court, Caiwei told Nangong Yi what Ju Hua said.

After hearing this, Nangong Yi sneered and said, "It seems that there is indeed something wrong with this Ning Huaixiu!"


When Ning Huaixiu learned that Queen Mu had returned to the palace safe and sound, and that he had sent an order for her to enter the palace, she was stunned and her eyes almost popped out of her sockets. How did that happen? She saw with her own eyes that she entered the cave and also saw that the rockery collapsed. How could she be okay? This is impossible, completely impossible!

"Father-in-law, is it really the Queen who passed this on to me?"

She confirmed again, and took off a golden shrimp bracelet with beads from her wrist, and stuffed it into the hand of the eunuch who passed the order.

The eunuch took the heavy bracelet, put it away with a smile, and said, "Miss Ning, it is indeed the empress who personally conveyed the order for you to enter the palace. Go and get ready and go into the palace with the Za family!"

Ning Huaixiu's face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on her head. She swayed weakly, and almost fell if the maid who was close to her had not supported her in time.

"How is it possible? It's impossible... there must be a mistake..." she repeated mechanically, her eyes widening.

"Oh, miss, what's wrong with you!" The girl supported her, feeling her trembling and weakness, and cried anxiously.

"I….It's okay…"

She reluctantly pulled the corner of her mouth and dragged her weak body inside to change clothes.

Her father had not yet gone to court, and she had never mentioned her rebirth to her mother. If something happened now, there was no one to discuss it with. Ning Huaixiu was so frightened that she was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder were shattered.

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