Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1711 Getting fat (1)

In the narrow aisle of the Beatitudes Hotpot City, Liu Xi saw Shen Juhua standing opposite him with a sullen expression on her face, showing no intention of giving way, so he calmly leaned aside to make way for her.

A man who was following Liu Xi flattered him and said, "Eunuch Liu, you are so generous. You actually made way for an unknown little girl. This is something ordinary people can't do."

Liu Xi said at a volume that Juhua could just hear: "I can't help it, they are so big, I can't squeeze through them even if I don't let them!"

Juhua had already walked past them with someone, and when she heard this, she almost fell down.


What's the meaning?

Is this guy laughing at her for being fat?

Juhua's face darkened, she stopped, slowly turned around and glared at Liu Xi: "Liu, what did you just say?"

Liu Xi said blankly: "What? I just said a lot of things. I wonder which sentence Miss Shen was referring to?"

Juhua said angrily: "It's what you said, 'She's so big, I can't squeeze through her even if I don't let her'!"

Liu Xi smiled: "Didn't you hear that? What else are you asking?"

Juhua choked, this damn eunuch was too cunning, she had been fooled by him!

"Are you laughing at me for being fat?"

Juhua was furious. She thought that although she was not a fair lady, she was just a little plumper than other women. This was the result of tasting a lot of delicacies after she came to Beijing. She was definitely not the big or big girl he said. Fat man.

Liu Xi said nothing and pointed at the glass door at the end of the aisle. Juhua looked back, her expression instantly chapped!

There was only a diamond-shaped bronze mirror on the dressing table at home, and there was no big mirror to reflect her whole body. This was the first time she saw her own image in such a comprehensive way. On the glass door, the shadows reflected her plump figure. Her figure was quite different from that of the woman in splendid brocade beside Liu Xi.

how so……

Did she remember that she wasn't that fat? Juhua opened her eyes wide and rubbed her face in front of the glass door. On the glass door, the plump and round girl also rubbed her face in exactly the same way.


It’s over!

The fat girl on the glass door is really her. She has only been in Beijing for a few months, and she is actually fat and out of shape!

Juhua was hit, her shoulders drooped, and even Liu Xi's fighting spirit was gone. Her whole body seemed to have been beaten by frost, and she looked at the round figure on the glass door in despair.

Since arriving in Beijing, she has seen many delicious foods that she has never eaten before. This is definitely an irresistible temptation for a foodie like her, so she ate without restraint for several months. But I never paid attention to my body shape. I didn't know that I was so fat until I was laughed at by him today!

Liu Xi looked at Ju Hua being hit and said with a smile, "Miss Shen has become a lot richer after not seeing each other for a few months. It's better now. Master Shen and Mrs. Shen are relieved."

Hearing this, Juhua turned around stupidly and looked at him stupidly, not knowing what he was talking about.

Liu Xi didn't mind explaining for her. He laughed and said, "It's good to be fat. When you go out on the streets, you don't have to worry about being noticed by gangsters. When the wind blows in spring, you don't have to worry about being blown away!"

Everyone who was following him burst into laughter. Juhua was blushing with embarrassment and no longer had the appetite to eat. She glared at Liu Xi fiercely, went downstairs with enthusiasm, and ran home. .

Behind him, Huanqiu said with a bit of laughter: "What are you doing with your knowledge like a little girl? Look at her, she's so angry that she's about to cry."

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