Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1778 Chao Gei Marries Again Second Update (1)

In Baohua Temple, several monks who had gone to call for help returned to the monk's room, woke up the sleeping monks, and told them about someone's egg being exploded. When they heard that someone dared to act wild in Baohua Temple, the monks Suddenly they got angry and couldn't sleep anymore. They got up one after another, picked up their swords and sticks, and went to search for this arrogant person.

Before they could go out, a parrot flew in through the open window, squawking, flying around, knocking over the oil lamp in the house, and the house was plunged into darkness.

Before the monks understood what was going on, someone suddenly screamed: "Ah, who the hell is pinching my balls!"

Before the screams ended, someone screamed again, "Ouch, it hurts me to death..."


Soon, screams came one after another, and the sound was loud...

The pilgrims lived in a house far away from the monk's residence, and no one heard the cries of ghosts and wolves that filled the night sky. However, the abbot and several masters in charge heard about what happened in the clean room, and they all went into the secret passage to discuss the matter. So, after the hundreds of disciples who stayed in the monk's dormitory were crushed and maimed, no one outside noticed it!

Changmei’s pinching was so good tonight that he crushed all the monks in the three rows of monks’ houses in the backyard. After pinching, Yingge opened his X-ray eyes and looked at it for a while, and said: "There are only a few elders in the secret passage left." and the Dharma Protector, the rest are useless!"

Changmei said: "The master has given orders and all orders are useless, and the elders and protectors are no exception!"

After saying that, under the guidance of the parrot, he quickly found the entrance to the secret passage and entered the secret passage.

In the secret passage, Caiwei and Nangong Yi were interrogating the abbot and several elders, interrogating them in detail about their methods and process of defrauding the adulterer to make money.

It turns out that Baohua Temple deceived and raped women not just in one day or two. It has been doing this kind of unreasonable thing since the temple was built. It has been more than a hundred years now, but no one has ever discovered it.

Readers may ask, how could such a dirty business be concealed so well? No one knows about it for hundreds of years. It turns out that the monks in the temple were originally from poor families and were sent to the temple because they could no longer support themselves. After entering the temple, they lived every day without farming, eating without weaving, and living in high halls and monasteries. Burning incense and drinking tea are very useful, and there are women who play with it in vain, so they all regard this temple as a palace of gods, and every bar has an iron bucket. For more than a hundred years, no one has said that they will leave.

And those women, after being raped, had no shame to speak out, so they had to endure the shame, and even the shameless and lewd ones used this as an excuse to come here from time to time to have fun.

Therefore, it has been circulated for hundreds of years, but no one knows about it.

After the woman who came here was raped by the adulterous monks, she had sex with so many people and was forced to take the specially made Hahe seed pills in the temple, so the chance of getting pregnant was extremely high. The husband's family didn't know the details, so this woman After she got pregnant, she spent a lot of money, and the grateful people came to the temple to fulfill their vows. Baohua Temple also took this opportunity to make money. Over the years, everything was yellow, white, round and flat. I don’t know how much I saved, but it was all used by these bald thieves. !

After hearing these confessions, Caiwei was extremely angry, but Changmei accidentally contacted her with her mind: "Master, I have destroyed all the monks in the backyard, and only these few elders are left. Do you want me to do it?"

Caiwei heard this and sneered: "Let's do it!"

After saying that, he whispered a few words in Nangong Yi's ear. After hearing this, Nangong Yi raised his hand and used his inner strength to knock out several oil lamps hanging on the wall. Several old monks didn't know the gourd of picking Wei. As he was wondering about what kind of medicine was being sold there, the abbot suddenly felt that the treasures under his crotch were being pinched. Before he could recover, a sudden burst of pain came from him. It turned out that the two treasures had been pinched.

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