Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1722 Chrysanthemum Engagement (4)

Lord Shen also joined in persuading his daughter, and said earnestly: "Besides, you are so fat now. If Li Sheng's family were rich, they would not agree to marry into the family!"


Caiwei was amused by Master Shen's cold humor.

But, having said that, Juhua has indeed gained a bit of weight in the past few months. Her face originally had a little baby fat, but now that she has gained weight, it looks even more round, like a round apple. My body is also full of flesh, and I estimate that I am about twenty kilograms heavier than before!

Juhua was hurt by her father's truth. Her face darkened and she said, "He doesn't want to get married, and I don't want him yet. Humph, I'm not getting married anyway. Whichever one of you is trying to get married will get married to him. Okay, Caiwei, let's go." Let's go in and ignore them!"

With that said, he took Caiwei's hand and walked out angrily.

Caiwei grabbed her with her backhand and said with a smile: "Escape is not an option when encountering problems. You have to discuss with your parents whether to marry or not. However, as far as I can see, since both your parents are interested in Li If you have a baby, I believe that Li Sheng is also good. Anyway, you don’t have anyone you like, so why not just obey the wishes of the two elders and get married; however, if you have someone you like, you might as well say it now, while I am here, too So I can help you make some decisions."

Caiwei had already heard about Mo Zili jumping off a cliff for Juhua, and she was really moved. There were not many men in the world who could jump off a cliff for the woman they loved. If Mo Zili really fell in love with her, She fell in love with Juhua instead of falling in love with her because Juhua looked like Xiangyun. She would hope that Juhua would also have feelings for Mo Zili. If that was the case, she would no longer have to worry about going against Duke Li Guo, and things would be fine. Much simpler!

However, Juhua said without hesitation: "No, I don't want to get married at all, so I won't fall in love with someone!"

Hearing this, Caiwei felt a little disappointed in her heart, but she soon felt relieved. No matter what, she would respect Juhua's decision.

Caiwei saw that the family could not come up with any Ziwu Maoyou argument, so she said to Lord Shen and Cui: "Uncle, aunt, you eat first, and I will talk to her again. Maybe I can persuade her." It’s over!"

Master Shen and Mrs. Cui knew that Caiwei had something special to say to Juhua, so they hurriedly said, "Go ahead and talk, haha..."

The two returned to Juhua's yard. As soon as they entered the house, Caiwei asked solemnly: "Juhua, there is something I want to ask you. Can you answer me truthfully?"

Seeing that she was speaking solemnly, Juhua also became serious and said, "You can ask, and I'll give you an honest answer."

"Okay, tell me there, if you have to marry someone, who do you want to marry?"

Caiwei felt that Mo Zili had saved her life after all. She didn't believe that Juhua's heart would not be affected at all. A woman with high emotional intelligence would sacrifice her life to meet such a talented and handsome young man. After saving her, I'm afraid I would have promised him with my life without caring about my own life, but she acted like nothing was wrong. Her emotional intelligence was really low.

However, even if she has low emotional intelligence, she will never attribute Mo Zili's actions to sacrificing herself to save others and helping others. Now as long as she says the three words "Mo Zili", even if she hesitates to her question , she knew what she should do!

However, Juhua disappointed her once again.

She sat dejectedly on her embroidered couch and said dejectedly: "If you must marry, you can only marry the person my parents said. As you know, I am the only child of my parents. They You can't live without me!"

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