When they arrived, the parrot was still flapping its wings, stretching out its sharp claws to scratch the man who was screaming. On the ground, the chrysanthemum was lying there quietly, already unconscious!


Caiwei walked over quickly, squatted down, and checked whether she was injured? Where is the injury?

Because she has been nourished by the spiritual energy of the space all year round, Caiwei's vision and hearing are much stronger than ordinary people. In this dark cave, others may not be able to see clearly when they come in, but she can clearly see the facial features of the chrysanthemum. Come closer. Even the pores can be seen!

While checking, I suddenly heard a roar, which was like the sound from the last earthquake in Qixia Mountain. Immediately afterwards, the rocks above her head began to fall down, and the rockery in front of her had collapsed. Before she could recover, the mountain had collapsed to her. The moment it hit her, she screamed sharply: "receive!"

Then, he suddenly entered the space.


How dangerous!

Caiwei was lying on the ground, her heart pounding, and she still had lingering fears. Just now, she almost felt the pressure of the falling stone, the cold that hit her face, she even felt the cold air of the stone touching her body.

Just a little bit away, she would have become a piece of meat pie under the stone. It was really terrible!

"Gah----it's too scary, it's too scary----"

The parrot screamed and cried endlessly: "Master, I never want to go to the cave again. It's too dangerous..."

Caiwei raised her head weakly and said to the noisy parrot, "I'm sorry!"

In front of her, Juhua was lying there in a daze, with blood pouring from her head. It must have been hit by the stone that fell from the cave just now.

Caiwei hurriedly got up, supported Juhua and went to Old Turtle's alchemy room, asking Old Turtle to help her take a look.

The old turtle only glanced at the chrysanthemum and said slowly: "It's okay. This girl was just hit and her skin was broken. She will be fine in a few days!"

With that said, he slowly began to look for medicine and gauze, apply medicine to the chrysanthemum, and bandage it!

When Caiwei heard that Juhua was fine, she felt relieved. She hugged her knees and sat slumped on the ground. She thought about the thrilling experience just now over and over again. The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became. It wasn't until the three buns came that she took back her thoughts. , stood up to hug and kiss her children.

Thank God she is still alive. If she had died just now, she would have no chance to be with the children like she is now, nor would she have the chance to be with the child's father again. If she died, no matter where her soul drifted to, She will miss them forever, care about them forever, and her heart will never leave them...

Outside, because the rockery in the back garden collapsed, everyone in the house was quickly alarmed. Everyone rushed to the back garden to watch, and they talked about it while watching.

"It must have been the previous Earth Dragon turning over that moved the rocks and rocks. What a coincidence that they collapsed today!"

"Fortunately, there's no one in front of us, otherwise the rockery would be so high that it would crush people to death!"

"How do you know there's no one here? There are thousands, not to mention tens of thousands, of people coming in and out of Duke Li's Mansion today. There are so many people, but one or two less. How do you know?"

While they were discussing, a girl stumbled over and shouted: "Have you seen my lady? My lady is missing!"

Everyone asked: "Which family are you a girl from, and who is your young lady?"

The girl cried: "I am the head of the Shen family, and my young lady Shen Juhua is a friend of the Queen. Please help me find her!"

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