Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1550 Show of Affection (3)

Wanyan Jingchen was reluctant to refuse her, so he immediately called his servants and asked them to go inside and book a private room.

This theater is the largest and most magnificent theater in Qingluo Kingdom. On weekdays, it usually entertains individual tourists and fans. There is a big show in the morning and evening. Guests are not allowed to enter, or the entire team is simply invited to perform at the home of a wealthy family.

Because there are a few prosperous top names, the business of the theater is pretty good on weekdays, and dignitaries come to support almost every day.

There are also many female relatives of wealthy families who like to come here to watch the theater, but they usually book the seats on the second floor in advance. Firstly, it is quiet and comfortable to watch the theater. Secondly, there is a mix of dragons and snakes on the first floor, and there are many unknown people, so they avoid too much. Being too public and interacting with strangers.

The servants booked a private room, and Wanyan Jingchen and Xiangyun walked in. When they passed by the first floor, they saw that it was noisy inside, mostly male guests. In addition, the waiter was serving tea, water and melon seeds and cakes, which made it a bit smoky.

Wanyan Jingchen has been working outside since he was a child. He can adapt to this kind of messy environment, but he is a little worried that Xiangyun, a young lady from the Hou family, can't stand the noise here. Who would have thought that Xiangyun was very happy when he saw this messy environment? , claiming that she just likes this kind of lively and noisy place.

Although she liked it, Wanyan Jingchen didn't dare to let her stay here any longer. He took her hand and walked upstairs.

There are five private rooms on the second floor. The corridor is long, quiet and cramped. It is in sharp contrast to the bustle on the first floor. The environment is completely different. The private rooms have a quiet environment, with red woolen carpets on the floor and uniform colors. There is mahogany furniture, and there are tea fruits, etc. on the table. There is also a shelf with three-legged pear wood carved hibiscus flowers near the window. On top of it is a pot of purple root orchid with spreading branches and leaves. On the edge of the shelf is a short On the table with legs, there is a pastel beauty shrug vase with branches wrapped around it. In it is a magnolia that blooms just right, as white as jade, exuding a faint fragrance...

A transparent window with a width of ten feet was cut into the wall, and it was equipped with bright glass. It overlooked the stage on the first floor clearly, and it was even clearer than on the first floor.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang..."

On the stage, an actor dressed as a traveler was singing "North Point Red Lips" lively.

This was originally a famous joke, but Xiangyun didn't like listening to these sad lyrics and music. He pouted and said, "I thought I could listen to a cheerful song, but it's boring like this. It's really disappointing."

Wanyan Jingchen said with a smile: "Although this play is not that happy, the scenes and words are very good, the rhythmic rhythm and the "Parasite Grass" in it are also very enjoyable to listen to. Yun'er might as well be patient and listen. Listen, you might gain something."

Xiangyun waved his hands repeatedly and curled his lips and said: "That's all, I don't want to listen anymore. If you listen to it and realize the meaning of Zen, there is no temple that accepts pregnant women."

Wanyan Jingchen was amused by him and said, "Even if I accept it, I won't let you go in. That's all. Since you don't like listening to this song, why not ask them to listen to it in another one."


Before Yan Jingchen could finish calling someone, Xiangyun hurriedly stopped him and said, "So many people are listening in a lively manner. It's so immoral to interrupt everyone just because of me. Yes, you listen to me and I'll eat it." !"

As he spoke, a pair of big round eyes stopped on the table, looking around among the red and green pastries.

Wanyan Jingchen frowned and said, "The food outside may not be clean. If you want to eat something, why not ask the royal chefs in the palace to cook it for you, so as not to have a bad stomach and suffer again."

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