After saying that, without even looking at her, he rode his horse and went elsewhere.

"Hey, where are you going? Come back here, I haven't finished talking yet?"

Seeing that Chao Gui dared to do this to her, Hannah was so angry that she yelled at Chao Gui's back.

Chao Gui said without looking back: "I am the queen of Xianbei and the princess of Jin. What is your identity? Why do you dare to order me?"

After saying that, ignoring Hannah's face that was twisted with anger, she hit her horse and left.

"Princess, we have offended her now. Will she not retaliate against us?"

After walking away, Dong'er asked carefully.

Chao Gui said calmly: "Even if it hadn't happened this time, just by sitting in the queen's seat, I would have offended her. Therefore, no matter whether I treated her cautiously and respectfully, or I resisted her, the result would be the same."In this case, why should I look at her face carefully? What's more, if I don't fall out with her this time, she won't let me go easily!"

Xiaoman said worriedly, "Princess, this Hannah is really vicious. She actually wants to disfigure you. I think she is not easy to get along with. Why don't we send a message back to Dajin and ask for the Queen's protection?"

Chao Gui smiled bitterly and said, "No need, I have lost the Queen's favor. Even if I send a message back, she won't help me. Why should I humiliate myself?"

"But, what should we do? That Hannah will definitely not give up. What will we do then?"

Before Xiaoman finished speaking, Chaogui's horse suddenly raised its hooves and neighed, and the mane on its neck stood up. Then, the horse rushed forward like crazy.


Xiaoman and Dong'er screamed and saw an arrow sticking out of the butt of the horse the Queen was riding. When they turned around, they saw Hannah retracting her bow with a sinister look on her face.

The two girls immediately understood what was going on, screamed, and chased Chao Gui on horseback.

"Bitch, go to hell, you dare to use your body to suppress me!"

Hannah withdrew her bow and looked at the back of the crazy horse carrying Gui with a sinister look, wishing she could add another arrow!

A personal maid said worriedly: "Master, you shot the queen's horse. If the queen has any shortcomings, will your majesty blame you?"

Hannah said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? The horse frightened while riding, and many people fell to death and were maimed. What's the big deal!"

When the maid saw what she said, she didn't dare to say anything more, so she had to shut up.

Chao Gei's horse was frightened. It was frighteningly fast, and soon Xiaokui and the others were out of sight. She grabbed the reins and clung to the horse with her trembling body. She could only hear the wind whistling in her ears. She was blowing so hard that her hair stood up.

At this moment, Chao Gui felt so desperate that she was really afraid that she would be thrown to death. However, when she thought of her unfortunate fate, she felt less nervous.

Since God doesn't like her, she should just die. She can't escape from this palace alive, and she can't escape those treacherous battles. The queen may suffer some crazy revenge from Hannah. She is tired. I no longer want to live cautiously, or rack my brains every day to deliberately please someone.

They say that when fate closes a door, it will open a window for others. However, she was the one forgotten by fate.

Ever since she could remember, she had been carried to Concubine Jin and separated from her gentle and beautiful mother. At that time, nannies and servants would warn her from time to time that she must be good and please the concubine. Huan Xin, otherwise her end will be tragic.

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