Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1789 Chao Gei is injured (2)


The arrow hit the horse's hind leg with great precision. The horse staggered, then trotted quickly, and finally failed and fell to the ground with a "thud".

After the horse fell, the person on the horse was also thrown out and onto the grass not far away, lying there silently like a lifeless doll.

He Lanhao put away his bow and ran over with his horse. He dismounted and walked quickly to Chao Gui's side. When he saw her lying there motionless, he hurriedly bent down and stepped forward to help her.

"How are you doing?"

He turned over the rose and saw that she had her eyes closed and had completely passed out. There were still two thin streaks of water hanging on her face as pale as paper.

she cried?

He Lanhao looked at the two clear tears on that delicate little face, and for some reason, his heart suddenly moved.

The woman in front of him was lying there so weakly, as if she would break if touched, which made him feel a desire to protect her.

Most men will have a desire to protect weak women, especially when facing beautiful women. Seeing such a fragile and miserable Chao Gui, He Lanhao, who had always been hard-hearted and cold-hearted, actually felt a bit of pity.

He placed Chaogui on the grass, patted her cheek gently, and called, "Hey, wake up, are you okay?"

Chao Gui was still unconscious, but her sleeping face attracted He Lanhao unknowingly.

To be fair, Chao Gei's appearance is extremely beautiful, otherwise she would not have been favored by Concubine Jin. She has a fair and delicate oval face, two smoky eyebrows that are not traceable and green, a straight and beautiful nose, and a A beautiful little heart-shaped mouth. Although her lips are now a little white due to fear, that mouth looks very suitable for...kissing...

He Lanhao stared at her face, thinking absentmindedly, when suddenly he caught a glimpse of something red and black from the corner of his eye. The thing twisted its body over a foot long and crawled out from under Chao Gui's body.


He Lanhao was startled, and the charm in his heart suddenly disappeared. Without thinking, he raised his foot and trampled the snake to death.

The snake's body was red and black, and it should be a highly venomous snake. She was turned over by him just now, and she was on top of this venomous snake. The venomous snake is very aggressive and will never let it go. people.

Damn it, she must have been bitten by a snake!

He Lanhao felt agitated and looked at her body with his deep eyes. He didn't want her to be bitten to death by a poisonous snake. If she was bitten to death, it would be difficult for him and Da Jin to explain. Besides, if such a beautiful woman died,'s a pity...

The venomous snake was not big, only over a foot long, but the snake's teeth were sharp and the wound when biting was extremely small. It was not like the blood dripping after a wild animal bites a person. After the snake bites the person, it is extremely difficult to find it through the clothes. .

He Lanhao took off Chao Gui's clothes without even thinking. His life was at stake. Moreover, Chao Gui was his woman, so even if he took off her clothes, it wouldn't matter.

He untied Chao Gei's clothes, intending to look for the snake bite wound. However, when the soft and smooth clothes were untied, a fragrant scenery broke into his eyes, which made his blood surge and his whole body was stunned. she

Under Chao Gui's clothes, she wears an extremely exquisitely made bellyband. The bellyband is red and embroidered with patterns of butterflies playing with peonies. The stamens of the blooming peonies are also decorated with small beads, which look like peonies. Lifelike, however, these are not the point. The point is that her skin is really good, as fair as if it was carved from the finest white jade. Seeing this made him feel excited.

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